Library Interval.Language.Lang_tac

From Coq Require Import Reals List.
From Flocq Require Import Core BinarySingleNaN Operations.

Require Import Lang_expr Lang_simpl.

Local Open Scope R_scope.

Module Import Private.

Ltac vm_reflexivity :=
  (repeat match reverse goal with | H: _ |- _clear H end);
  vm_compute; reflexivity.

Lemma destructLet : Tl T1 T2
    (P : evalExprTypeRounded T1 evalExprTypeRounded T2 Prop)
    (Q : evalExprTypeRounded T1 Prop)
    (x : ArithExpr Tl T1) (t : ArithExpr (T1 :: Tl) T2)
    (lM : evalExprTypeRounded_list Tl) md,
  let xM := evalRounded x lM md in
  wellBehaved x lM md (wellBehaved x lM md Q (evalRounded x lM md))
 ( xM', Q xM' wellBehaved t (xM', lM) md
                     P xM' (evalRounded t (xM', lM) md))
  wellBehaved (Let x t) lM md P xM (evalRounded (Let x t) lM md).

Ltac do_assert_let Q :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- context [@Let ?Tl ?T1 ?T2 ?x ?t] ⇒
  let lM := lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [evalRounded (Let x t) ?lM ?md] ⇒ lM
  | |- context [evalRounded t ?lM ?md] ⇒ lM end in
  let md := lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [evalRounded (Let x t) lM ?md] ⇒ md
  | |- context [evalRounded t lM ?md] ⇒ md end in
  pattern (evalRounded (Let x t) lM md); pattern (evalRounded x lM md);
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- (fun vM ⇒ (fun wMwellBehaved (Let x t) ?lM ?md ?P) ?yM) ?xM
    change ((fun vM ⇒ (fun wMwellBehaved (Let x t) lM md P) yM) xM)
    with (wellBehaved (Let x t) lM md (fun vM wMP) xM yM);
    apply (destructLet Tl T1 T2 (fun vM wMP) Q x t lM)

Ltac remove_Let_x x xR G := match G with
| context G' [wellBehaved (Let x ?t) ?lR ?md]
  ⇒ let G'' := context G' [wellBehaved t (xR, lR) md] in remove_Let_x x xR G''
| context G' [wellBehaved x ?lR ?md]
  ⇒ let G'' := context G' [True] in remove_Let_x x xR G''
| context G' [evalRounded (Let x ?t) ?lR ?md]
  ⇒ let G'' := context G' [evalRounded t (xR, lR) md] in remove_Let_x x xR G''
| _G

Ltac do_assert_multilet Q :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?Glazymatch G with
  | context [@Let ?Tl ?T1 ?T2 ?x _] ⇒
    let lR := lazymatch goal with
    | |- context [evalRounded (Let x _) ?lR ?md] ⇒ lR
    | |- context [evalRounded x ?lR ?md] ⇒ lR end in
    let md := lazymatch goal with
    | |- context [evalRounded (Let x _) lR ?md] ⇒ md
    | |- context [evalRounded x lR ?md] ⇒ md end in
    let xR := constr:(evalRounded x lR md) in
    let WBx := constr:(wellBehaved x lR md) in
    let G' := constr:(WBx Q xR) in
    let G'' := remove_Let_x x xR constr:(G' G) in
    let H := fresh "__H" in let xR' := fresh "__xR" in
    cut G'; [cut (WBx G''); [intuition; try easy | split; [|
      generalize xR; intros xR' H; specialize (H I)]] |]

Ltac compute_vars v := match v with
  | ttconstr:(@nil R)
  | (?a, ?v')let l := compute_vars v' in
    match True with
    | Trueconstr:(a :: l)
    | Trueconstr:(IZR a :: l) end

Ltac compute_vars_Real v := match v with
  | ttconstr:(@nil R)
  | (?a, ?v')let l := compute_vars v' in constr:(a :: l)

Ltac remove P G := match G with
| context G' [P ?P'] ⇒ let G'' := context G' [P'] in remove P G''
| context G' [?P' P] ⇒ let G'' := context G' [P'] in remove P G''
| context G' [?P' P] ⇒ let G'' := context G' [True] in remove P G''
| context G' [P ?P'] ⇒ let G'' := context G' [True] in remove P G''
| _G
Ltac replace_term t t' G :=
lazymatch G with
| context G' [t] ⇒ let G'' := (context G' [t']) in replace_term t t' G''
| _G

Ltac clean t G :=
  lazymatch G with
  | context [is_finite t = ?b] ⇒
    let G' := remove (is_finite t = b) G in clean t G'
  | context [is_finite_SF t = ?b] ⇒
    let G' := remove (is_finite_SF t = b) G in clean t G'
  | _G

Ltac do_reify_var x :=
revert dependent x; intros x; cut (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) (B2R x));
  [| apply generic_format_B2R]; generalize (B2R x); let r := fresh "__r" in intros r;
  intros; clear dependent x; revert dependent r.
Ltac do_reify_var' x :=
revert dependent x; intros x; rewrite <-(Prim2SF2R_Prim2B2R x);
  cut (generic_format radix2 (FLT_exp (-1074) 53) (B2R (PrimFloat.Prim2B x)));
  [| apply generic_format_B2R]; generalize (B2R (PrimFloat.Prim2B x)); let r := fresh "__r" in intros r;
  intros; clear dependent x; revert dependent r.
Lemma cut_Prim_Integer :
   Tl (P : Prop) (Q : Z Prop)
    (t : ArithExpr Tl Integer) (lP : evalExprTypePrim_list Tl),
    convertiblePrim_list lP
  let lR := P2M_list lP in wellFormed t = true
  wellBehaved t lR mode_NE Q (evalRounded t lR mode_NE)
 ( x, Q (Sint63.to_Z x) Sint63.to_Z x = evalRounded t lR mode_NE P x)
  P (evalPrim t lP).

Lemma cut_Prim_BinFloat :
   Tl (P : PrimFloat.float Prop) (Q : R Prop)
    (t : ArithExpr Tl BinFloat) (lP : evalExprTypePrim_list Tl),
    convertiblePrim_list lP
  let lR := P2M_list lP in wellFormed t = true
  wellBehaved t lR mode_NE Q (evalRounded t lR mode_NE)
 ( x, Q (SF2R radix2 (FloatOps.Prim2SF x)) is_finite_SF (FloatOps.Prim2SF x) = true SF2R radix2 (FloatOps.Prim2SF x) = evalRounded t lR mode_NE P x)
  P (evalPrim t lP).

Lemma cut_trivial_Prim_Integer :
   Tl (P : Prop)
    (t : ArithExpr Tl Integer) (lP : evalExprTypePrim_list Tl),
    convertiblePrim_list lP
  let lR := P2M_list lP in wellFormed t = true
  wellBehaved t lR mode_NE
 ( x, Sint63.to_Z x = evalRounded t lR mode_NE P x)
  P (evalPrim t lP).

Lemma cut_trivial_Prim_BinFloat :
   Tl (P : PrimFloat.float Prop)
    (t : ArithExpr Tl BinFloat) (lP : evalExprTypePrim_list Tl),
    convertiblePrim_list lP
  let lR := P2M_list lP in wellFormed t = true
  wellBehaved t lR mode_NE
 ( x, is_finite_SF (FloatOps.Prim2SF x) = true SF2R radix2 (FloatOps.Prim2SF x) = evalRounded t lR mode_NE P x)
  P (evalPrim t lP).

Ltac do_simplify_wb :=
let P := fresh "__P" in evar (P : Prop);
lazymatch goal with
  | |- @wellBehaved ?Tl ?T ?t ?v ?mdlet l := compute_vars v in
    cut P;
   [Reify.find_hyps l; change l with (@toList Tl (@M2R_list Tl v));
    simple refine (@generateCProp_correct Tl T t _ v md _ _ _ _);
    [easy.. | let n := eval lazy in (length l) in
      change (length _) with n; vm_reflexivity |]
   |unfold P; clear P; cbn -[bpow ]]

Ltac do_simplify_wb_taylor :=
let P := fresh "__P" in evar (P : Prop);
lazymatch goal with
  | |- @wellBehaved ?Tl ?T ?t ?v ?mdlet l := compute_vars v in
    cut P;
   [Reify.find_hyps l; change l with (@toList Tl (@M2R_list Tl v));
    eapply (@generateCProp_taylor_correct Tl T t _ v md);
    [easy.. | let n := eval lazy in (length l) in
      change (length _) with n; vm_reflexivity |]
   |unfold P; clear P; cbn -[bpow ]]

Ltac do_assert_float Q :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [@evalPrim ?Tl Integer ?t ?lP] ⇒
    pattern (@evalPrim Tl Integer t lP);
    refine (cut_Prim_Integer Tl _ Q t lP _ _ _ _ _);
    [ try now intuition | vm_reflexivity | simpl P2M_list ; try do_simplify_wb ; try easy | | ]
  | |- context [@evalPrim ?Tl BinFloat ?t ?lP] ⇒
    pattern (@evalPrim Tl BinFloat t lP);
    refine (cut_Prim_BinFloat Tl _ Q t lP _ _ _ _ _);
    [ try now intuition | vm_reflexivity | simpl P2M_list ; try do_simplify_wb ; try easy | | ]

Ltac do_remove_float :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [@evalPrim ?Tl Integer ?t ?lP] ⇒
    pattern (@evalPrim Tl Integer t lP);
    refine (cut_trivial_Prim_Integer Tl _ t lP _ _ _ _);
    [ try now intuition | vm_reflexivity | simpl P2M_list ; try do_simplify_wb ; try easy | ]
  | |- context [@evalPrim ?Tl BinFloat ?t ?lP] ⇒
    pattern (@evalPrim Tl BinFloat t lP);
    refine (cut_trivial_Prim_BinFloat Tl _ t lP _ _ _ _);
    [ try now intuition | vm_reflexivity | simpl P2M_list ; try do_simplify_wb ; try easy | ]

End Private.

Ltac simplify_wb := do_simplify_wb.

Ltac simplify_wb_taylor := do_simplify_wb_taylor.

Ltac remove_floats :=
  let G0 := lazymatch goal with |- ?G0G0 end in
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [@evalFloat ?Tl ?T ?t ?lC ?md] ⇒
    let G1 := clean (evalFloat t lC md) G0 in
    let G2 := replace_term (B2R (@evalFloat Tl T t lC md)) (@evalRounded Tl T t (@C2M_list Tl lC) md) G1 in
    let G3 := match G2 with
    | context G' [?g] ⇒
      context G' [@wellBehaved Tl T t (@C2M_list Tl lC) md g]
    end in
    let IWB := fresh "IWB" in let Hgoal := fresh "Hgoal" in
    let Iconv := fresh "Iconv" in let IisConv := fresh "IisConv" in cut G3;
     [intros [IWB Hgoal]; refine (_ (@equivFloat Tl T t lC md _ IWB _));
       [intros [Iconv ->]; intuition |
        clear IWB Hgoal;
        repeat lazymatch goal with |- convertibleFloat_list _split ; try easy end |
        try easy]
     | simpl C2M_list]
  | |- context [@evalPrim ?Tl ?T ?t ?lP] ⇒
    let G2 :=
      lazymatch T with
      | Integer
        replace_term (Sint63.to_Z (@evalPrim Tl T t lP)) (@evalRounded Tl T t (@P2M_list Tl lP) mode_NE) G0
      | BinFloat
        let G1 := clean (FloatOps.Prim2SF (@evalPrim Tl T t lP)) G0 in
        replace_term (SF2R radix2 (FloatOps.Prim2SF (@evalPrim Tl T t lP))) (@evalRounded Tl T t (@P2M_list Tl lP) mode_NE) G1
      end in
    let G3 := match G2 with
    | context [@evalPrim Tl T t lP] ⇒
      constr:(eqExprTypePrim (@evalPrim Tl T t lP) (@evalRounded Tl T t (@P2M_list Tl lP) mode_NE) G2)
    | _G2
    end in
    let G4 := constr:(@wellBehaved Tl T t (@P2M_list Tl lP) mode_NE G3) in
    let IWB := fresh "IWB" in let Hgoal := fresh "Hgoal" in
    let Iconv := fresh "Iconv" in let IisConv := fresh "IisConv" in cut G4;
     [intros [IWB Hgoal]; refine (_ (@equivPrim Tl T t lP _ IWB _));
       [let H := fresh "__H" in
        intros [Iconv H]; unfold isConversionPrim in H;
        rewrite ?H; intuition; apply Hgoal; easy |
        clear IWB Hgoal;
        repeat lazymatch goal with |- convertiblePrim_list _split ; try easy end |
        try easy]
     | simpl P2M_list]

Tactic Notation "reify_var" ident(x) "as" ident(xM) ident(Hformat_xM) :=
  do_reify_var x; intros xM Hformat_xM.

Tactic Notation "reify_var'" ident(x) "as" ident(xM) ident(Hformat_xM) :=
  do_reify_var' x; intros xM Hformat_xM.

Tactic Notation "assert_let" open_constr(Q) := do_assert_let Q.

Tactic Notation "assert_let" open_constr(Q) "as"
    ident(xM) simple_intropattern(H) :=
  do_assert_let Q; [| | intros xM H].

Tactic Notation "assert_multilet" open_constr(Q) := do_assert_multilet Q.

Tactic Notation "assert_float" open_constr(Q) := do_assert_float Q.

Tactic Notation "assert_float" := do_remove_float.