Library Interval.Tactic

This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2016, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the library's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. See the COPYING file for more details.

From Coq Require Import Reals List ZArith Psatz.
From Flocq Require Import Zaux.
From Coquelicot Require Import Coquelicot.

Require Import Sig.
Require Import Interval_helper.
Require Import Integral_helper.
Require Import Plot_helper.
Require Import Root_helper.
Require Import Float_full.

Inductive interval_tac_parameters : Set :=
  | i_prec (p : positive)
  | i_bisect (v : R)
  | i_autodiff (v : R)
  | i_taylor (v : R)
  | i_degree (d : nat)
  | i_depth (d : nat)
  | i_fuel (f : positive)
  | i_width (w : Z)
  | i_relwidth (w : positive)
  | i_native_compute
  | i_size (w : positive) (h : positive)
  | i_decimal
  | i_delay.

Require Tactic_float.

Module IntervalTactic (F : FloatOps with Definition sensible_format := true with Definition radix := radix2).

Module Private.

Module I1 := FloatIntervalFull F.
Module IT1 := IntegralTacticAux F I1.
Module PT1 := PlotTacticAux F I1.
Module RT1 := RootTacticAux F I1.
Module I2 := Tactic_float.Interval.
Module IT2 := IntegralTacticAux Tactic_float.Float I2.
Module PT2 := PlotTacticAux Tactic_float.Float I2.
Module RT2 := RootTacticAux Tactic_float.Float I2.

Ltac do_interval_parse params depth :=
  let rec aux fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm output params :=
    lazymatch params with
    | nilconstr:((fvar, bvars, prec, degree, depth, native, nocheck, itm, output))
    | cons (i_prec ?p) ?taux fvar bvars (Some p) degree depth native nocheck itm output t
    | cons (i_degree ?d) ?taux fvar bvars prec d depth native nocheck itm output t
    | cons (i_bisect ?x) ?taux fvar (cons x bvars) prec degree depth native nocheck itm output t
    | cons (i_autodiff ?x) ?taux (Some x) bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm_autodiff output t
    | cons (i_taylor ?x) ?taux (Some x) bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm_taylor output t
    | cons (i_depth ?d) ?taux fvar bvars prec degree d native nocheck itm output t
    | cons i_native_compute ?taux fvar bvars prec degree depth true nocheck itm output t
    | cons i_delay ?taux fvar bvars prec degree depth native true itm output t
    | cons i_decimal ?taux fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm true t
    | cons ?h _fail 100 "Unknown tactic parameter" h
    end in
  aux (@None R) (@nil R) (@None positive) 10%nat depth false false itm_naive false params.

Ltac do_interval params :=
  match do_interval_parse params 15%nat with
  | (?fvar, ?bvars, ?prec, ?degree, ?depth, ?native, ?nocheck, ?itm, _)
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      IT1.IH.do_interval fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      IT2.IH.do_interval fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm

Ltac do_interval_intro t extend params :=
  match do_interval_parse params 5%nat with
  | (?fvar, ?bvars, ?prec, ?degree, ?depth, ?native, ?nocheck, ?itm, ?output)
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      IT1.IH.do_interval_intro t extend fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm output
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      IT2.IH.do_interval_intro t extend fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck itm output

Ltac do_integral_parse params :=
  let rec aux prec degree fuel width native nocheck output params :=
    lazymatch params with
    | nilconstr:((prec, degree, fuel, width, native, nocheck, output))
    | cons (i_prec ?p) ?taux (Some p) degree fuel width native nocheck output t
    | cons (i_degree ?d) ?taux prec d fuel width native nocheck output t
    | cons (i_fuel ?f) ?taux prec degree f width native nocheck output t
    | cons (i_width ?w) ?taux prec degree fuel (w, false) native nocheck output t
    | cons (i_relwidth ?w) ?taux prec degree fuel (Zneg w, true) native nocheck output t
    | cons i_native_compute ?taux prec degree fuel width true nocheck output t
    | cons i_delay ?taux prec degree fuel width native true output t
    | cons i_decimal ?taux prec degree fuel width native nocheck true t
    | cons ?h _fail 100 "Unknown tactic parameter" h
    end in
  aux (@None positive) 10%nat 100%positive (Zneg 10, true) false false false params.

Ltac do_integral params :=
  match do_integral_parse params with
  | (?prec, ?degree, ?fuel, _, ?native, ?nocheck, _)
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      IT1.do_integral prec degree fuel native nocheck
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      IT2.do_integral prec degree fuel native nocheck

Ltac do_integral_intro y extend params :=
  match do_integral_parse params with
  | (?prec, ?degree, ?fuel, ?width, ?native, ?nocheck, ?output)
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      IT1.do_integral_intro y extend prec degree fuel width native nocheck output
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      IT2.do_integral_intro y extend prec degree fuel width native nocheck output

Ltac do_plot_parse params :=
  let rec aux prec degree width height native params :=
    lazymatch params with
    | nilconstr:((prec, degree, width, height, native))
    | cons (i_prec ?p) ?taux (Some p) degree width height native t
    | cons (i_degree ?d) ?taux prec d width height native t
    | cons (i_size ?w ?h) ?taux prec degree w h native t
    | cons i_native_compute ?taux prec degree width height true t
    | cons ?h _fail 100 "Unknown tactic parameter" h
    end in
  aux (@None positive) 10%nat 512%positive 384%positive false params.

Ltac do_plot t x1 x2 params :=
  match do_plot_parse params with
  | (?prec, ?degree, ?width, ?height, ?native)
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      PT1.do_plot t x1 x2 prec degree width height native
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      PT2.do_plot t x1 x2 prec degree width height native

Ltac do_plot_y t x1 x2 y1 y2 params :=
  match do_plot_parse params with
  | (?prec, ?degree, ?width, ?height, ?native)
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      PT1.do_plot_y t x1 x2 y1 y2 prec degree width height native
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      PT2.do_plot_y t x1 x2 y1 y2 prec degree width height native

Ltac do_root_parse params :=
  let rec aux fvar prec depth native nocheck output params :=
    lazymatch params with
    | nilconstr:((fvar, prec, depth, native, nocheck, output))
    | cons (i_autodiff ?v) ?taux (Some v) prec depth native nocheck output t
    | cons (i_prec ?p) ?taux fvar (Some p) depth native nocheck output t
    | cons (i_depth ?d) ?taux fvar prec d native nocheck output t
    | cons i_native_compute ?taux fvar prec depth true nocheck output t
    | cons i_delay ?taux fvar prec depth native true output t
    | cons i_decimal ?taux fvar prec depth native nocheck true t
    | cons ?h _fail 100 "Unknown tactic parameter" h
    end in
  aux (@None R) (@None positive) 15%nat false false false params.

Ltac do_root' Zy params :=
  match do_root_parse params with
  | (?fvar, ?prec, ?depth, ?native, ?nocheck, _)
    let x :=
      lazymatch fvar with
      | Some ?vv
      | Noneget_root_var Zy
      end in
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      RT1.do_root x Zy prec depth native nocheck
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      RT2.do_root x Zy prec depth native nocheck

Ltac do_root_intro' Zy params :=
  match do_root_parse params with
  | (?fvar, ?prec, ?depth, ?native, ?nocheck, ?output)
    let x :=
      lazymatch fvar with
      | Some ?vv
      | Noneget_root_var Zy
      end in
    lazymatch prec with
    | Some ?p
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (F.PtoP p) in
      RT1.do_root_intro x Zy prec depth native nocheck output
    | None
      let prec := eval vm_compute in (Tactic_float.Float.PtoP 53) in
      RT2.do_root_intro x Zy prec depth native nocheck output

Ltac do_root_intro_prop y1 y2 params :=
  eapply (cut_root y1 y2) ; [
    let H := fresh "H" in
    let K := fresh "K" in
    intros K H ;
    lazymatch y2 with
    | 0%Ridtac
    | _apply (Rminus_diag_eq y1 y2) in H
    end ;
    do_root_intro' H params ;
    eexact K
  | ].

Ltac do_root_intro Zy params :=
  lazymatch type of Zy with
  | R
    do_root_intro_prop Zy 0%R params
  | Prop
    lazymatch Zy with
    | ?y1 = ?y2do_root_intro_prop y1 y2 params
  | _ = 0%R
    do_root_intro' Zy params
  | ?y1 = ?y2
    let H := fresh "H" in
    assert (H := Rminus_diag_eq y1 y2 Zy) ;
    do_root_intro' H params ;
    clear H

Ltac do_root Zy params :=
    match goal with |- ?Gis_evar G end
    let params := constr:(cons i_delay params) in
    let H := fresh "H" in
    lazymatch type of Zy with
    | R
      refine (fun H : Zy = 0%R_) ;
      do_root_intro' H params
    | Prop
      refine (fun H : Zy_) ;
      do_root_intro H params
    | _ = _
      do_root_intro Zy params
    end ;
    exact (fun KK)
    lazymatch type of Zy with
    | R
      cut (Zy = 0%R) ; [
        let H := fresh "H" in
        intros H ;
        do_root' H params
      | ]
    | Prop
      cut Zy ; [
        let H := fresh "H" in
        intros H ;
        do_root H params
      | ]
    | _ = 0%R
      do_root' Zy params
    | ?y1 = ?y2
      let H := fresh "H" in
      assert (H := Rminus_diag_eq y1 y2 Zy) ;
      do_root' H params

End Private.

Import Private.

Tactic Notation "interval" :=
  do_interval (@nil interval_tac_parameters).

Tactic Notation "interval" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)).

Tactic Notation "interval" constr(t) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_none (cons i_delay nil) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "interval" constr(t) "lower" :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_upper (cons i_delay nil) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "interval" constr(t) "upper" :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_lower (cons i_delay nil) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "interval" constr(t) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_none ltac:(tuple_to_list params (cons i_delay nil)) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "interval" constr(t) "lower" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_upper ltac:(tuple_to_list params (cons i_delay nil)) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "interval" constr(t) "upper" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_lower ltac:(tuple_to_list params (cons i_delay nil)) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_none (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "lower" :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_upper (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "upper" :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_lower (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_none ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "lower" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_upper ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "upper" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_lower ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_none (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "lower" "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_upper (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "upper" "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_lower (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "with" constr(params) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_none ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "lower" "with" constr(params) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_upper ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "upper" "with" constr(params) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_interval_intro t ie_lower ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "integral" :=
  do_integral (@nil interval_tac_parameters).

Tactic Notation "integral" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_integral ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)).

Tactic Notation "integral" constr(t) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_none (cons i_delay nil) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "integral" constr(t) "lower" :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_upper (cons i_delay nil) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "integral" constr(t) "upper" :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_lower (cons i_delay nil) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "integral" constr(t) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_none ltac:(tuple_to_list params (cons i_delay nil)) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "integral" constr(t) "lower" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_upper ltac:(tuple_to_list params (cons i_delay nil)) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "integral" constr(t) "upper" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_lower ltac:(tuple_to_list params (cons i_delay nil)) ; exact (fun HH).

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_none (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "lower" :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_upper (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "upper" :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_lower (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_none ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "lower" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_upper ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "upper" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_lower ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_none (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "lower" "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_upper (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "upper" "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_lower (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "with" constr(params) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_none ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "lower" "with" constr(params) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_upper ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "integral_intro" constr(t) "upper" "with" constr(params) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_integral_intro t ie_lower ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "plot" constr(t) constr(x1) constr(x2) :=
  do_plot t x1 x2 (@nil interval_tac_parameters).

Tactic Notation "plot" constr(t) constr(x1) constr(x2) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_plot t x1 x2 ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)).

Tactic Notation "plot" constr(t) constr(x1) constr(x2) constr(y1) constr(y2) :=
  do_plot_y t x1 x2 y1 y2 (@nil interval_tac_parameters).

Tactic Notation "plot" constr(t) constr(x1) constr(x2) constr(y1) constr(y2) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_plot_y t x1 x2 y1 y2 ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)).

Tactic Notation "root" constr(Zy) :=
  do_root Zy (@nil interval_tac_parameters).

Tactic Notation "root" constr(Zy) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_root Zy ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)).

Tactic Notation "root_intro" constr(Zy) constr(x) :=
  do_root_intro x Zy (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "root_intro" constr(Zy) :=
  do_root_intro Zy (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "root_intro" constr(Zy) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_root_intro Zy ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intro.

Tactic Notation "root_intro" constr(Zy) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_root_intro Zy (@nil interval_tac_parameters) ; intros H.

Tactic Notation "root_intro" constr(Zy) "with" constr(params) "as" simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_root_intro Zy ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)) ; intros H.

End IntervalTactic.

Require Import Specific_bigint.
Require Import Specific_ops.
Module SFBI2 := SpecificFloat BigIntRadix2.
Module IT := IntervalTactic SFBI2.
Export IT.