Library Interval.Real.Xreal_derive
This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of
real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2016, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C
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As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided
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liability. See the COPYING file for more details.
From Coq Require Import Reals.
From Flocq Require Import Raux.
Require Import Stdlib.
Require Import Xreal.
Theorem derivable_imp_defined :
∀ f r d u v,
f (Xreal r) = Xreal u → u ≠ v →
derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f) r d →
locally_true r (fun a ⇒ ∃ w, f (Xreal a) = Xreal w).
Theorem derivable_imp_defined_any :
∀ f r d u,
f (Xreal r) = Xreal u →
(∀ v, derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f) r d) →
locally_true r (fun a ⇒ ∃ w, f (Xreal a) = Xreal w).
Theorem derivable_imp_defined_any_2 :
∀ f1 f2 r d1 d2 u1 u2,
f1 (Xreal r) = Xreal u1 →
f2 (Xreal r) = Xreal u2 →
(∀ v, derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f1) r d1) →
(∀ v, derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f2) r d2) →
locally_true r (fun a ⇒
(∃ w1, f1 (Xreal a) = Xreal w1) ∧
(∃ w2, f2 (Xreal a) = Xreal w2)).
Theorem derivable_imp_defined_gt :
∀ f r d u t,
f (Xreal r) = Xreal u → (t < u)%R →
(∀ v, derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f) r d) →
locally_true r (fun a ⇒ ∃ w, (t < w)%R ∧ f (Xreal a) = Xreal w).
Theorem derivable_imp_defined_lt :
∀ f r d u t,
f (Xreal r) = Xreal u → (u < t)%R →
(∀ v, derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f) r d) →
locally_true r (fun a ⇒ ∃ w, (w < t)%R ∧ f (Xreal a) = Xreal w).
Theorem derivable_imp_defined_ne :
∀ f r d u t,
f (Xreal r) = Xreal u → (u ≠ t)%R →
(∀ v, derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f) r d) →
locally_true r (fun a ⇒ ∃ w, (w ≠ t)%R ∧ f (Xreal a) = Xreal w).
Definition Xderive_pt f x y' :=
match x, y', f x with
| Xreal r, Xreal d, Xreal _ ⇒ ∀ v, derivable_pt_lim (proj_fun v f) r d
| _, Xnan, _ ⇒ True
| _, _, _ ⇒ False
Definition Xderive f f' := ∀ x, Xderive_pt f x (f' x).
Ltac xtotal_get_spec1 f :=
match f with
| Req_bool ⇒ Req_bool_spec
| Rle_bool ⇒ Rle_bool_spec
| Rlt_bool ⇒ Rlt_bool_spec
| is_zero ⇒ is_zero_spec
| is_positive ⇒ is_positive_spec
| is_negative ⇒ is_negative_spec
Ltac xtotal_destruct_xreal v :=
match v with
| context [?f ?x] ⇒
let r := fresh "r" in
let X := fresh "X" in
case_eq v ; [ intros X | intros r X ] ; try rewrite X in ×
| _ ⇒
let r := fresh "r" in
destruct v as [|r]
Ltac xtotal_aux :=
trivial ;
try discriminate ;
match goal with
| H: False |- _ ⇒ elim H
| H: ?v = ?v |- _ ⇒ clear H
| H: Xreal _ = Xreal _ |- _ ⇒
injection H ; clear H ; intro H
| H: context [match ?v with Xnan ⇒ _ | Xreal _ ⇒ _ end] |- _ ⇒
xtotal_destruct_xreal v ; try discriminate H ; trivial
| H1 : Xderive ?f1 ?f2 , H2 : context [?f2 ?v] |- _ ⇒
generalize (H1 v) ; clear H1 ; intro H1 ; unfold Xderive_pt in H1
| H: ?v = Xreal _ |- _ ⇒ rewrite H in ×
| H: ?v = Xnan |- _ ⇒ rewrite H in ×
| v: R, H: ?v = _ |- _ ⇒
try rewrite H in × ; clear H v
| v: R, H: _ = ?v |- _ ⇒
try rewrite <- H in × ; clear H v
| H: context [?f ?v] |- _ ⇒
let s := xtotal_get_spec1 f in
let Y := fresh "Y" in
destruct (s v) as [Y|Y]
| H: match ?v with true ⇒ Xnan | false ⇒ Xreal _ end = _ |- _ ⇒
let X := fresh "X" in
case_eq v ; intro X ; rewrite X in H ; try discriminate H
| |- match ?v with Xnan ⇒ _ | Xreal _ ⇒ _ end ⇒
xtotal_destruct_xreal v
| |- context [?f ?v] ⇒
let s := xtotal_get_spec1 f in
let Y := fresh "Y" in
destruct (s v) as [Y|Y]
Ltac xtotal :=
unfold Xderive_pt, Xinv', Xdiv', Xsqrt', Xtan', Xln', Xpower_int, Xpower_int', Xmask, Xbind2, Xbind in × ;
repeat xtotal_aux.
Theorem Xderive_pt_add :
∀ f g f' g' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' → Xderive_pt g x g' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xadd (f x) (g x)) x (Xadd f' g').
Theorem Xderive_pt_sub :
∀ f g f' g' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' → Xderive_pt g x g' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xsub (f x) (g x)) x (Xsub f' g').
Theorem Xderive_pt_mul :
∀ f g f' g' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' → Xderive_pt g x g' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xmul (f x) (g x)) x (Xadd (Xmul f' (g x)) (Xmul g' (f x))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_div :
∀ f g f' g' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' → Xderive_pt g x g' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xdiv (f x) (g x)) x (Xdiv (Xsub (Xmul f' (g x)) (Xmul g' (f x))) (Xmul (g x) (g x))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_neg :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xneg (f x)) x (Xneg f').
Theorem Xderive_pt_abs :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xabs (f x)) x (match Xcmp (f x) (Xreal 0) with Xlt ⇒ Xneg f' | Xgt ⇒ f' | _ ⇒ Xnan end).
Theorem Xderive_pt_inv :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xinv (f x)) x (Xneg (Xdiv f' (Xsqr (f x)))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_sqrt :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xsqrt (f x)) x (Xdiv f' (Xadd (Xsqrt (f x)) (Xsqrt (f x)))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_sin :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xsin (f x)) x (Xmul f' (Xcos (f x))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_cos :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xcos (f x)) x (Xmul f' (Xneg (Xsin (f x)))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_tan :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xtan (f x)) x (Xmul f' (Xadd (Xreal 1) (Xsqr (Xtan (f x))))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_exp :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xexp (f x)) x (Xmul f' (Xexp (f x))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_ln :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xln (f x)) x (match Xcmp (f x) (Xreal 0) with Xgt ⇒ Xdiv f' (f x) | _ ⇒ Xnan end).
Theorem Xderive_pt_atan :
∀ f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xatan (f x)) x (Xdiv f' (Xadd (Xreal 1) (Xsqr (f x)))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_power_int :
∀ n f f' x,
Xderive_pt f x f' →
Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ Xpower_int (f x) n) x (Xmul f' (Xmul (Xreal (IZR n)) (Xpower_int (f x) (Z.pred n)))).
Theorem Xderive_pt_partial_fun :
∀ g f f',
(∀ x y, g x = Xreal y → f x = Xreal y) →
∀ x,
Xderive_pt g x f' →
Xderive_pt f x f'.
Theorem Xderive_pt_eq_fun :
∀ g f f',
(∀ x, f x = g x) →
∀ x,
Xderive_pt g x f' →
Xderive_pt f x f'.
Theorem Xderive_pt_identity :
∀ x, Xderive_pt (fun x ⇒ x) x (Xmask (Xreal 1) x).
Theorem Xderive_pt_constant :
∀ v x,
Xderive_pt (fun _ ⇒ Xreal v) x (Xmask (Xreal 0) x).
Theorem Xderive_MVT :
∀ f f',
Xderive f f' →
∀ dom : R → Prop,
connected dom →
(∀ x, dom x → f' (Xreal x) ≠ Xnan) →
∀ m, dom m →
∀ x, dom x →
∃ c, dom c ∧
f (Xreal x) = Xadd (f (Xreal m)) (Xmul (f' (Xreal c)) (Xsub (Xreal x) (Xreal m))).