Library Interval.Tactics.Interval_helper

This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2021, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the library's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. See the COPYING file for more details.

From Coq Require Import Reals List ZArith Psatz.
From Flocq Require Import Zaux.

Require Import Stdlib.
Require Import Xreal.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Sig.
Require Import Interval.
Require Import Eval.
Require Import Tree.
Require Import Prog.
Require Import Reify.

Inductive interval_tac_method : Set :=
  | itm_naive
  | itm_autodiff
  | itm_taylor.

Inductive interval_extent : Set :=
  | ie_none
  | ie_lower
  | ie_upper.

Ltac tuple_to_list params l :=
  match params with
  | pair ?a ?btuple_to_list a (b :: l)
  | pair _ ?bfail 100 "Unknown tactic parameter" b
  | ?bconstr:(b :: l)
  | ?bfail 100 "Unknown tactic parameter" b

Import Stdlib.Compatibility Rdefinitions.

Ltac do_interval_generalize output :=
  let H := fresh "H" in
  intro H ;
  apply output in H ;
  revert H ;
  match goal with
  | |- contains_output ?b ?t ?G
    let b' := eval vm_compute in b in
    replace b with b' by (vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl b')) ;
    let o := eval cbv -[IZR Rdiv Rle Q2R] in (contains_output b') in
    let o := eval unfold Stdlib.Compatibility.Q2R in o in
    let o := eval cbv -[IZR Rdiv Rle Q2R] in o in
    let o := eval cbv beta in (o t) in
    lazymatch o with
    | Truefail "Nothing known about" t
    | _change (o G)

Ltac do_reduction nocheck native :=
  clear ;
  lazymatch nocheck with
  | true
    match native with
    | truenative_cast_no_check (eq_refl true)
    | falsevm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true)
  | false
    match native with
    | truenative_cast_no_check (eq_refl true)
    | falsevm_cast_no_check (eq_refl true)
    end) ||
    fail "Numerical evaluation failed to conclude. You may want to adjust some parameters"

Ltac merge_vars fvar bvars :=
  let rec aux acc l :=
    match l with
    | ?v :: ?l'
      let acc := list_add v acc in
      aux acc l'
    | nilacc
    end in
  lazymatch fvar with
  | Some ?xaux (cons x nil) bvars
  | Noneaux (@nil R) bvars

Ltac get_var_indices vars bvars :=
  let rec aux1 v i l :=
    lazymatch l with
    | v :: _i
    | _ :: ?l'aux1 v (S i) l'
    end in
  let rec aux2 acc l :=
    lazymatch l with
    | ?v :: ?l'
      let i := aux1 v 0%nat vars in
      aux2 (cons i acc) l'
    | nilacc
    end in
  aux2 (@nil nat) bvars.

Ltac hide_lhs :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- ?l = _
    let l' := fresh "l" in
    set (l' := l)

Module IntervalTacticAux (I : IntervalOps).

Module J := IntervalExt I.
Module A := IntervalAlgos I.
Module T := Tree.Bnd I.
Module R := Reify.Bnd I.

Definition compute_inputs prec hyps consts :=
  R.merge_hyps prec hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) consts.

Theorem app_merge_hyps_eval_bnd :
   prec vars hyps consts,
  R.eval_hyps_bnd (R.merge_hyps prec hyps) vars
  A.contains_all (compute_inputs prec hyps consts) (vars ++ map (fun ceval c nil) consts).

Theorem eval_bisect_aux :
   prec depth idx vars hyps prog consts g fi,
  ( xi x, A.contains_all xi x
    contains (I.convert (fi xi)) (Xreal (nth 0 (eval_real prog x) 0%R)) )
  A.bisect (compute_inputs prec hyps consts) idx (fun xiR.eval_goal_bnd prec g (fi xi)) depth = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (eval_goal g (eval_real' prog vars consts)).

Theorem eval_bisect_contains_aux :
   prec depth idx vars hyps prog consts b fi,
  ( xi x, A.contains_all xi x
    contains (I.convert (fi xi)) (Xreal (nth 0 (eval_real prog x) 0%R)) )
  A.bisect (compute_inputs prec hyps consts) idx (fun xiI.subset (fi xi) b) depth = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (contains (I.convert b) (Xreal (eval_real' prog vars consts))).

Definition eval_bisect_fun prec prog xi :=
  nth 0 (A.BndValuator.eval prec prog xi) I.nai.

Definition eval_bisect prec depth idx hyps prog consts g :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  let check := R.eval_goal_bnd prec g in
  A.bisect bounds idx (fun xicheck (eval_bisect_fun prec prog xi)) depth.

Theorem eval_bisect_correct :
   prec depth idx vars hyps prog consts g,
  eval_bisect prec depth idx hyps prog consts g = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (eval_goal g (eval_real' prog vars consts)).

Definition eval_bisect_contains prec depth idx hyps prog consts b :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  A.bisect bounds idx (fun xiI.subset (eval_bisect_fun prec prog xi) b) depth.

Theorem eval_bisect_contains_correct :
   prec depth idx vars hyps prog consts b,
  eval_bisect_contains prec depth idx hyps prog consts b = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (contains (I.convert b) (Xreal (eval_real' prog vars consts))).

Definition eval_bisect_plain prec depth extend idx hyps prog consts :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  A.lookup (eval_bisect_fun prec prog) bounds idx extend depth.

Definition eval_bisect_diff_fun prec prog xi :=
  match xi with
  | nilI.nai
  | xi :: liA.DiffValuator.eval prec prog li 0 xi

Definition eval_bisect_diff prec depth idx hyps prog consts g :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  let check := R.eval_goal_bnd prec g in
  A.bisect bounds idx (fun xicheck (eval_bisect_diff_fun prec prog xi)) depth.

Theorem eval_bisect_diff_correct :
   prec depth idx vars hyps prog consts g,
  eval_bisect_diff prec depth idx hyps prog consts g = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (eval_goal g (eval_real' prog vars consts)).

Definition eval_bisect_contains_diff prec depth idx hyps prog consts b :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  A.bisect bounds idx (fun xiI.subset (eval_bisect_diff_fun prec prog xi) b) depth.

Theorem eval_bisect_contains_diff_correct :
   prec depth idx vars hyps prog consts b,
  eval_bisect_contains_diff prec depth idx hyps prog consts b = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (contains (I.convert b) (Xreal (eval_real' prog vars consts))).

Definition eval_bisect_diff_plain prec depth extend idx hyps prog consts :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  A.lookup (eval_bisect_diff_fun prec prog) bounds idx extend depth.

Definition eval_bisect_taylor_fun prec deg prog xi :=
  match xi with
  | nilI.nai
  | xi :: li
    let li := A.TaylorValuator.TM.var :: map A.TaylorValuator.TM.const li in
    A.TaylorValuator.TM.eval (prec, deg)
      (nth 0 (A.TaylorValuator.eval prec deg xi prog li) A.TaylorValuator.TM.dummy) xi xi

Definition eval_bisect_taylor prec deg depth idx hyps prog consts g :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  let check := R.eval_goal_bnd prec g in
  A.bisect bounds idx (fun xicheck (eval_bisect_taylor_fun prec deg prog xi)) depth.

Theorem eval_bisect_taylor_correct :
   prec deg depth idx vars hyps prog consts g,
  eval_bisect_taylor prec deg depth idx hyps prog consts g = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (eval_goal g (eval_real' prog vars consts)).

Definition eval_bisect_contains_taylor prec deg depth idx hyps prog consts b :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  A.bisect bounds idx (fun xiI.subset (eval_bisect_taylor_fun prec deg prog xi) b) depth.

Theorem eval_bisect_contains_taylor_correct :
   prec deg depth idx vars hyps prog consts b,
  eval_bisect_contains_taylor prec deg depth idx hyps prog consts b = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (contains (I.convert b) (Xreal (eval_real' prog vars consts))).

Definition eval_bisect_taylor_plain prec deg depth extend idx hyps prog consts :=
  let bounds := compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
  A.lookup (eval_bisect_taylor_fun prec deg prog) bounds idx extend depth.

Definition extent e :=
  match e with
  | ie_nonefun vv
  | ie_lowerI.lower_extent
  | ie_upperI.upper_extent

Ltac do_interval fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck eval_tac :=
  let vars := merge_vars fvar bvars in
  let idx := get_var_indices vars bvars in
  massage_goal ;
  reify_full vars ;
  lazymatch eval_tac with
  | itm_naiveapply (eval_bisect_correct prec depth idx)
  | itm_autodiffapply (eval_bisect_diff_correct prec depth idx)
  | itm_taylorapply (eval_bisect_taylor_correct prec degree depth idx)
  end ;
  do_reduction nocheck native.

Ltac do_instantiate i extend native yi :=
  let yi :=
    lazymatch native with
    | trueeval native_compute in (extend yi)
    | falseeval vm_compute in (extend yi)
    end in
  instantiate (i := yi).

Ltac do_interval_intro y extend fvar bvars prec degree depth native nocheck eval_tac output :=
  let extend := constr:(extent extend) in
  let vars := merge_vars fvar bvars in
  let idx := get_var_indices vars bvars in
  let i := fresh "__i" in
  evar (i : I.type) ;
  cut (contains (I.convert i) (Xreal y))%R ; cycle 1 ; [
    let vars := get_vars y vars in
    reify_partial y vars ;
    apply (eq_ind _ (fun zcontains (I.convert i) (Xreal z))) ;
    find_hyps vars ;
    lazymatch eval_tac with
    | itm_naive
      apply (eval_bisect_contains_correct prec depth idx) ;
      match goal with
      | |- _ ?hyps ?prog ?consts _ = true
        do_instantiate i extend native (eval_bisect_plain prec depth extend idx hyps prog consts)
    | itm_autodiff
      apply (eval_bisect_contains_diff_correct prec depth idx) ;
      match goal with
      | |- _ ?hyps ?prog ?consts _ = true
        do_instantiate i extend native (eval_bisect_diff_plain prec depth extend idx hyps prog consts)
    | itm_taylor
      apply (eval_bisect_contains_taylor_correct prec degree depth idx) ;
      match goal with
      | |- _ ?hyps ?prog ?consts _ = true
        do_instantiate i extend native (eval_bisect_taylor_plain prec degree depth extend idx hyps prog consts)
    end ;
    do_reduction nocheck native
  | unfold i ; clear i ;
    do_interval_generalize (I.output_correct output) ].

Module SimpleTactic.

Inductive interval_tac_parameters : Set :=
  | i_prec (p : positive)
  | i_bisect (v : R)
  | i_autodiff (v : R)
  | i_taylor (v : R)
  | i_degree (d : nat)
  | i_depth (d : nat).

Ltac do_interval_parse params depth :=
  let rec aux fvar bvars prec degree depth itm params :=
    lazymatch params with
    | nilconstr:((fvar, bvars, prec, degree, depth, itm))
    | cons (i_prec ?p) ?taux fvar bvars p degree depth itm t
    | cons (i_degree ?d) ?taux fvar bvars prec d depth itm t
    | cons (i_bisect ?x) ?taux fvar (cons x bvars) prec degree depth itm t
    | cons (i_autodiff ?x) ?taux (Some x) bvars prec degree depth itm_autodiff t
    | cons (i_taylor ?x) ?taux (Some x) bvars prec degree depth itm_taylor t
    | cons (i_depth ?d) ?taux fvar bvars prec degree d itm t
    | cons ?h _fail 100 "Unknown tactic parameter" h
    end in
  aux (@None R) (@nil R) 53%positive 10%nat depth itm_naive params.

Ltac do_interval_ params :=
  match do_interval_parse params 15%nat with
  | (?fvar, ?bvars, ?prec, ?degree, ?depth, ?itm)
    let prec := eval vm_compute in (I.F.PtoP prec) in
    do_interval fvar bvars prec degree depth false false itm

Ltac do_interval_intro_ t extend params :=
  match do_interval_parse params 5%nat with
  | (?fvar, ?bvars, ?prec, ?degree, ?depth, ?itm)
    let prec := eval vm_compute in (I.F.PtoP prec) in
    do_interval_intro t extend fvar bvars prec degree depth false false itm false

Tactic Notation "interval" :=
  do_interval_ (@nil interval_tac_parameters).

Tactic Notation "interval" "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_ ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)).

Tactic Notation "interval_intro" constr(t) "with" constr(params) :=
  do_interval_intro_ t ie_none ltac:(tuple_to_list params (@nil interval_tac_parameters)).

End SimpleTactic.

End IntervalTacticAux.