Library Interval.Float.Generic

This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2016, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
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From Coq Require Import Reals Bool ZArith.
From Flocq Require Import Zaux Raux Div Sqrt.

Require Import Xreal.
Require Import Basic.

Inductive position : Set :=
  pos_Eq | pos_Lo | pos_Mi | pos_Up.

Inductive ufloat (beta : radix) : Set :=
  | Unan : ufloat beta
  | Uzero : ufloat beta
  | Ufloat : bool positive Z position ufloat beta.

Arguments Unan {beta}.
Arguments Uzero {beta}.
Arguments Ufloat {beta} _ _ _ _.

Definition Fneg {beta} (f : float beta) :=
  match f with
  | Float s m eFloat (negb s) m e
  | _f

Definition Fabs {beta} (f : float beta) :=
  match f with
  | Float s m eFloat false m e
  | _f

Definition Fscale {beta} (f : float beta) d :=
  match f with
  | Float s m eFloat s m (e + d)
  | _f

Definition Fscale2 {beta} (f : float beta) d :=
  match f with
  | Float s m e
    match radix_val beta, d with
    | Zpos (xO xH), _Float s m (e + d)
    | _, Z0f
    | _, Zpos nb
      Float s (iter_pos (fun xxO x) nb m) e
    | Zpos (xO r), Zneg nb
      Float s (iter_pos (fun xPmult r x) nb m) (e + d)
    | _, _Fnan
  | _f

Definition Fpow2 {beta} d := Fscale2 (@Float beta false xH 0) d.

Definition Fdiv2 {beta} (f : float beta) := Fscale2 f (-1).

Definition shift beta m nb :=
  let r := match radix_val beta with Zpos rr | _xH end in
  iter_pos (Pmult r) nb m.

Definition Fcmp_aux1 m1 m2 :=
  match (Zpos m1) (Zpos m2) with
  | EqXeq
  | LtXlt
  | GtXgt

Definition Fcmp_aux2 beta m1 e1 m2 e2 :=
  let d1 := count_digits beta m1 in
  let d2 := count_digits beta m2 in
  match (e1 + Zpos d1)%Z (e2 + Zpos d2)%Z with
  | LtXlt
  | GtXgt
  | Eq
    match Zminus e1 e2 with
    | Zpos nbFcmp_aux1 (shift beta m1 nb) m2
    | Zneg nbFcmp_aux1 m1 (shift beta m2 nb)
    | Z0Fcmp_aux1 m1 m2

Definition Fcmp {beta} (f1 f2 : float beta) :=
  match f1, f2 with
  | Fnan, _Xund
  | _, FnanXund
  | Fzero, FzeroXeq
  | Fzero, Float false _ _Xlt
  | Fzero, Float true _ _Xgt
  | Float false _ _, FzeroXgt
  | Float true _ _, FzeroXlt
  | Float false _ _, Float true _ _Xgt
  | Float true _ _, Float false _ _Xlt
  | Float false m1 e1, Float false m2 e2Fcmp_aux2 beta m1 e1 m2 e2
  | Float true m1 e1, Float true m2 e2Fcmp_aux2 beta m2 e2 m1 e1

Definition Fmin {beta} (f1 f2 : float beta) :=
  match Fcmp f1 f2 with
  | Xltf1
  | Xeqf1
  | Xgtf2
  | XundFnan

Definition Fmax {beta} (f1 f2 : float beta) :=
  match Fcmp f1 f2 with
  | Xltf2
  | Xeqf2
  | Xgtf1
  | XundFnan

Definition UtoX {beta} (f : ufloat beta) :=
  match f with
  | UzeroXreal R0
  | Ufloat s m e pos_EqXreal (FtoR beta s m e)
  | _Xnan

Definition convert_location l :=
  match l with
  | Bracket.loc_Exactpos_Eq
  | Bracket.loc_Inexact l
    match l with Ltpos_Lo | Eqpos_Mi | Gtpos_Up end

Definition float_to_ufloat {beta} (x : float beta) : ufloat beta :=
  match x with
  | FnanUnan
  | FzeroUzero
  | Float s m eUfloat s m e pos_Eq

Definition adjust_pos r d pos :=
  match r with
  | Z0
    match pos with
    | pos_Eqpos_Eq
    | _match d with xHpos | _pos_Lo end
  | Zneg _pos_Eq
  | Zpos _
    let (hd, mid) :=
      match d with
      | xO p(p, match pos with pos_Eqpos_Mi | _pos_Up end)
      | xI p(p, match pos with pos_Eqpos_Lo | _pos end)
      | xH(xH, pos_Eq)
      end in
    match r (Zpos hd) with
    | Ltpos_Lo
    | Eqmid
    | Gtpos_Up

Definition Fround_none {beta} (uf : ufloat beta) : float beta :=
  match uf with
  | UzeroFzero
  | Ufloat s m e pos_EqFloat s m e
  | _Fnan

Definition need_change mode even_m pos sign :=
  match mode with
  | rnd_ZRfalse
  | rnd_UPmatch pos with pos_Eqfalse | _negb sign end
  | rnd_DNmatch pos with pos_Eqfalse | _sign end
  | rnd_NE
    match pos with
    | pos_Uptrue
    | pos_Minegb even_m
    | _false

Definition need_change_radix even_r mode (even_m : bool) pos sign :=
  match mode with
  | rnd_ZRfalse
  | rnd_UPmatch pos with pos_Eqfalse | _negb sign end
  | rnd_DNmatch pos with pos_Eqfalse | _sign end
  | rnd_NE
    match pos with
    | pos_Uptrue
    | pos_Miif even_m then false else negb even_r
    | _false

Definition adjust_mantissa mode m pos sign :=
  if need_change mode (match m with xO _true | _false end) pos sign then Pos.succ m else m.

Definition Fround_at_prec {beta} mode prec (uf : ufloat beta) : float beta :=
  match uf with
  | UnanFnan
  | UzeroFzero
  | Ufloat sign m1 e1 pos
    match (Zpos (count_digits beta m1) - Zpos prec)%Z with
    | Zpos nb
      let d := shift beta xH nb in
      match Z.div_eucl (Zpos m1) (Zpos d) with
      | (Zpos m2, r)
        let pos2 := adjust_pos r d pos in
        let e2 := (e1 + Zpos nb)%Z in
        Float sign (adjust_mantissa mode m2 pos2 sign) e2
      | _Fnan
    | Z0Float sign (adjust_mantissa mode m1 pos sign) e1
    | _Float sign m1 e1

Definition need_change_zero mode pos sign :=
  match mode with
  | rnd_ZRfalse
  | rnd_UPmatch pos with pos_Eqfalse | _negb sign end
  | rnd_DNmatch pos with pos_Eqfalse | _sign end
  | rnd_NE
    match pos with
    | pos_Uptrue
    | _false

Definition Fround_at_exp {beta} mode e2 (uf : ufloat beta) : float beta :=
  match uf with
  | UnanFnan
  | UzeroFzero
  | Ufloat sign m1 e1 pos
    match (e2 - e1)%Z with
    | Zpos nb
      match (Zpos (count_digits beta m1)) (Zpos nb) with
      | Gt
        let d := shift beta xH nb in
        match Z.div_eucl (Zpos m1) (Zpos d) with
        | (Zpos m2, r)
          let pos2 := adjust_pos r d pos in
          Float sign (adjust_mantissa mode m2 pos2 sign) e2
        | _Fnan
      | Eq
        let d := shift beta xH nb in
        let pos2 := adjust_pos (Zpos m1) d pos in
        if need_change_zero mode pos2 sign then
          Float sign xH e2
        else Fzero
      | Lt
        if need_change_zero mode pos_Lo sign then
          Float sign xH e2
        else Fzero
    | Z0Float sign (adjust_mantissa mode m1 pos sign) e1
    | _Float sign m1 e1

Definition Fround {beta} mode prec (x : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (float_to_ufloat x).

Definition Fnearbyint_exact {beta} mode (x : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_exp mode 0 (float_to_ufloat x).

Definition Fnearbyint {beta} mode prec x :=
  match x with
  | Float sx mx ex
    match (Zpos (count_digits beta mx) + ex) (Zpos prec) with
    | GtFround_at_prec mode prec
    | _Fround_at_exp mode 0
    end (@Ufloat beta sx mx ex pos_Eq)
  | _x

Definition Fmul_aux {beta} (x y : float beta) : ufloat beta :=
  match x, y with
  | Fnan, _Unan
  | _, FnanUnan
  | Fzero, _Uzero
  | _, FzeroUzero
  | Float sx mx ex, Float sy my ey
    Ufloat (xorb sx sy) (Pmult mx my) (ex + ey) pos_Eq

Definition Fmul {beta} mode prec (x y : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (Fmul_aux x y).

Definition Fadd_slow_aux1 beta sx sy mx my e pos : ufloat beta :=
  if eqb sx sy then
    Ufloat sx (Pplus mx my) e pos
    match (Zpos mx + Zneg my)%Z with
    | Z0Uzero
    | Zpos pUfloat sx p e pos
    | Zneg pUfloat sy p e pos

Definition Fadd_slow_aux2 beta sx sy mx my ex ey pos :=
  match Zminus ex ey with
  | Zpos nbFadd_slow_aux1 beta sx sy (shift beta mx nb) my ey pos
  | Zneg nbFadd_slow_aux1 beta sx sy mx (shift beta my nb) ex pos
  | Z0Fadd_slow_aux1 beta sx sy mx my ex pos

Definition Fadd_slow_aux {beta} (x y : float beta) :=
  match x, y with
  | Fnan, _Unan
  | _, FnanUnan
  | Fzero, FzeroUzero
  | Fzero, Float sy my ey
    Ufloat sy my ey pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, Fzero
    Ufloat sx mx ex pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, Float sy my ey
    Fadd_slow_aux2 beta sx sy mx my ex ey pos_Eq

Definition Fadd_slow {beta} mode prec (x y : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (Fadd_slow_aux x y).

Definition Fadd_exact {beta} (x y : float beta) :=
  Fround_none (Fadd_slow_aux x y).

Definition Fadd_fast_aux1 beta s1 s2 m1 m2 e1 e2 e : ufloat beta :=
  let m1' :=
    match (e1 - e)%Z with
    | Zpos dshift beta m1 d
    | _m1
    end in
  match (e - e2)%Z with
  | Zpos nb
    let d := shift beta xH nb in
    match Z.div_eucl (Zpos m2) (Zpos d) with
    | (Zpos m2', r)
      let pos := adjust_pos r d pos_Eq in
      Fadd_slow_aux1 beta s1 s2 m1' m2' e pos
    | (Z0, r)
      let pos := adjust_pos r d pos_Eq in
      Ufloat s1 m1' e pos
    | _
  | Z0
    Fadd_slow_aux1 beta s1 s2 m1' m2 e pos_Eq
  | _

Definition Fadd_fast_aux2 beta prec s1 s2 m1 m2 e1 e2 :=
  let d1 := count_digits beta m1 in
  let d2 := count_digits beta m2 in
  let p1 := (Zpos d1 + e1)%Z in
  let p2 := (Zpos d2 + e2)%Z in
  if Zle_bool 2 (Z.abs (p1 - p2)) then
    let e := Z.min (Z.max e1 e2) (Z.max p1 p2 + Z.neg prec) in
    if Zlt_bool e1 e then
      Fadd_fast_aux1 beta s2 s1 m2 m1 e2 e1 e
      Fadd_fast_aux1 beta s1 s2 m1 m2 e1 e2 e
    Fadd_slow_aux2 beta s1 s2 m1 m2 e1 e2 pos_Eq.

Definition Fadd_fast_aux {beta} prec (x y : float beta) :=
  match x, y with
  | Fnan, _Unan
  | _, FnanUnan
  | Fzero, FzeroUzero
  | Fzero, Float sy my ey
    Ufloat sy my ey pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, Fzero
    Ufloat sx mx ex pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, Float sy my ey
    Fadd_fast_aux2 beta prec sx sy mx my ex ey

Definition Fadd_fast {beta} mode prec (x y : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (Fadd_fast_aux prec x y).

Definition Fadd {beta} := @Fadd_slow beta.

Definition Fsub_slow_aux {beta} (x y : float beta) :=
  match x, y with
  | Fnan, _Unan
  | _, FnanUnan
  | Fzero, FzeroUzero
  | Fzero, Float sy my eyUfloat (negb sy) my ey pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, FzeroUfloat sx mx ex pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, Float sy my ey
    Fadd_slow_aux2 beta sx (negb sy) mx my ex ey pos_Eq

Definition Fsub_slow {beta} mode prec (x y : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (Fsub_slow_aux x y).

Definition Fsub_fast_aux {beta} prec (x y : float beta) :=
  match x, y with
  | Fnan, _Unan
  | _, FnanUnan
  | Fzero, FzeroUzero
  | Fzero, Float sy my ey
    Ufloat (negb sy) my ey pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, Fzero
    Ufloat sx mx ex pos_Eq
  | Float sx mx ex, Float sy my ey
    Fadd_fast_aux2 beta prec sx (negb sy) mx my ex ey

Definition Fsub_fast {beta} mode prec (x y : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (Fsub_fast_aux prec x y).

Definition Fsub {beta} := @Fsub_slow beta.

Definition Fdiv_aux2 beta prec m1 e1 m2 e2 :=
  let d1 := Digits.Zdigits beta m1 in
  let d2 := Digits.Zdigits beta m2 in
  let e := (e1 - e2)%Z in
  let (m, e') :=
    match (d2 + prec - d1)%Z with
    | Zpos p(m1 × Zpower_pos beta p, e + Zneg p)%Z
    | _(m1, e)
    end in
  let '(q, r) := Zfast_div_eucl m m2 in
  (q, e', Bracket.new_location m2 r Bracket.loc_Exact).

Definition Fdiv_aux {beta} prec (x y : float beta) : ufloat beta :=
  match x, y with
  | Fnan, _Unan
  | _, FnanUnan
  | _, FzeroUnan
  | Fzero, _Uzero
  | Float sx mx ex, Float sy my ey
    match Fdiv_aux2 beta (Zpos prec) (Zpos mx) ex (Zpos my) ey with
    | (Zpos m, e, l)
      Ufloat (xorb sx sy) m e (convert_location l)
    | _Unan

Definition Fdiv {beta} mode prec (x y : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (Fdiv_aux prec x y).

Definition Frem_aux1 beta mx my s e : float beta × ufloat beta :=
  let (q1, r1) := Z.div_eucl (Zpos mx) (Zpos my) in
  let (q2, r2) :=
      match my with
      | xHfalse
      | xO p
        match r1 (Zpos p) with
        | Ltfalse
        | Eq
          match q1 with
          | Z0false
          | Zpos (xO _) ⇒ false
          | _true
        | Gttrue
      | xI p
        match r1 (Zpos p) with
        | Ltfalse
        | Eqfalse
        | Gttrue
    | false(q1, r1)
    | true(q1 + 1, r1 - Zpos my)%Z
    end in
 (match q2 with
  | Zpos pFloat s p 0
  | Z0Fzero
  | _Fnan
  match r2 with
  | Zpos pUfloat s p e pos_Eq
  | Z0Uzero
  | Zneg pUfloat (negb s) p e pos_Eq

Definition Frem_aux {beta} (x y : float beta) :=
  match x, y with
  | Fnan, _(Fnan, Unan)
  | _, Fnan(Fnan, Unan)
  | _, Fzero(Fnan, Unan)
  | Fzero, _(Fzero, Uzero)
  | Float sx mx ex, Float sy my ey
    let s := xorb sx sy in
    match (ex - ey)%Z with
    | Zpos nbFrem_aux1 beta (shift beta mx nb) my s ey
    | Z0Frem_aux1 beta mx my s ex
    | Zneg nbFrem_aux1 beta mx (shift beta my nb) s ex

Definition Frem {beta} mode prec (x y : float beta) :=
  let (q, r) := Frem_aux x y in
  (q, Fround_at_prec mode prec r).

Definition Fsqrt_aux2 beta prec m e :=
  let d := Digits.Zdigits beta m in
  let s := Z.max (2 × prec - d) 0 in
  let e' := (e - s)%Z in
  let (s', e'') := if Z.even e' then (s, e') else (s + 1, e' - 1)%Z in
  let m' :=
    match s' with
    | Zpos p ⇒ (m × Zpower_pos beta p)%Z
    | _m
    end in
  let (q, r) := Z.sqrtrem m' in
  let l :=
    if Zeq_bool r 0 then Bracket.loc_Exact
    else Bracket.loc_Inexact (if Zle_bool r q then Lt else Gt) in
  (q, Z.div2 e'', l).

Definition Fsqrt_aux {beta} prec (f : float beta) : ufloat beta :=
  match f with
  | Float false m e
    match Fsqrt_aux2 beta (Zpos prec) (Zpos m) e with
    | (Zpos m, e, l)
      Ufloat false m e (convert_location l)
    | _Unan
  | Float true _ _Unan
  | FzeroUzero
  | FnanUnan

Definition Fsqrt {beta} mode prec (x : float beta) :=
  Fround_at_prec mode prec (Fsqrt_aux prec x).

Definition Fmag {beta} (x : float beta) :=
  match x with
  | Float _ m eZplus e (Zpos (count_digits beta m))
  | _Z0