Library Interval.Interval.Float
This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of
real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2016, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C
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As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
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From Coq Require Import Bool Reals Psatz.
From Flocq Require Import Raux.
Require Import Stdlib.
Require Import Xreal.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Sig.
Require Import Interval.
Definition output_bnd (fmt upp : bool) radix (s : bool) m e :=
let m := if s then Zneg m else Zpos m in
match e with
| 0%Z ⇒ BInteger m
| Zpos p ⇒ BInteger (m × Zaux.Zfast_pow_pos (Zaux.radix_val radix) p)
| Zneg p ⇒
if andb fmt (Zeq_bool (Zaux.radix_val radix) 2) then
let e' := Z.to_pos (Zpos p × 3 / 10) in
let m' := Z.mul m (Zaux.Zfast_pow_pos 5 e') in
let m'' := Z.div_eucl m' (Z.pow 2 (Zpos p - Zpos e')) in
let u := if upp then if Zeq_bool (snd m'') 0 then 0%Z else 1%Z else 0%Z in
let d := Z.to_pos (Zaux.Zfast_pow_pos 10 e') in
BDecimal (QArith_base.Qmake (fst m'' + u) d)
BFraction m (Zaux.Zfast_pow_pos (Zaux.radix_val radix) p)
Theorem output_bnd_correct :
∀ fmt radix s m e,
(Interval.convert_bound (output_bnd fmt false radix s m e) ≤ FtoR radix s m e)%R ∧
(FtoR radix s m e ≤ Interval.convert_bound (output_bnd fmt true radix s m e))%R.
Inductive f_interval (A : Type) : Type :=
| Inan : f_interval A
| Ibnd (l u : A) : f_interval A.
Arguments Inan {A}.
Arguments Ibnd {A} _ _.
Definition le_lower' x y :=
match x with
| Xnan ⇒ True
| Xreal xr ⇒
match y with
| Xnan ⇒ False
| Xreal yr ⇒ Rle xr yr
Module FloatInterval (F'' : FloatOps with Definition sensible_format := true) <: IntervalBasicOps with Module F := F''.
Module F := F''.
Module F' := FloatExt F.
Definition c1 := F.fromZ 1.
Definition cm1 := F.fromZ (-1).
Definition c2 := F.fromZ 2.
Definition p52 := F.PtoP 52.
Definition type := f_interval F.type.
Definition bound_type := F.type.
Definition precision := F.precision.
Definition valid_lb x := F.valid_lb x = true.
Definition valid_ub x := F.valid_ub x = true.
Definition nan := F.nan.
Definition convert_bound := F.toX.
Definition convert (xi : type) :=
match xi with
| Inan ⇒ Interval.Inan
| Ibnd l u ⇒
if (F.valid_lb l && F.valid_ub u)%bool then Interval.Ibnd (F.toX l) (F.toX u)
else Interval.Ibnd (Xreal 1) (Xreal 0)
Definition nai : type := @Inan F.type.
Definition bnd l u : type := Ibnd l u.
Definition zero : type := Ibnd
Definition empty : type := Ibnd c1
Definition real (xi : type) :=
match xi with
| Inan ⇒ false
| Ibnd _ _ ⇒ true
Definition singleton b :=
if andb (F.valid_lb b) (F.valid_ub b) then @Ibnd F.type b b
else @Inan F.type.
Lemma valid_lb_real :
∀ b, F.toX b = Xreal (proj_val (F.toX b)) → F.valid_lb b = true.
Lemma valid_ub_real :
∀ b, F.toX b = Xreal (proj_val (F.toX b)) → F.valid_ub b = true.
Lemma bnd_correct :
∀ l u, valid_lb l → valid_ub u →
convert (bnd l u) = Interval.Ibnd (F.toX l) (F.toX u).
Lemma singleton_correct :
∀ b,
contains (convert (singleton b)) (Xreal (proj_val (convert_bound b))).
Lemma nai_correct :
convert nai = Interval.Inan.
Lemma zero_correct :
convert zero = Interval.Ibnd (Xreal 0) (Xreal 0).
Lemma empty_correct :
∀ x, contains (convert empty) x → False.
Lemma real_correct :
∀ xi, real xi = match convert xi with Interval.Inan ⇒ false | _ ⇒ true end.
Definition is_empty xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match F.cmp xl xu with
| Xgt ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ false
Definition bounded xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒ F.real xl && F.real xu
| _ ⇒ false
Definition lower_bounded xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl _ ⇒ F.real xl
| _ ⇒ false
Definition upper_bounded xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd _ xu ⇒ F.real xu
| _ ⇒ false
Definition output (fmt : bool) xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match F.toF xl, F.toF xu with
| Float sl ml el, Float su mu eu ⇒
(Some (output_bnd fmt false F.radix sl ml el), Some (output_bnd fmt true F.radix su mu eu))
| Fzero, Float su mu eu ⇒
(Some (BInteger 0), Some (output_bnd fmt true F.radix su mu eu))
| Float sl ml el, Fzero ⇒
(Some (output_bnd fmt false F.radix sl ml el), Some (BInteger 0))
| Fzero, Fzero ⇒ (Some (BInteger 0), Some (BInteger 0))
| Fzero, Basic.Fnan ⇒ (Some (BInteger 0), None)
| Basic.Fnan, Fzero ⇒ (None, Some (BInteger 0))
| Basic.Fnan, Float su mu eu ⇒
(None, Some (output_bnd fmt true F.radix su mu eu))
| Float sl ml el, Basic.Fnan ⇒
(Some (output_bnd fmt false F.radix sl ml el), None)
| Basic.Fnan, Basic.Fnan ⇒ (None, None)
| Inan ⇒ (None, None)
Definition subset xi yi :=
if is_empty xi then true else
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
match F.cmp xl yl with
| Xund ⇒
match F.classify yl with
| Fnan | Fminfty ⇒ true
| Freal | Fpinfty ⇒ false
| Xlt ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ true
end &&
match F.cmp xu yu with
| Xund ⇒
match F.classify yu with
| Fnan | Fpinfty ⇒ true
| Freal | Fminfty ⇒ false
| Xgt ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ true
| _, Inan ⇒ true
| Inan, Ibnd _ _ ⇒ false
Definition wider prec xi yi :=
match yi, xi with
| Inan, _ ⇒ false
| Ibnd yl yu, Inan ⇒ true
| Ibnd yl yu, Ibnd xl xu ⇒
let yw := F.sub_UP prec yu yl in
if F.real yw then
match F'.cmp (F.sub_UP prec xu xl) yw with
| Xlt | Xeq ⇒ false
| _ ⇒ true
else false
Definition join xi yi :=
if is_empty xi then yi else
if is_empty yi then xi else
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
Ibnd (F.min xl yl) (F.max xu yu)
| _, _ ⇒ Inan
Definition meet xi yi :=
if is_empty xi then xi else
if is_empty yi then yi else
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
let l :=
match F.is_nan xl, F.is_nan yl with
| true, _ ⇒ yl
| false, true ⇒ xl
| false, false ⇒ F.max xl yl
end in
let u :=
match F.is_nan xu, F.is_nan yu with
| true, _ ⇒ yu
| false, true ⇒ xu
| false, false ⇒ F.min xu yu
end in
Ibnd l u
| Inan, _ ⇒ yi
| _, Inan ⇒ xi
Definition mask xi yi : type :=
match yi with
| Inan ⇒ yi
| _ ⇒ xi
Definition lower_extent xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd _ xu ⇒ Ibnd F.nan xu
| _ ⇒ Inan
Definition upper_extent xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl _ ⇒ Ibnd xl F.nan
| _ ⇒ Inan
Definition lower_complement xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl _ ⇒ if F.real xl then Ibnd F.nan xl else empty
| Inan ⇒ empty
Definition upper_complement xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd _ xu ⇒ if F.real xu then Ibnd xu F.nan else empty
| Inan ⇒ empty
Definition whole := Ibnd F.nan F.nan.
Definition lower xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl _ ⇒ xl
| _ ⇒ F.nan
Definition upper xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd _ xu ⇒ xu
| _ ⇒ F.nan
Definition fromZ_small n :=
let f := F.fromZ n in Ibnd f f.
Definition fromZ prec n :=
Ibnd (F.fromZ_DN prec n) (F.fromZ_UP prec n).
Definition midpoint xi :=
match xi with
| Inan ⇒
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match F.real xl, F.real xu with
| false, false ⇒
| true, false ⇒
match F.cmp xl with
| Xund | Xlt ⇒
| Xeq ⇒ c1
| Xgt ⇒ let m := F.mul_UP p52 xl c2 in if F.real m then m else xl
| false, true ⇒
match F.cmp xu with
| Xund | Xgt ⇒
| Xeq ⇒ cm1
| Xlt ⇒ let m := F.mul_DN p52 xu c2 in if F.real m then m else xu
| true, true ⇒ F.midpoint xl xu
Definition bisect xi :=
match xi with
| Inan ⇒ (Inan, Inan)
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
let m := midpoint xi in (Ibnd xl m, Ibnd m xu)
Definition extension f fi := ∀ b x,
contains (convert b) x → contains (convert (fi b)) (f x).
Definition extension_2 f fi := ∀ ix iy x y,
contains (convert ix) x →
contains (convert iy) y →
contains (convert (fi ix iy)) (f x y).
Definition sign_large_ xl xu :=
match F.cmp xl, F.cmp xu with
| Xeq, Xeq ⇒ Xeq
| _, Xlt ⇒ Xlt
| _, Xeq ⇒ Xlt
| Xgt, _ ⇒ Xgt
| Xeq, _ ⇒ Xgt
| _, _ ⇒ Xund
Definition sign_large xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒ sign_large_ xl xu
| Inan ⇒ Xund
Definition sign_strict_ xl xu :=
match F.cmp xl, F.cmp xu with
| Xeq, Xeq ⇒ Xeq
| _, Xlt ⇒ Xlt
| Xgt, _ ⇒ Xgt
| _, _ ⇒ Xund
Definition sign_strict xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒ sign_strict_ xl xu
| Inan ⇒ Xund
Definition neg xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒ Ibnd (F.neg xu) (F.neg xl)
| Inan ⇒ Inan
Definition abs xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match sign_large_ xl xu with
| Xgt ⇒ xi
| Xeq ⇒ Ibnd
| Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.neg xu) (F.neg xl)
| Xund ⇒ Ibnd (F.max (F.neg xl) xu)
| Inan ⇒ Inan
Definition mul2 prec xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xl c2) (F.mul_UP prec xu c2)
| Inan ⇒ Inan
Definition sqrt prec xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match F.cmp xl with
| Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.sqrt_DN prec xl) (F.sqrt_UP prec xu)
| _ ⇒ Ibnd (F.sqrt_UP prec xu)
| Inan ⇒ Inan
Definition add prec xi yi :=
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
Ibnd (F.add_DN prec xl yl) (F.add_UP prec xu yu)
| _, _ ⇒ Inan
Definition sub prec xi yi :=
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
Ibnd (F.sub_DN prec xl yu) (F.sub_UP prec xu yl)
| _, _ ⇒ Inan
Definition cancel_add prec xi yi :=
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
Ibnd (F.sub_DN prec xl yl) (F.sub_UP prec xu yu)
| _, _ ⇒ Inan
Definition cancel_sub prec xi yi :=
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
Ibnd (F.add_DN prec xl yu) (F.add_UP prec xu yl)
| _, _ ⇒ Inan
Definition mul_mixed prec xi y :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
if F.real y then
match F.cmp y with
| Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xu y) (F.mul_UP prec xl y)
| Xeq ⇒ Ibnd
| Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xl y) (F.mul_UP prec xu y)
| Xund ⇒ Inan
else Inan
| Inan ⇒ Inan
Definition div_mixed_r prec xi y :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
if F.real y then
match F.cmp y with
| Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.div_DN prec xu y) (F.div_UP prec xl y)
| Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.div_DN prec xl y) (F.div_UP prec xu y)
| _ ⇒ Inan
else Inan
| Inan ⇒ Inan
Definition sqr prec xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match sign_large_ xl xu with
| Xund ⇒
let xm := F.max (F.abs xl) xu in
Ibnd (F.mul_UP prec xm xm)
| Xeq ⇒ Ibnd
| Xlt ⇒
let lb := F.mul_DN prec xu xu in
match F.cmp lb with
| Xgt ⇒ Ibnd lb (F.mul_UP prec xl xl)
| _ ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_UP prec xl xl)
| Xgt ⇒
let lb := F.mul_DN prec xl xl in
match F.cmp lb with
| Xgt ⇒ Ibnd lb (F.mul_UP prec xu xu)
| _ ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_UP prec xu xu)
| _ ⇒ Inan
Definition mul prec xi yi :=
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
match sign_large_ xl xu, sign_large_ yl yu with
| Xeq, _ ⇒ Ibnd
| _, Xeq ⇒ Ibnd
| Xgt, Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xl yl) (F.mul_UP prec xu yu)
| Xlt, Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xu yu) (F.mul_UP prec xl yl)
| Xgt, Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xu yl) (F.mul_UP prec xl yu)
| Xlt, Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xl yu) (F.mul_UP prec xu yl)
| Xgt, Xund ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xu yl) (F.mul_UP prec xu yu)
| Xlt, Xund ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xl yu) (F.mul_UP prec xl yl)
| Xund, Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xl yu) (F.mul_UP prec xu yu)
| Xund, Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.mul_DN prec xu yl) (F.mul_UP prec xl yl)
| Xund, Xund ⇒ Ibnd (F.min (F.mul_DN prec xl yu) (F.mul_DN prec xu yl))
(F.max (F.mul_UP prec xl yl) (F.mul_UP prec xu yu))
| _, _ ⇒ Inan
Definition Fdivz_UP prec x y :=
if F.real y then F.div_UP prec x y else
Definition Fdivz_DN prec x y :=
if F.real y then F.div_DN prec x y else
Definition inv prec xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match sign_strict_ xl xu with
| Xund ⇒ Inan
| Xeq ⇒ Inan
| _ ⇒
Ibnd (Fdivz_DN prec c1 xu) (Fdivz_UP prec c1 xl)
| _ ⇒ Inan
Definition invnz prec xi :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match sign_strict_ xl xu with
| Xund ⇒
match sign_large_ xl xu with
| Xund ⇒ Inan
| Xeq ⇒ Inan
| Xlt ⇒ Ibnd F.nan (Fdivz_UP prec c1 xl)
| Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (Fdivz_DN prec c1 xu) F.nan
| Xeq ⇒ Inan
| _ ⇒
Ibnd (Fdivz_DN prec c1 xu) (Fdivz_UP prec c1 xl)
| _ ⇒ Inan
Definition div prec xi yi :=
match xi, yi with
| Ibnd xl xu, Ibnd yl yu ⇒
match sign_strict_ xl xu, sign_strict_ yl yu with
| _, Xund ⇒ Inan
| _, Xeq ⇒ Inan
| Xeq, _ ⇒ Ibnd
| Xgt, Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (Fdivz_DN prec xl yu) (F.div_UP prec xu yl)
| Xlt, Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (Fdivz_DN prec xu yl) (F.div_UP prec xl yu)
| Xgt, Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.div_DN prec xu yu) (Fdivz_UP prec xl yl)
| Xlt, Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.div_DN prec xl yl) (Fdivz_UP prec xu yu)
| Xund, Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (F.div_DN prec xl yl) (F.div_UP prec xu yl)
| Xund, Xlt ⇒ Ibnd (F.div_DN prec xu yu) (F.div_UP prec xl yu)
| _, _ ⇒ Inan
Fixpoint Fpower_pos_UP prec x n :=
match n with
| xH ⇒ x
| xO p ⇒ Fpower_pos_UP prec (F.mul_UP prec x x) p
| xI p ⇒ F.mul_UP prec x (Fpower_pos_UP prec (F.mul_UP prec x x) p)
Fixpoint Fpower_pos_DN prec x n :=
match n with
| xH ⇒ x
| xO p ⇒
let xx := F.mul_DN prec x x in
match F.cmp xx with
| Xgt ⇒ Fpower_pos_DN prec xx p
| Xeq | Xlt ⇒
| Xund ⇒ F.nan
| xI p ⇒
let xx := F.mul_DN prec x x in
match F.cmp xx with
| Xgt ⇒ F.mul_DN prec x (Fpower_pos_DN prec xx p)
| Xeq | Xlt ⇒
| Xund ⇒ F.nan
Definition power_pos prec xi n :=
match xi with
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
match sign_large_ xl xu with
| Xund ⇒
match n with
| xH ⇒ xi
| xO _ ⇒
let xm := F.max (F.abs xl) xu in
Ibnd (Fpower_pos_UP prec xm n)
| xI _ ⇒ Ibnd (F.neg (Fpower_pos_UP prec (F.abs xl) n)) (Fpower_pos_UP prec xu n)
| Xeq ⇒ Ibnd
| Xlt ⇒
match n with
| xH ⇒ xi
| xO _ ⇒ Ibnd (Fpower_pos_DN prec (F.abs xu) n) (Fpower_pos_UP prec (F.abs xl) n)
| xI _ ⇒ Ibnd (F.neg (Fpower_pos_UP prec (F.abs xl) n)) (F.neg (Fpower_pos_DN prec (F.abs xu) n))
| Xgt ⇒ Ibnd (Fpower_pos_DN prec xl n) (Fpower_pos_UP prec xu n)
| _ ⇒ Inan
Definition power_int prec xi n :=
match n with
| Zpos p ⇒ power_pos prec xi p
| Z0 ⇒ match xi with Inan ⇒ Inan | _ ⇒ Ibnd c1 c1 end
| Zneg p ⇒ inv prec (power_pos prec xi p)
Definition nearbyint mode xi :=
match xi with
| Inan ⇒ Inan
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒ Ibnd (F.nearbyint_DN mode xl) (F.nearbyint_UP mode xu)
Definition error_aux prec mode e :=
let e :=
match mode with
| rnd_NE ⇒ Z.pred e
| _ ⇒ e
end in
let err := F.pow2_UP prec (F.ZtoS e) in
match mode with
| rnd_NE ⇒ Ibnd (F.neg err) err
| rnd_UP ⇒ Ibnd err
| rnd_DN ⇒ Ibnd (F.neg err)
| rnd_ZR ⇒ Ibnd (F.neg err) err
Definition error_fix prec mode emin (xi : type) :=
match xi with
| Inan ⇒ Inan
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
error_aux prec mode emin
Definition error_flt prec mode emin p xi :=
match xi with
| Inan ⇒ Inan
| Ibnd xl xu ⇒
let xu' := F.max (F.neg xl) xu in
if andb (F.real xu') (Z.eqb (Zaux.radix_val F.radix) 2) then
let e := FLT.FLT_exp emin (Z.pos p) (F.StoZ (F.mag xu')) in
error_aux prec mode e
Ltac xreal_tac v :=
let X := fresh "X" in
case_eq (F.toX v) ;
[ intros X ; try exact I
| let r := fresh "r" in
intros r X ; try rewrite X in × ].
Ltac xreal_tac2 :=
match goal with
| H: F.toX ?v = Xreal _ |- context [F.toX ?v] ⇒
rewrite H
| |- context [F.toX ?v] ⇒ xreal_tac v
Ltac xreal_tac3 v :=
match goal with
| H: F.toX v = Xreal _ |- _ ⇒ rewrite H
| H: F.toX v = Xnan |- _ ⇒ rewrite H
| _ ⇒ xreal_tac v
Ltac bound_tac :=
unfold Xround, Xbind ;
match goal with
| |- (round ?r rnd_DN ?p ?v ≤ ?w)%R ⇒
apply Rle_trans with (1 := proj1 (proj2 (Generic_fmt.round_DN_pt F.radix (FLX.FLX_exp (Zpos p)) v)))
| |- (?w ≤ round ?r_UP ?p ?v)%R ⇒
apply Rle_trans with (2 := proj1 (proj2 (Generic_fmt.round_UP_pt F.radix (FLX.FLX_exp (Zpos p)) v)))
Lemma is_empty_correct :
∀ xi x,
contains (convert xi) x →
is_empty xi = true →
Lemma lower_correct :
∀ xi : type,
not_empty (convert xi) →
F.toX (lower xi) = Xlower (convert xi).
Lemma valid_lb_lower :
∀ xi : type,
not_empty (convert xi) →
valid_lb (lower xi).
Lemma upper_correct :
∀ xi : type,
not_empty (convert xi) →
F.toX (upper xi) = Xupper (convert xi).
Lemma valid_ub_upper :
∀ xi : type,
not_empty (convert xi) →
valid_ub (upper xi).
Theorem output_correct :
∀ fmt xi x, contains (convert xi) (Xreal x) → contains_output (output fmt xi) x.
Theorem subset_correct :
∀ xi yi v,
contains (convert xi) v →
subset xi yi = true →
contains (convert yi) v.
Lemma join_correct :
∀ xi yi v,
contains (convert xi) v ∨ contains (convert yi) v →
contains (convert (join xi yi)) v.
Theorem meet_correct :
∀ xi yi v,
contains (convert xi) v → contains (convert yi) v →
contains (convert (meet xi yi)) v.
Theorem meet_correct' :
∀ xi yi v,
contains (convert (meet xi yi)) v →
contains (convert xi) v ∧ contains (convert yi) v.
Definition bounded_prop xi :=
not_empty (convert xi) →
convert xi = Interval.Ibnd (F.toX (lower xi)) (F.toX (upper xi)).
Theorem lower_bounded_correct :
∀ xi,
lower_bounded xi = true →
F.toX (lower xi) = Xreal (proj_val (F.toX (lower xi))) ∧
bounded_prop xi.
Theorem upper_bounded_correct :
∀ xi,
upper_bounded xi = true →
F.toX (upper xi) = Xreal (proj_val (F.toX (upper xi))) ∧
bounded_prop xi.
Theorem bounded_correct :
∀ xi,
bounded xi = true →
lower_bounded xi = true ∧ upper_bounded xi = true.
Theorem lower_extent_correct :
∀ xi x y,
contains (convert xi) (Xreal y) →
(x ≤ y)%R →
contains (convert (lower_extent xi)) (Xreal x).
Theorem upper_extent_correct :
∀ xi x y,
contains (convert xi) (Xreal y) →
(y ≤ x)%R →
contains (convert (upper_extent xi)) (Xreal x).
Theorem lower_complement_correct :
∀ xi x y,
contains (convert xi) (Xreal x) →
contains (convert (lower_complement xi)) (Xreal y) →
(y ≤ x)%R.
Theorem upper_complement_correct :
∀ xi x y,
contains (convert xi) (Xreal x) →
contains (convert (upper_complement xi)) (Xreal y) →
(x ≤ y)%R.
Theorem whole_correct :
∀ x,
contains (convert whole) (Xreal x).
Lemma sign_large_correct_ :
∀ xl xu x,
contains (convert (Ibnd xl xu)) (Xreal x) →
match sign_large_ xl xu with
| Xeq ⇒ x = 0%R ∧ F.toX xl = Xreal 0 ∧ F.toX xu = Xreal 0
| Xlt ⇒ (x ≤ 0)%R ∧ (match F.toX xl with Xreal rl ⇒ (rl ≤ 0)%R | _⇒ True end) ∧ (∃ ru, F.toX xu = Xreal ru ∧ (ru ≤ 0)%R)
| Xgt ⇒ (0 ≤ x)%R ∧ (match F.toX xu with Xreal ru ⇒ (0 ≤ ru)%R | _⇒ True end) ∧ (∃ rl, F.toX xl = Xreal rl ∧ (0 ≤ rl)%R)
| Xund ⇒
match F.toX xl with Xreal rl ⇒ (rl ≤ 0)%R | _⇒ True end ∧
match F.toX xu with Xreal ru ⇒ (0 ≤ ru)%R | _⇒ True end
Theorem sign_large_correct :
∀ xi,
match sign_large xi with
| Xeq ⇒ ∀ x, contains (convert xi) x → x = Xreal 0
| Xlt ⇒ ∀ x, contains (convert xi) x → x = Xreal (proj_val x) ∧ Rle (proj_val x) 0
| Xgt ⇒ ∀ x, contains (convert xi) x → x = Xreal (proj_val x) ∧ Rle 0 (proj_val x)
| Xund ⇒ True
Lemma sign_strict_correct_ :
∀ xl xu x,
contains (convert (Ibnd xl xu)) (Xreal x) →
match sign_strict_ xl xu with
| Xeq ⇒ x = 0%R ∧ F.toX xl = Xreal 0 ∧ F.toX xu = Xreal 0
| Xlt ⇒ (x < 0)%R ∧ (match F.toX xl with Xreal rl ⇒ (rl < 0)%R | _⇒ True end) ∧ (∃ ru, F.toX xu = Xreal ru ∧ (ru < 0)%R)
| Xgt ⇒ (0 < x)%R ∧ (match F.toX xu with Xreal ru ⇒ (0 < ru)%R | _⇒ True end) ∧ (∃ rl, F.toX xl = Xreal rl ∧ (0 < rl)%R)
| Xund ⇒
match F.toX xl with Xreal rl ⇒ (rl ≤ 0)%R | _⇒ True end ∧
match F.toX xu with Xreal ru ⇒ (0 ≤ ru)%R | _⇒ True end
Theorem sign_strict_correct :
∀ xi,
match sign_strict xi with
| Xeq ⇒ ∀ x, contains (convert xi) x → x = Xreal 0
| Xlt ⇒ ∀ x, contains (convert xi) x → x = Xreal (proj_val x) ∧ Rlt (proj_val x) 0
| Xgt ⇒ ∀ x, contains (convert xi) x → x = Xreal (proj_val x) ∧ Rlt 0 (proj_val x)
| Xund ⇒ True
Theorem fromZ_small_correct :
∀ v,
(Z.abs v ≤ 256)%Z →
contains (convert (fromZ_small v)) (Xreal (IZR v)).
Theorem fromZ_correct :
∀ prec v,
contains (convert (fromZ prec v)) (Xreal (IZR v)).
Theorem midpoint_correct :
∀ xi,
not_empty (convert xi) →
F.toX (midpoint xi) = Xreal (proj_val (F.toX (midpoint xi))) ∧
contains (convert xi) (F.toX (midpoint xi)).
Theorem bisect_correct :
∀ xi x,
contains (convert xi) x →
contains (convert (fst (bisect xi))) x ∨ contains (convert (snd (bisect xi))) x.
Theorem mask_correct :
extension_2 Xmask mask.
Theorem mask_correct' :
∀ xi yi x,
contains (convert xi) x →
contains (convert (mask xi yi)) x.
Definition propagate_l fi :=
∀ xi yi : type, convert xi = Interval.Inan →
convert (fi xi yi) = Interval.Inan.
Definition propagate_r fi :=
∀ xi yi : type, convert yi = Interval.Inan →
convert (fi xi yi) = Interval.Inan.
Theorem neg_correct :
extension Xneg neg.
Theorem neg_correct' :
∀ xi x,
contains (convert (neg xi)) (Xneg x) →
contains (convert xi) x.
Theorem abs_correct :
extension Xabs abs.
Theorem abs_ge_0 :
∀ xi, not_empty (convert xi) → convert xi ≠ Interval.Inan →
le_lower' (Xreal 0) (F.toX (lower (abs xi))).
Theorem abs_ge_0' :
∀ xi, not_empty (convert xi) →
(0 ≤ proj_val (F.toX (lower (abs xi))))%R.
Lemma abs_correct_aux :
∀ xl xu x, contains (convert (Ibnd xl xu)) (Xreal x) →
let xm := F.max (F.neg xl) xu in le_upper (Xreal (Rabs x)) (F.toX xm).
Theorem mul2_correct :
∀ prec xi x,
contains (convert xi) x →
contains (convert (mul2 prec xi)) (Xmul x (Xreal 2)).
Theorem add_correct :
∀ prec,
extension_2 Xadd (add prec).
Theorem sub_correct :
∀ prec,
extension_2 Xsub (sub prec).
Theorem sqrt_correct :
∀ prec, extension Xsqrt (sqrt prec).
Ltac clear_complex_aux :=
match goal with
| H: Rle _ _ |- _ ⇒
generalize H ; clear H ; try clear_complex_aux
| H: (Rle _ _) ∧ _ |- _ ⇒
generalize (proj1 H) ;
destruct H as (_, H) ;
try clear_complex_aux
| H: Rlt _ _ |- _ ⇒
generalize H ; clear H ; try clear_complex_aux
| H: (Rlt _ _) ∧ _ |- _ ⇒
generalize (proj1 H) ;
destruct H as (_, H) ;
try clear_complex_aux
| H: ex (fun r : R ⇒ _ ∧ _) |- _ ⇒
let a := fresh "a" in
let K := fresh in
destruct H as (a, (K, H)) ;
injection K ; clear K ; intro K ;
rewrite <- K in H ;
clear K a ; try clear_complex_aux
| H: _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒
destruct H as (_, H) ;
try clear_complex_aux
| H: _ |- _ ⇒
clear H ; try clear_complex_aux
Ltac clear_complex :=
clear_complex_aux ; clear ; intros.
Local Hint Resolve Rlt_le : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rle_trans : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_compat_l : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_compat_r : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_compat_neg_l : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_compat_neg_r : mulauto.
Theorem mul_mixed_correct :
∀ prec yf,
extension (fun x ⇒ Xmul x (F.toX yf)) (fun xi ⇒ mul_mixed prec xi yf).
Theorem mul_correct :
∀ prec,
extension_2 Xmul (mul prec).
Ltac simpl_is_zero :=
let X := fresh "X" in
match goal with
| H: Rlt ?v 0 |- context [is_zero ?v] ⇒
destruct (is_zero_spec v) as [X|X] ;
[ rewrite X in H ; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H) | idtac ]
| H: Rlt 0 ?v |- context [is_zero ?v] ⇒
destruct (is_zero_spec v) as [X|X] ;
[ rewrite X in H ; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ H) | idtac ]
| H: Rlt ?v 0 ∧ _ |- context [is_zero ?v] ⇒
destruct (is_zero_spec v) as [X|X] ;
[ rewrite X in H ; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (proj1 H)) | idtac ]
| H: _ ∧ (Rlt ?v 0 ∧ _) |- context [is_zero ?v] ⇒
destruct (is_zero_spec v) as [X|X] ;
[ rewrite X in H ; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (proj1 (proj2 H))) | idtac ]
| H: Rlt 0 ?v ∧ _ |- context [is_zero ?v] ⇒
destruct (is_zero_spec v) as [X|X] ;
[ rewrite X in H ; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (proj1 H)) | idtac ]
| H: _ ∧ (Rlt 0 ?v ∧ _) |- context [is_zero ?v] ⇒
destruct (is_zero_spec v) as [X|X] ;
[ rewrite X in H ; elim (Rlt_irrefl _ (proj1 (proj2 H))) | idtac ]
Local Hint Resolve Rinv_lt_0_compat : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rinv_0_lt_compat : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rle_Rinv_pos : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rle_Rinv_neg : mulauto.
Local Hint Resolve Rlt_le : mulauto2.
Local Hint Resolve Rinv_lt_0_compat : mulauto2.
Local Hint Resolve Rinv_0_lt_compat : mulauto2.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_pos_pos : mulauto2.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_neg_pos : mulauto2.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_pos_neg : mulauto2.
Local Hint Resolve Rmult_le_neg_neg : mulauto2.
Theorem div_mixed_r_correct :
∀ prec yf,
extension (fun x ⇒ Xdiv x (F.toX yf)) (fun xi ⇒ div_mixed_r prec xi yf).
Theorem div_correct :
∀ prec,
extension_2 Xdiv (div prec).
Theorem inv_correct :
∀ prec,
extension Xinv (inv prec).
Theorem invnz_correct :
∀ prec xi x,
x ≠ Xreal 0 → contains (convert xi) x → contains (convert (invnz prec xi)) (Xinv x).
Theorem sqr_correct :
∀ prec,
extension Xsqr (sqr prec).
Lemma Fpower_pos_up_correct :
∀ prec x n,
F.valid_ub x = true →
le_upper (Xreal 0) (F.toX x) →
F.valid_ub (Fpower_pos_UP prec x n) = true
∧ le_upper (Xpower_int (F.toX x) (Zpos n)) (F.toX (Fpower_pos_UP prec x n)).
Lemma Fpower_pos_dn_correct :
∀ prec x n,
le_lower' (Xreal 0) (F.toX x) →
F.valid_lb (Fpower_pos_DN prec x n) = true
∧ le_lower' (F.toX (Fpower_pos_DN prec x n)) (Xpower_int (F.toX x) (Zpos n)).
Theorem power_pos_correct :
∀ prec n,
extension (fun x ⇒ Xpower_int x (Zpos n)) (fun x ⇒ power_pos prec x n).
Theorem power_int_correct :
∀ prec n,
extension (fun x ⇒ Xpower_int x n) (fun x ⇒ power_int prec x n).
Lemma mask_propagate_l : propagate_l mask.
Lemma mask_propagate_r : propagate_r mask.
Lemma add_propagate_l : ∀ prec, propagate_l (add prec).
Lemma sub_propagate_l : ∀ prec, propagate_l (sub prec).
Lemma mul_propagate_l : ∀ prec, propagate_l (mul prec).
Lemma div_propagate_l : ∀ prec, propagate_l (div prec).
Lemma add_propagate_r : ∀ prec, propagate_r (add prec).
Lemma sub_propagate_r : ∀ prec, propagate_r (sub prec).
Lemma mul_propagate_r : ∀ prec, propagate_r (mul prec).
Lemma div_propagate_r : ∀ prec, propagate_r (div prec).
Lemma nearbyint_correct :
∀ mode, extension (Xnearbyint mode) (nearbyint mode).
Lemma error_aux_correct_aux :
∀ prec mode fexp e x,
Generic_fmt.Valid_exp fexp →
(Ulp.ulp radix2 fexp x ≤ bpow radix2 e)%R →
contains (convert (error_aux prec mode e))
(Xreal (Generic_fmt.round radix2 fexp (rnd_of_mode mode) x - x)) ∧
contains (convert (error_aux prec mode e)) (Xreal 0).
Lemma error_fix_correct_aux :
∀ prec mode emin xi x,
contains (convert xi) x →
contains (convert (error_fix prec mode emin xi)) (Xerror_fix mode emin x) ∧
contains (convert (error_fix prec mode emin xi)) (Xreal 0).
Lemma error_fix_correct :
∀ prec mode emin, extension (Xerror_fix mode emin) (error_fix prec mode emin).
Lemma error_fix_contains_0 :
∀ prec mode emin x,
not_empty (convert x) → contains (convert (error_fix prec mode emin x)) (Xreal 0).
Lemma error_flt_correct_aux :
∀ prec mode emin p xi x,
contains (convert xi) x →
contains (convert (error_flt prec mode emin p xi)) (Xerror_flt mode emin p x) ∧
contains (convert (error_flt prec mode emin p xi)) (Xreal 0).
Lemma error_flt_correct :
∀ prec mode emin p, extension (Xerror_flt mode emin p) (error_flt prec mode emin p).
Lemma error_flt_contains_0 :
∀ prec mode emin p x,
not_empty (convert x) → contains (convert (error_flt prec mode emin p x)) (Xreal 0).
Definition valid_lb_nan := F'.valid_lb_nan.
Definition valid_ub_nan := F'.valid_ub_nan.
End FloatInterval.