Library Interval.Language.Lang_simpl

From Coq Require Import Bool Floats Reals List Lia Lra.
From Flocq Require Import Core PrimFloat BinarySingleNaN Operations.

Require Import Specific_bigint Specific_ops.
Require Import Interval_helper.
Require Import Float_full.
Require Import Prog.
Require Import Lang_expr.

Local Open Scope R_scope.

Ltac destruct_tuple := try match goal with
  | |- match ?t with __ endmatch type of t with
    | prod _ _rewrite (surjective_pairing t); destruct_tuple end end.

Ltac destruct_tuple_hyp H := try match type of H with
  | match ?t with __ endmatch type of t with
    | prod _ _rewrite (surjective_pairing t) in H; destruct_tuple_hyp H end end.

Ltac destruct_tuple_obj t := try match type of t with
  | prod _ _rewrite (surjective_pairing t) in *; destruct_tuple_obj (fst t) end.

Fixpoint toList {Tl} : evalExprTypeReal_list Tl list R :=
  match Tl with
  | nilfun _nil
  | _ :: Tl'fun llet x := fst l in let l' := snd l in x :: toList l'

Fixpoint exprsucc t := match t with
  | Tree.Evar nTree.Evar (S n)
  | Tree.Econst _t
  | Tree.Eunary op t'Tree.Eunary op (exprsucc t')
  | Tree.Ebinary op t1 t2Tree.Ebinary op (exprsucc t1) (exprsucc t2) end.

Lemma eval_exprsucc : t l x, Tree.eval (exprsucc t) (x :: l) = Tree.eval t l.

Inductive CArithOp := CADD | CSUB | CMUL | CFLTDIV | CINTDIV.

Definition ArithOpToCArithOp T OP := match OP with
  | DIVmatch T with
    | IntegerCINTDIV
    | BinFloatCFLTDIV

Definition rounding_mode_of_mode md := match md with
  | mode_NE | mode_NABasic.rnd_NE
  | mode_ZRBasic.rnd_ZR
  | mode_DNBasic.rnd_DN
  | mode_UPBasic.rnd_UP

Inductive CArithExpr :=
  | CInt: Z CArithExpr
  | CBinFl: Z Z CArithExpr
  | CVar: nat CArithExpr
  | COp: CArithOp CArithExpr CArithExpr CArithExpr
  | CRnd: mode CArithExpr CArithExpr
  | CNearbyint: CArithExpr CArithExpr
  | CTrunc: CArithExpr CArithExpr
  | CLdexp: CArithExpr CArithExpr CArithExpr
  | CSqrt: CArithExpr CArithExpr.

Fixpoint CArithExprToTree t := match t with
  | CInt nTree.Econst (Tree.Int n)
  | CBinFl n1 n2Tree.Ebinary Tree.Mul (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int n1)) (Tree.Econst (Tree.Bpow 2 n2))
  | CVar nTree.Evar n
  | COp OP t1 t2let u1 := CArithExprToTree t1 in let u2 := CArithExprToTree t2 in match OP with
    | CADDTree.Ebinary Tree.Add u1 u2
    | CSUBTree.Ebinary Tree.Sub u1 u2
    | CMULTree.Ebinary Tree.Mul u1 u2
    | CFLTDIVTree.Ebinary Tree.Div u1 u2
    | CINTDIVTree.Eunary (Tree.Nearbyint Basic.rnd_ZR) (Tree.Ebinary Tree.Div u1 u2)
  | CRnd md t'Tree.Eunary (Tree.RoundFlt (rounding_mode_of_mode md) Rrnd.emin Format64.prec) (CArithExprToTree t')
  | CNearbyint t'Tree.Eunary (Tree.Nearbyint Basic.rnd_NE) (CArithExprToTree t')
  | CTrunc t'Tree.Eunary (Tree.Nearbyint Basic.rnd_ZR) (CArithExprToTree t')
  | CLdexp t' pTree.Econst (Tree.Int 0)
  | CSqrt t'Tree.Eunary Tree.Sqrt (CArithExprToTree t') end.

Fixpoint Psucc t := match t with
  | CInt _ | CBinFl _ _t
  | CVar nCVar (S n)
  | COp OP t1 t2COp OP (Psucc t1) (Psucc t2)
  | CRnd md t'CRnd md (Psucc t')
  | CNearbyint t'CNearbyint (Psucc t')
  | CTrunc t'CTrunc (Psucc t')
  | CLdexp t' pCLdexp (Psucc t') (Psucc p)
  | CSqrt t'CSqrt (Psucc t') end.

Lemma CArithExprToTree_Psucc : t, CArithExprToTree (Psucc t) = exprsucc (CArithExprToTree t).

Definition evalCArithExpr1 t l := Tree.eval (CArithExprToTree t) l.

Fixpoint evalCArithExpr2 t l := match t with
  | CInt nIZR n
  | CBinFl n1 n2IZR n1 × Rpow2 n2
  | CVar nnth n l R0
  | COp OP t1 t2let x1 := evalCArithExpr2 t1 l in let x2 := evalCArithExpr2 t2 l in
    match OP with
    | CADD(evalCArithExpr2 t1 l) + (evalCArithExpr2 t2 l)
    | CSUB(evalCArithExpr2 t1 l) - (evalCArithExpr2 t2 l)
    | CMUL(evalCArithExpr2 t1 l) × (evalCArithExpr2 t2 l)
    | CFLTDIV(evalCArithExpr2 t1 l) / (evalCArithExpr2 t2 l)
    | CINTDIV ⇒ @Rrnd.nearbyint mode_ZR ((evalCArithExpr2 t1 l) / (evalCArithExpr2 t2 l))
  | CRnd md t'round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) (round_mode md) (evalCArithExpr2 t' l)
  | CNearbyint t' ⇒ @Rrnd.nearbyint mode_NE (evalCArithExpr2 t' l)
  | CTrunc t' ⇒ @Rrnd.nearbyint mode_ZR (evalCArithExpr2 t' l)
  | CLdexp t' p ⇒ ((evalCArithExpr2 t' l) × Rpower 2 (evalCArithExpr2 p l))
  | CSqrt t'sqrt (evalCArithExpr2 t' l) end.

Lemma evalCArithExpr2_succ : t l x, evalCArithExpr2 (Psucc t) (x :: l) = evalCArithExpr2 t l.

Inductive Atom :=

  | InInt32: CArithExpr Atom
  | InInt51: CArithExpr Atom
  | InInt64: CArithExpr Atom
  | InFloat64: CArithExpr Atom
  | InFloat64Int: CArithExpr Atom
  | NonZero: CArithExpr Atom
  | NonNeg: CArithExpr Atom
  | RndExact: mode CArithExpr Atom
  | LdexpControl: Z CArithExpr CArithExpr Atom

Definition AtomToProp g l := match g with
  | InInt32 t- IZR (Int32.N / 2) evalCArithExpr2 t l IZR (Int32.N / 2 - 1)
  | InInt51 t ⇒ -2251799813685248 evalCArithExpr2 t l 2251799813685247
  | InInt64 t- IZR (Int64.N / 2) evalCArithExpr2 t l IZR (Int64.N / 2 - 1)
  | InFloat64 tRabs (evalCArithExpr2 t l) Rrnd.maxval
  | InFloat64Int tRabs (evalCArithExpr2 t l) Rpow2 53
  | NonZero tevalCArithExpr2 t l 0
  | NonNeg t ⇒ 0 evalCArithExpr2 t l
  | RndExact md tlet u := evalCArithExpr2 t l in round radix2 (FLT_exp emin prec) (round_mode md) u = u
  | LdexpControl n t p
    Rabs (evalCArithExpr2 t l) IZR (radix2 ^ Rrnd.prec - 1) × Rpow2 (n - Rrnd.prec)
    IZR n + evalCArithExpr2 p l IZR Rrnd.emax end.

Inductive CProp :=
  | CTrue | CFalse
  | CAtom: Atom CProp

  | CAnd: CProp CProp CProp.

Fixpoint CPropToProp p l := match p with
  | CFalseFalse
  | CTrueTrue
  | CAtom iAtomToProp i l
  | CAnd p1 p2CPropToProp p1 l CPropToProp p2 l end.

Fixpoint simplifyCProp p := match p with
  | CFalseCFalse
  | CTrueCTrue
  | CAtom iCAtom i
  | CAnd p1 p2match simplifyCProp p1, simplifyCProp p2 with
    | CTrue, p' | p', CTruep'
    | p1', p2'CAnd p1' p2' end

Lemma simplifyCProp_correct :
   p l, CPropToProp (simplifyCProp p) l CPropToProp p l.

Fixpoint list_var_aux n init := match n with
  | Onil
  | S n'CVar init :: list_var_aux n' (S init) end.

Lemma length_list_var_aux : n i, length (list_var_aux n i) = n.

Lemma nth_list_var_aux_S: n k i t, nth (S n) (list_var_aux (S k) i) (Psucc t) =
  Psucc (nth n (list_var_aux k i) t).

Definition list_var n := list_var_aux n O.

Lemma list_var_correct1 : Tl (l : evalExprTypeReal_list Tl) n,
evalCArithExpr1 (nth n (list_var (length Tl)) (CInt 0)) (toList l) = nthExprTypeReal n l 0.

Lemma list_var_correct2 : Tl (l : evalExprTypeReal_list Tl) n,
evalCArithExpr2 (nth n (list_var (length Tl)) (CInt 0)) (toList l) = nthExprTypeReal n l 0.

Fixpoint compatible t := match t with
  | CInt _ | CBinFl _ _ | CVar _true
  | COp _ t1 t2andb (compatible t1) (compatible t2)
  | CNearbyint t | CTrunc t | CSqrt tcompatible t
  | CRnd md tmatch md with mode_NAfalse | _compatible t end
  | CLdexp _ _false end.

Lemma compatible_correct :
   t l, compatible t = true evalCArithExpr1 t l = evalCArithExpr2 t l.

Definition compatible_atom a := match a with
  | InInt32 t | InInt51 t | InInt64 t | InFloat64 t
  | InFloat64Int t | NonZero t | NonNeg tcompatible t
  | _false

Definition add_compatibility t := (t, compatible t).

Inductive BTree :=
  | Void: BTree
  | Leaf: Atom BTree
  | Node: BTree BTree BTree.

Fixpoint BTreeToList_aux bt acc := match bt with
  | Voidacc
  | Leaf ii :: acc
  | Node bt1 bt2
    let acc' := BTreeToList_aux bt2 acc in BTreeToList_aux bt1 acc'

Definition BTreeToList bt := BTreeToList_aux bt nil.

Lemma BTreeToList_aux_concat : bt acc,
  BTreeToList_aux bt acc = BTreeToList bt ++ acc.

Fixpoint merge l p := match l with
  | nilp
  | i :: l'merge l' (CAnd p (CAtom i))

Lemma merge_decomp : l1 p l,
  CPropToProp (merge l1 p) l CPropToProp (merge l1 CTrue) l CPropToProp p l.

Lemma merge_app : l1 l2 p l,
  CPropToProp (merge (l1 ++ l2) p) l
 (CPropToProp (merge l1 p) l CPropToProp (merge l2 p) l).

Fixpoint well_formed {Tl} : evalExprTypeReal_list Tl _ :=
  match Tl with
  | nilfun _ vars _vars = nil
  | _ :: Tl'fun lR vars llet x := fst lR in let lR' := snd lR in
    match vars with
    | nilFalse
    | (t, b) :: vars'(b = true compatible t = true)
                         (evalCArithExpr2 t l) = x well_formed lR' vars' l

Lemma well_formed_list_var_aux {Tl} : (lR : evalExprTypeReal_list Tl) l,
  well_formed lR (map add_compatibility (list_var_aux (length Tl) (length l))) (l ++ toList lR).

Corollary well_formed_list_var {Tl} : (lR : evalExprTypeReal_list Tl),
  well_formed lR (map add_compatibility (list_var (length Tl))) (toList lR).

Fixpoint ArrayFree {Tl T} (t : ArithExpr Tl T) := match t with

  | Int _ _
  | BinFl _ _
  | Var _ _True

  | Op _ _ _ t1 t2
  | OpExact _ _ t1 t2
ArrayFree t1 ArrayFree t2

  | Fma _ t1 t2 t3
  | FmaExact _ t1 t2 t3ArrayFree t1 ArrayFree t2 ArrayFree t3

  | Let _ _ _ t1 t2ArrayFree t1 ArrayFree t2

  | ArrayAcc _ _ _False

  | Nearbyint _ t
  | FastNearbyint _ t
  | FastNearbyintToInt _ t
  | TruncToInt _ t
  | FloatInj _ t
  | Sqrt _ _ t
  | Assert _ _ _ t
  | Postcond _ _ _ tArrayFree t

Fixpoint decomposeToCProp {Tl T} (t : ArithExpr Tl T) vars md := match t with

  | Int _ n(CInt n, true, Void, CTrue)

  | BinFl _ x
    let f := Prim2B x in
    match f with
    | B754_zero _(CBinFl 0 0, true, Void, CTrue)
    | B754_finite s m e _(CBinFl (if s then Z.neg m else Z.pos m) e, true, Void, CTrue)
    | _(CInt 0%Z, false, Void, CTrue)

  | Var _ n
    let (u, b) := nth n vars (CInt 0%Z, false) in (u, b, Void, CTrue)

  | Op _ T'' OP t1 t2
    let '(u1, b1, bt1, p1) := decomposeToCProp t1 vars md in
    let '(u2, b2, bt2, p2) := decomposeToCProp t2 vars md in
    let b := andb b1 b2 in
    let bt := Node (if b2 then match OP with
                    | DIVLeaf (NonZero u2)
                    | _Void end else Void) (Node bt1 bt2) in
    let p := CAnd (if b2 then CTrue else match OP with
                    | DIVCAtom (NonZero u2)
                    | _CTrue end) (CAnd p1 p2) in
    match T'' with
    | Integer
      let t := COp (ArithOpToCArithOp T'' OP) u1 u2 in
      let bt' := Node (if b then Leaf (InInt32 t) else Void) bt in
      let p' := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InInt32 t)) p in
      (t, b, bt', p')
    | BinFloat
      let t := CRnd md (COp (ArithOpToCArithOp T'' OP) u1 u2) in
      let bt' := Node (if b then Leaf (InFloat64 t) else Void) bt in
      let p' := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InFloat64 t)) p in
      (t, b, bt', p')

  | OpExact _ OP t1 t2
    let '(u1, b1, bt1, p1) := decomposeToCProp t1 vars md in
    let '(u2, b2, bt2, p2) := decomposeToCProp t2 vars md in
    let t := COp (ArithOpToCArithOp BinFloat OP) u1 u2 in
    let b := andb b1 b2 in
    let bt := Node (if b then match OP with
                    | DIVNode (Leaf (NonZero u2)) (Leaf (InFloat64 t))
                    | _Leaf (InFloat64 t)
                    end else Void) (Node bt1 bt2) in
    let p := CAnd
             (CAnd (if b then CTrue else match OP with
                    | DIVCAnd (CAtom (NonZero u2)) (CAtom (InFloat64 t))
                    | _CAtom (InFloat64 t)
                    end) (CAtom (RndExact md t))) (CAnd p1 p2) in
    (t, b, bt, p)

  | Fma _ t1 t2 t3
    let '(u1, b1, bt1, p1) := decomposeToCProp t1 vars md in
    let '(u2, b2, bt2, p2) := decomposeToCProp t2 vars md in
    let '(u3, b3, bt3, p3) := decomposeToCProp t3 vars md in
    let t := CRnd md (COp CADD (COp CMUL u1 u2) u3) in
    let b := andb (andb b1 b2) b3 in
    let bt := Node (if b then Leaf (InFloat64 t) else Void) (Node (Node bt1 bt2) bt3) in
    let p := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InFloat64 t)) (CAnd (CAnd p1 p2) p3) in
    (t, b, bt, p)

  | FmaExact _ t1 t2 t3
    let '(u1, b1, bt1, p1) := decomposeToCProp t1 vars md in
    let '(u2, b2, bt2, p2) := decomposeToCProp t2 vars md in
    let '(u3, b3, bt3, p3) := decomposeToCProp t3 vars md in
    let t := COp CADD (COp CMUL u1 u2) u3 in
    let b := andb (andb b1 b2) b3 in
    let bt := Node (if b then Leaf (InFloat64 t) else Void) (Node (Node bt1 bt2) bt3) in
    let p := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InFloat64 t)) (CAnd (CAnd p1 p2) p3) in
    (t, b, bt, CAnd p (CAtom (RndExact md t)))

  | Nearbyint _ t
    let '(u, b, bt, p) := decomposeToCProp t vars md in
    (CNearbyint u, b, bt, p)

  | FastNearbyint _ t
    let '(u, b, bt, p) := decomposeToCProp t vars md in
    let t := CNearbyint u in
    let bt' := Node (if b then Leaf (InInt51 u) else Void) bt in
    let p' := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InInt51 u)) p in
    (t, b, bt', p')

  | FastNearbyintToInt _ t
    let '(u, b, bt, p) := decomposeToCProp t vars md in
    let t := CNearbyint u in
    let bt' := Node (if b then Leaf (InInt32 u) else Void) bt in
    let p' := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InInt32 u)) p in
    (t, b, bt', p')

  | TruncToInt _ t
    let '(u, b, bt, p) := decomposeToCProp t vars md in
    let t := CTrunc u in
    let bt' := Node (if b then Leaf (InInt32 t) else Void) bt in
    let p' := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InInt32 t)) p in
    (t, b, bt', p')

  | FloatInj _ t
    let '(u, b, bt, p) := decomposeToCProp t vars md in
    let bt' := Node (if b then Leaf (InFloat64Int u) else Void) bt in
    let p' := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (InFloat64Int u)) p in
    (u, b, bt', p')

  | Sqrt _ T'' t
    let '(u, b, bt, p) := decomposeToCProp t vars md in
    let t := CSqrt u in
    let bt' := Node (if b then Leaf (NonNeg u) else Void) bt in
    let p' := CAnd (if b then CTrue else CAtom (NonNeg u)) p in
    match T'' with
    | Integer(CTrunc t, b, bt', p')
    | BinFloat(CRnd md t, b, bt', p')

  | ArrayAcc _ _ _(CInt 0%Z, false, Void, CTrue)

  | Let _ _ _ t1 t2
    let '(u, b1, bt1, p1) := decomposeToCProp t1 vars md in
    let '(t, b2, bt2, p2) := decomposeToCProp t2 ((u, b1) :: vars) md in
    let b := b2 in
    let bt := Node bt2 bt1 in
    let p := CAnd p1 p2 in
    (t, b, bt, p)

  | Assert _ _ _ t
  | Postcond _ _ _ tdecomposeToCProp t vars md

Lemma decomposeToCProp_correct {Tl T} :
   (t : ArithExpr Tl T), ArrayFree t
   (lM : evalExprTypeRounded_list Tl) vars l md,
  md mode_NA let lR := M2R_list lM in well_formed lR vars l
  let '(t', b, bt, p) := decomposeToCProp t vars md in
  let l' := BTreeToList bt in (
((b = true compatible t' = true)
 (evalCArithExpr2 t' l = evalReal t lR md))
   k, compatible_atom (nth k l' (InInt32 (CInt 0))) = true)
 (CPropToProp (merge l' p) l wellBehaved t lM md).

Definition extractCProp {Tl T} (t : ArithExpr Tl T) md :=
  let '(_, _, l, p) :=
    decomposeToCProp t (map add_compatibility (list_var (length Tl))) md
  in (l, simplifyCProp p).

Corollary extractCProp_correct {Tl T} :
   (t : ArithExpr Tl T), ArrayFree t
   (lM : evalExprTypeRounded_list Tl) md,
  md mode_NA let lR := M2R_list lM in
  let '(bt, p) := extractCProp t md in let l' := BTreeToList bt in
 ( k, compatible_atom (nth k l' (InInt32 (CInt 0))) = true)
 (CPropToProp (merge l' p) (toList lR) wellBehaved t lM md).

Module Faux := SpecificFloat BigIntRadix2.
Module Iaux := FloatIntervalFull Faux.
Module IH := IntervalTacticAux Iaux.

Definition prec := Faux.PtoP 80.
Definition degree := 10%nat.

Definition AtomToGoal g := match g with
  | InInt32 _Reify.Glele (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int (- Int32.N / 2))) (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int (Int32.N / 2 - 1)))
  | InInt51 _Reify.Glele (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int (-2251799813685248))) (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int 2251799813685247))
  | InInt64 _Reify.Glele (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int (- Int64.N / 2))) (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int (Int64.N / 2 - 1)))
  | InFloat64 _Reify.Gabsle true (Tree.Ebinary Tree.Mul
   (Tree.Ebinary Tree.Sub (Tree.Econst (Tree.Bpow 2 53)) (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int 1)))
   (Tree.Econst (Tree.Bpow 2 971)))
  | InFloat64Int _Reify.Gabsle true (Tree.Econst (Tree.Bpow 2 53))
  | NonZero _Reify.Gne true (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int 0))
  | NonNeg _Reify.Gge true (Tree.Econst (Tree.Int 0))
  | _Reify.Glt (Tree.Evar O)

Definition getCArithExpr g := match g with
  | InInt32 t | InInt64 t | InInt51 t | InFloat64 t
  | InFloat64Int t | NonZero t | NonNeg tt
  | _CInt 0

Lemma AtomToGoal_correct : i a l,
   compatible_atom a = true
   Interval.contains (Iaux.convert i)
    (Xreal.Xreal (Tree.eval (CArithExprToTree (getCArithExpr a)) l))
   IH.R.eval_goal_bnd prec (AtomToGoal a) i = true
   AtomToProp a l.

Fixpoint compareResults goals results := match goals with
  | nilnil
  | g :: goals'match results with
    | nilnil
    | res :: results'IH.R.eval_goal_bnd prec g res :: compareResults goals' results'

Fixpoint par_construct Al (bl : list bool) := match Al with
  | nilCTrue
  | p :: Al'match bl with
    | nilCTrue
    | b :: bl'let P := par_construct Al' bl' in
      if b then (CAnd P (CAtom p)) else P

Fixpoint par_mergerest Al (bl : list bool) P := match Al with
  | nilP
  | p :: Al'match bl with
    | nilmerge Al' (CAnd P (CAtom p))
    | b :: bl'let P' := if b then P else (CAnd P (CAtom p)) in
      par_mergerest Al' bl' P'

Lemma par_mergerest_decomp : Al bl P l,
  CPropToProp (par_mergerest Al bl P) l
  CPropToProp (par_mergerest Al bl CTrue) l CPropToProp P l.

Lemma par_construct_mergerest : Al bl P l,
  CPropToProp (par_construct Al bl) l CPropToProp (par_mergerest Al bl P) l
  CPropToProp (merge Al P) l.

Definition generateCProp {Tl T} (t : ArithExpr Tl T) md vars hyps :=
  let (tointerval, unsolvable) := extractCProp t md in
  let tointerval := BTreeToList tointerval in
  let lexpr := map (fun pCArithExprToTree (getCArithExpr p)) tointerval in
  match extract_list lexpr vars with
  | Eabortmerge tointerval unsolvable
  | Eprog prog consts
    let goals := map (fun pAtomToGoal p) tointerval in
    let ieval := fun xiIH.A.BndValuator.eval prec prog xi in
    let bounds := IH.compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
    let results := ieval bounds in
    let compared := compareResults goals results in
    par_mergerest tointerval compared unsolvable end.

Theorem generateCProp_correct {Tl T} :
   (t : ArithExpr Tl T), ArrayFree t
   (lM : evalExprTypeRounded_list Tl) md hyps P,
  md mode_NA let lR := M2R_list lM in let l := toList lR in
    generateCProp t md (length l) hyps = P
    Reify.eval_hyps hyps l (CPropToProp P l wellBehaved t lM md).

Definition generateCProp_taylor {Tl T} (t : ArithExpr Tl T) md vars hyps :=
  let (tointerval, unsolvable) := extractCProp t md in
  let tointerval := BTreeToList tointerval in
  let lexpr := map (fun pCArithExprToTree (getCArithExpr p)) tointerval in
  match extract_list lexpr vars with
  | Eabortmerge tointerval unsolvable
  | Eprog prog consts
    let goals := map (fun pAtomToGoal p) tointerval in
    let bounds := IH.compute_inputs prec hyps consts in
    match bounds with
    | nilmerge tointerval unsolvable
    | xi :: li
      let li := IH.A.TaylorValuator.TM.var :: map IH.A.TaylorValuator.TM.const li in
      let polys := (IH.A.TaylorValuator.eval prec degree xi prog li) in
      let results := map (fun pIH.A.TaylorValuator.TM.eval (prec, degree) p xi xi) polys in
    let compared := compareResults goals results in
    par_mergerest tointerval compared unsolvable
    end end.

Theorem generateCProp_taylor_correct {Tl T} :
   (t : ArithExpr Tl T), ArrayFree t
   (lM : evalExprTypeRounded_list Tl) md hyps P,
  md mode_NA let lR := M2R_list lM in let l := toList lR in
    generateCProp_taylor t md (length l) hyps = P
    Reify.eval_hyps hyps l (CPropToProp P l wellBehaved t lM md).