Library Interval.Tactics.Plot_helper
This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of
real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2021, Inria
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abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
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From Coq Require Import Reals List.
Require Import Sig.
Require Import Generic_proof.
Require Import Interval_helper.
Require Import Xreal Interval Tree Reify Prog.
Definition reify_var : R.
Definition plot2 (f : R → R) (ox dx oy dy : R) (h : Z) (l : list (Z × Z)) :=
∀ i x, (ox + dx × INR i ≤ x ≤ ox + dx × INR (S i))%R →
(oy ≤ f x ≤ oy + dy × IZR h)%R →
let r := nth i l (0%Z, h) in
(oy + dy × IZR (fst r) ≤ f x ≤ oy + dy × IZR (snd r))%R.
Module PlotTacticAux (F : FloatOps with Definition radix := Zaux.radix2 with Definition sensible_format := true) (I : IntervalOps with Module F := F).
Module F' := FloatExt F.
Module IH := IntervalTacticAux I.
Import IH.
Definition plot1 (f : R → R) (ox dx : R) (l : list I.type) :=
∀ i x, (ox + dx × INR i ≤ x ≤ ox + dx × INR (S i))%R →
contains (I.convert (nth i l I.nai)) (Xreal (f x)).
Lemma plot_ext :
∀ f g u d l,
(∀ x, f x = g x) →
plot1 f u d l → plot1 g u d l.
Fixpoint bound_plot_aux prec (fi : I.type → I.type) (ui di : I.type) (xz : Z) (i : nat) (acc : I.type) : I.type :=
match i with
| O ⇒ acc
| S i ⇒
let xz := Z.succ xz in
let xi := I.add prec ui (I.mul prec di (I.fromZ prec xz)) in
bound_plot_aux prec fi ui di xz i (I.join (fi xi) acc)
Definition bound_plot prec hyps pf cf oxi dxi nb :=
let bounds := R.merge_hyps prec hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cf in
let fi xi := nth 0 (A.BndValuator.eval prec pf (xi :: bounds)) I.nai in
bound_plot_aux prec fi oxi dxi 0%Z (Z.to_nat nb) (fi oxi).
Fixpoint sample_plot_aux prec (gi : I.type → I.type → I.type) (check : I.type → bool) (ui di zi2 : I.type) (fi : I.type → I.type) (i : nat) (mz xz rz : Z) (acc : list I.type) : list I.type :=
match i with
| O ⇒ acc
| S i ⇒
let xz' := Z.pred xz in
let xi1 := I.add prec ui (I.mul prec di (I.fromZ prec xz')) in
let xi2 := I.add prec ui (I.mul prec di (I.fromZ prec xz)) in
let xi := I.join xi1 xi2 in
let zi1 := fi xi1 in
let yi := fi xi in
let c := andb
(orb (check ( yi (I.lower_extent zi1))) (check ( yi (I.upper_extent zi1))))
(orb (check ( yi (I.lower_extent zi2))) (check ( yi (I.upper_extent zi2)))) in
let yizi :=
if c then (yi, zi1)
else let fi := gi xi in (fi xi, fi xi1) in
let mz' :=
if Z.eqb mz xz' then (mz - Z.div2 (3 × rz))%Z
else if c then mz
else (xz' - 1 - Z.div2 rz)%Z in
let mz' :=
if Z.ltb mz' 0%Z then 0%Z else mz' in
let firz :=
if Z.eqb mz mz' then (fi, rz)
let xi0 := I.add prec ui (I.mul prec di (I.fromZ prec mz')) in
(gi (I.join xi0 xi1), (xz' - mz'))%Z in
let acc := fst yizi :: acc in
sample_plot_aux prec gi check ui di (snd yizi) (fst firz) i mz' xz' (snd firz) acc
Definition sample_plot prec deg check hyps pf cf oxi dxi nb :=
let hyps := R.merge_hyps prec hyps in
let gi :=
let bounds := hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cf in
let fi xi := nth 0 (A.BndValuator.eval prec pf (xi :: bounds)) I.nai in
let bounds := A.TaylorValuator.TM.var :: map A.TaylorValuator.TM.const bounds in
fun yi ⇒
let zi := fi yi in
let fi := nth 0 (A.TaylorValuator.eval prec deg yi pf bounds) A.TaylorValuator.TM.dummy in
fun xi ⇒
let zi' := A.TaylorValuator.TM.eval (prec, deg) fi yi xi in
if I.subset xi yi then zi zi' else zi' in
let ui := I.add prec oxi (I.mul prec dxi (I.fromZ prec 0)) in
let vi := I.add prec oxi (I.mul prec dxi (I.fromZ prec nb)) in
sample_plot_aux prec gi check oxi dxi I.whole (gi (I.join ui vi)) (Z.to_nat nb) 0%Z nb nb nil.
Lemma sample_plot_correct :
∀ prec deg check vars hyps pf cf oxi dxi ox dx nb l,
contains (I.convert oxi) (Xreal ox) →
contains (I.convert dxi) (Xreal dx) →
sample_plot prec deg check hyps pf cf oxi dxi (Zpos nb) = l →
eval_hyps hyps vars (
plot1 (fun t ⇒ eval_real' pf (t :: vars) cf) ox dx l).
Definition clamp_lower (v : Basic.float Basic.radix2) (h : Z) :=
match v with
| Basic.Fzero ⇒ 0%Z
| Basic.Fnan ⇒ 0%Z
| Basic.Float true _ _ ⇒ 0%Z
| Basic.Float false m e ⇒
let v := Z.shiftl (Zpos m) e in
if Z.leb h v then h else v
Definition clamp_upper (v : Basic.float Basic.radix2) (h : Z) :=
match v with
| Basic.Fzero ⇒ 0%Z
| Basic.Fnan ⇒ h
| Basic.Float true _ _ ⇒ 0%Z
| Basic.Float false m e ⇒
let v:=
match e with
| Z0 ⇒ Zpos m
| Zpos e' ⇒ Z.shiftl (Zpos m) e
| Zneg e' ⇒ Z.shiftl (Zpos m + (Z.shiftl 1 (Zpos e')) - 1) e
end in
if Z.leb h v then h else v
Definition clamp (xi : I.type) (h : Z) :=
(clamp_lower (F.toF (I.lower xi)) h, clamp_upper (F.toF (I.upper xi)) h).
Theorem clamp_correct :
∀ xi h x,
contains (I.convert xi) (Xreal x) →
(0 ≤ x ≤ IZR h)%R →
let yi := clamp xi h in
(IZR (fst yi) ≤ x ≤ IZR (snd yi))%R.
Fixpoint clamp_plot prec (vi ei : I.type) (h : Z) (l : list I.type) : list (Z × Z) :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ nil
| cons yi l ⇒
let r := clamp (I.mul prec (I.sub prec yi vi) ei) h in
cons r (clamp_plot prec vi ei h l)
Lemma affine_transf :
∀ oy dy y1 y2 y : R,
(0 < dy)%R →
(oy + dy × y1 ≤ y ≤ oy + dy × y2)%R ↔ (y1 ≤ (y - oy) / dy ≤ y2)%R.
Lemma clamp_plot_correct :
∀ prec oyi dyi f ox dx oy dy h l1 l2,
(0 < dy)%R →
contains (I.convert oyi) (Xreal oy) →
contains (I.convert dyi) (Xreal (/dy)) →
clamp_plot prec oyi dyi h l1 = l2 →
plot1 f ox dx l1 →
plot2 f ox dx oy dy h l2.
Definition get_bounds (prec : F.precision) (l : list I.type): F.type × F.type :=
let yi :=
match l with
| cons hi l ⇒ List.fold_left I.join l hi
| nil ⇒ I.empty
end in
let yl := I.lower yi in
let yu := I.upper yi in
let yw := F.sub_UP prec yu yl in
(F.sub_DN prec yu yw, F.add_UP prec yl yw).
Ltac unify_eq native :=
match goal with
| |- ?f ?p1 = ?p2 ⇒
match native with
| true ⇒
let p1 := eval hnf in p1 in
let p := eval native_compute in (f p1) in
instantiate (p2 := p) ;
native_cast_no_check (eq_refl p2)
| false ⇒
let p1 := eval hnf in p1 in
let p := eval vm_compute in (f p1) in
instantiate (p2 := p) ;
vm_cast_no_check (eq_refl p2)
Ltac plot1_aux1 prec x1 x2 w h d native tac_b :=
let x1 := reify x1 constr:(@nil R) in
let x2 := reify x2 constr:(@nil R) in
let ox := eval vm_compute in (I.lower (T.eval_bnd prec x1)) in
let dx := eval vm_compute in (F.div_UP prec (F.sub_UP prec (I.upper (T.eval_bnd prec x2)) ox) (F.fromZ_DN prec (Zpos w))) in
let oxr := eval cbv -[IZR Rdiv] in (proj_val (I.F.convert ox)) in
let dxr := eval cbv -[IZR Rdiv] in (proj_val (I.F.convert dx)) in
match goal with
| |- plot1 ?f ?ox' ?dx' ?p ⇒
unify ox' oxr ;
unify dx' dxr ;
let fapp := eval cbv beta in (f reify_var) in
let vars := constr:((reify_var :: nil)%list) in
let vars := get_vars fapp vars in
let vars :=
match get_vars fapp vars with
| (reify_var :: ?vars)%list ⇒ vars
end in
eapply plot_ext ; [
let t := fresh "t" in
intros t ; hide_lhs ;
let fapp := eval cbv beta in (f t) in
reify_partial fapp (t :: vars) ;
exact (fun H ⇒ H) |] ;
find_hyps vars ;
let y1y2 := tac_b prec ox dx w in
let thr := eval vm_compute in (F.div_UP prec (F.sub_UP prec (snd y1y2) (fst y1y2)) (F.fromZ_DN prec (Zpos h))) in
apply (sample_plot_correct prec) with
(deg := d) (nb := w) (l := p)
(check := fun yi ⇒ F'.le' (F.sub_UP prec (I.upper yi) (I.lower yi)) thr)
(1 := I.singleton_correct ox)
(2 := I.singleton_correct dx) ;
unify_eq native
Ltac plot2_aux prec x1 x2 w d native tac_t tac_b :=
match goal with
| |- plot2 ?f ?ox ?dx ?oy' ?dy' (Zpos ?h) ?p2 ⇒
let p1 := fresh "__p1" in
evar (p1 : list I.type) ;
let Hp := fresh "__Hp" in
assert (Hp: plot1 f ox dx p1) by plot1_aux1 prec x1 x2 w h d native tac_t ;
revert Hp ;
let y1y2 := tac_b prec in
let oy := constr:(fst y1y2) in
let dy := eval vm_compute in (F.div_UP prec (F.sub_UP prec (snd y1y2) oy) (F.fromZ_DN prec (Zpos h))) in
let oyr := eval cbv -[IZR Rdiv] in (proj_val (I.F.convert oy)) in
let dyr := eval cbv -[IZR Rdiv] in (proj_val (I.F.convert dy)) in
unify oy' oyr ;
unify dy' dyr ;
refine (clamp_plot_correct prec _ _ _ _ _ oyr dyr _ _ _ _ (I.singleton_correct oy) (J.inv_correct prec _ _ (I.singleton_correct dy)) _) ;
[ try apply IZR_lt ;
apply Rdiv_lt_0_compat ;
now apply IZR_lt
| unify_eq false ]
Definition get_threshold prec hyps pf cf ox dx w :=
let w' := 50%Z in
let dx := I.mul prec (I.singleton dx) (I.div prec (I.fromZ prec (Zpos w)) (I.fromZ prec w')) in
let yi := bound_plot prec hyps pf cf (I.singleton ox) dx w' in
(I.lower yi, I.upper yi).
Ltac plot_get_threshold prec ox dx w :=
match goal with
| |- eval_hyps ?hyps _ (plot1 (fun t ⇒ eval_real' ?pf (t :: _) ?cf) _ _ _) ⇒
eval vm_compute in (get_threshold prec hyps pf cf ox dx w)
Ltac plot_get_bounds prec :=
match goal with
| |- plot1 _ _ _ ?p → _ ⇒
let p := eval vm_compute in p in
eval vm_compute in (get_bounds prec p)
Ltac plot_y_get_threshold y1 y2 prec ox dx w := constr:((y1, y2)).
Ltac plot_y_get_bounds y1 y2 prec := constr:((y1, y2)).
Ltac do_plot f x1 x2 prec degree width height native :=
let p := fresh "__p2" in
evar (p : list (Z × Z)) ;
refine (_: plot2 f _ _ _ _ (Zpos height) p) ;
plot2_aux prec x1 x2 width degree native plot_get_threshold plot_get_bounds.
Ltac do_plot_y f x1 x2 y1 y2 prec degree width height native :=
let p := fresh "__p2" in
let y1 := reify y1 constr:(@nil R) in
let y2 := reify y2 constr:(@nil R) in
let y1 := eval vm_compute in (I.lower (T.eval_bnd prec y1)) in
let y2 := eval vm_compute in (I.upper (T.eval_bnd prec y2)) in
evar (p : list (Z × Z)) ;
refine (_: plot2 f _ _ _ _ (Zpos height) p) ;
plot2_aux prec x1 x2 width degree native ltac:(plot_y_get_threshold y1 y2) ltac:(plot_y_get_bounds y1 y2).
End PlotTacticAux.