Library Interval.Tactics.Root_helper

This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2021, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the library's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. See the COPYING file for more details.

From Coq Require Import Reals List ZArith Psatz.
From Flocq Require Import Zaux.

Require Import Stdlib.
Require Import Xreal.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Sig.
Require Import Interval.
Require Import Eval.
Require Import Tree.
Require Import Prog.
Require Import Reify.
Require Import Interval_helper.

Lemma cut_root :
   (x y : R) (G P : Prop),
  ((P G) x = y G) ((x = y P) G) G.

Ltac get_root_var Zy :=
  let y :=
    lazymatch type of Zy with
    | ?y = _y
    | RZy
    | Prop
      match Zy with
      | ?y = _y
    | _fail "No variable found"
    end in
  lazymatch Tree.get_vars y (@nil R) with
  | ?x :: _x
  | _fail "No variable found"

Module RootTacticAux (F : FloatOps with Definition radix := Zaux.radix2 with Definition sensible_format := true) (I : IntervalOps with Module F := F).

Module F' := FloatExt F.
Module IH := IntervalTacticAux I.
Import IH.

Definition check_goal prec hyps pg cg g :=
  let bounds := hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cg in
  let check := R.eval_goal_bnd prec g in
  fun bcheck (nth 0 (A.BndValuator.eval prec pg (b :: bounds)) I.nai).

Definition fast_enough prec xi xi' :=
  if I.bounded xi then
    let (xi1, _) := I.bisect xi in
    I.wider prec xi1 xi'
  else I.bounded xi'.

Fixpoint refine_root_aux depth prec prog bounds xi (check : I.type bool) :=
  match depth with
  | S depth
    let xi' := A.DiffValuator.root prec prog bounds xi in
    if check xi' then true
    else if fast_enough prec xi xi' then
      refine_root_aux depth prec prog bounds xi' check
      let (xi1,xi2) := I.bisect xi' in
      if refine_root_aux depth prec prog bounds xi1 check then
        refine_root_aux depth prec prog bounds xi2 check
      else false
  | Ofalse

Definition refine_root prec depth hyps px cx pf cf pg cg g :=
  let hyps := R.merge_hyps prec hyps in
  let xi := nth 0 (A.BndValuator.eval prec px (hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cx)) I.nai in
  let check := check_goal prec hyps pg cg g in
  refine_root_aux depth prec pf (hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cf) xi check.

Theorem refine_root_correct :
   prec depth vars hyps px cx pf cf pg cg g,
  refine_root prec depth hyps px cx pf cf pg cg g = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (eval_real' pf (eval_real' px vars cx :: vars) cf = 0%R
    eval_goal g (eval_real' pg (eval_real' px vars cx :: vars) cg)).

Definition root_contains prec depth hyps px cx pf cf b :=
  let hyps := R.merge_hyps prec hyps in
  let xi := nth 0 (A.BndValuator.eval prec px (hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cx)) I.nai in
  refine_root_aux depth prec pf (hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cf) xi (fun xiI.subset xi b).

Theorem root_contains_correct :
   prec depth vars hyps px cx pf cf b,
  root_contains prec depth hyps px cx pf cf b = true
  eval_hyps hyps vars (eval_real' pf (eval_real' px vars cx :: vars) cf = 0%R
    contains (I.convert b) (Xreal (eval_real' px vars cx ))).

Fixpoint root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi loc :=
  match depth with
  | S depth
    let xi' := A.DiffValuator.root prec prog bounds xi in
    if I.is_empty xi' then xi'
    else if fast_enough prec xi xi' then
      root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi' loc
      let (xi1,xi2) := I.bisect xi' in
        match loc with
        | Eq
          let xi1' := root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi1 Lt in
          if I.is_empty xi1' then
            root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi2 Eq
            let xi2' := root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi2 Gt in
            if I.is_empty xi2' then
              I.join xi1' (root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi1 Gt)
            else I.join xi1' xi2'
        | Lt
          let xi1' := root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi1 Lt in
          if I.is_empty xi1' then
            root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi2 Lt
          else xi1'
        | Gt
          let xi2' := root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi2 Gt in
          if I.is_empty xi2' then
            root_plain_aux depth prec prog bounds xi1 Gt
          else xi2'
  | Oxi

Definition root_plain prec depth hyps px cx pf cf :=
  let hyps := R.merge_hyps prec hyps in
  let xi := nth 0 (A.BndValuator.eval prec px (hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cx)) I.nai in
  root_plain_aux depth prec pf (hyps ++ map (T.eval_bnd prec) cf) xi Eq.

Ltac do_root x Zy prec depth native nocheck :=
  massage_goal ;
  let y :=
    match type of Zy with
    | (?y = 0)%Ry
    | _fail "Not an equality to zero"
    end in
  match goal with
  | |- eval_goal ?g' ?z
    let g := fresh "__goal" in
    set (g := g') ;
    let vars := get_vars x (@nil R) in
    let vars := get_vars y vars in
    let vars := get_vars z vars in
    let vars' := constr:(x :: vars) in
    reify_partial z vars' ;
    intros <- ;
    revert Zy ;
    reify_partial y vars' ;
    intros <- ;
    let v := fresh "__vars" in
    set (v := vars) ;
    reify_partial x vars ;
    intros <- ;
    find_hyps vars ;
    apply (refine_root_correct prec depth)
  end ;
  do_reduction nocheck native.

Ltac do_root_intro x Zy prec depth native nocheck output :=
  let y :=
    match type of Zy with
    | ?y = 0%Ry
    | _fail "Not an equality to zero"
    end in
  let i := fresh "__i" in
  evar (i : I.type) ;
  cut (contains (I.convert i) (Xreal x))%R ; cycle 1 ; [
    let vars := get_vars x (@nil R) in
    let vars := get_vars y vars in
    let vars' := constr:(x :: vars) in
    revert Zy ;
    reify_partial y vars' ;
    intros <- ;
    let v := fresh "__vars" in
    set (v := vars) ;
    reify_partial x vars ;
    intros <- ;
    find_hyps vars ;
    apply (root_contains_correct prec depth v) ;
    match goal with
    | |- _ ?hyps ?px ?cx ?pf ?cf _ = true
      do_instantiate i (fun xi : I.typexi) native (root_plain prec depth hyps px cx pf cf)
    end ;
    do_reduction nocheck native
  | unfold i ; clear i ;
    do_interval_generalize (I.output_correct output) ].

End RootTacticAux.