Library Interval.Poly.Taylor_model_sharp

This file is part of the CoqApprox formalization of rigorous polynomial approximation in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2010-2012, ENS de Lyon. Copyright (C) 2010-2016, Inria. Copyright (C) 2014-2016, IRIT.
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
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From Coq Require Import ZArith Psatz Reals.
From Flocq Require Import Raux.
From Coquelicot Require Import Coquelicot.
From mathcomp.ssreflect Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.

Require Import Stdlib.
Require Import MathComp.
Require Import Coquelicot.
Require Import Xreal.
Require Import Interval.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Xreal_derive.
Require Import Interval_compl.
Require Import Datatypes.
Require Import Taylor_poly.
Require Import Basic_rec.
Require Import Bound.

This theory implements Taylor models with interval polynomials for univariate real-valued functions. The implemented algorithms rely on the so-called Zumkeller's technique, which allows one to obtain sharp enclosures of the approximation error, when it detects that the Taylor-Lagrange remainder of the elementary function at stake is monotonic over the interval under study.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Rigorous Polynomial Approximation structure
Record rpa {pol int : Type} : Type := RPA { approx : pol ; error : int }.

Module TR := TaylorPoly FullR PolR.

Module TaylorModel (I : IntervalOps) (Pol : PolyIntOps I) (Bnd : PolyBound I Pol).
Import Pol.Notations.
Import PolR.Notations.
Local Open Scope ipoly_scope.
Module Export Aux := IntervalAux I.
Module Import TI := TaylorPoly Pol.Int Pol.
Module Import BndThm := PolyBoundThm I Pol Bnd.
Module J := IntervalExt I.

Ltac step_xr xr :=
  match goal with
  [ |- contains ?i ?g ] ⇒ rewrite -(_ : xr = g)
Ltac step_r r :=
  match goal with
  [ |- contains ?i (Xreal ?g) ] ⇒ rewrite -(_ : r = g)
Ltac step_xi xi :=
  match goal with
  [ |- contains ?g ?xr ] ⇒ rewrite -(_ : xi = g)
Ltac step_i i :=
  match goal with
  [ |- contains (I.convert ?g) ?xr ] ⇒ rewrite -(_ : i = g)

Notation rpa := (@rpa Pol.T I.type).

Section PrecArgument.
For greater convenience, set the precision as a section variable. Note that this will not hinder any dynamic-change of the precision inside the functions that are defined or called below.
Variable prec : I.precision.

Section TaylorModel.

Variable M : rpa.

Variable Tcoeffs : I.type nat Pol.T.
For complexity reasons, Tcoeffs must return more than one coefficient.
The generic functions TLrem/Ztech are intended to ease the computation of the interval remainder for basic functions.
Definition TLrem (X0 X : I.type) n :=
  let N := S n in
  let NthCoeff := Pol.nth (Tcoeffs X N) N in
  let NthPower :=
    I.power_int prec (I.sub prec X X0) (Z_of_nat N) in
  I.mul prec NthCoeff NthPower.

The first argument of Ztech will be instantiated with Tcoeffs X0 n.
Definition Ztech (P : Pol.T) F (X0 X : I.type) n :=
  let N := S n in
  let NthCoeff := Pol.nth (Tcoeffs X N) N in
  if isNNegOrNPos NthCoeff && I.bounded X then
    let a := I.lower X in let b := I.upper X in
    let A := I.bnd a a in let B := I.bnd b b in
    let Da := I.sub prec (F A) (Pol.horner prec P (I.sub prec A X0)) in
    let Db := I.sub prec (F B) (Pol.horner prec P (I.sub prec B X0)) in
    let Dx0 := I.sub prec (F X0) (Pol.nth P 0) in
    I.join (I.join Da Db) Dx0
    let NthPower :=
      I.power_int prec (I.sub prec X X0) (Z_of_nat N) in
    I.mul prec NthCoeff NthPower.

End TaylorModel.

Note that Zumkeller's technique is not necessary for TM_cst & TM_var.
Definition TM_cst (X c : I.type) : rpa :=
  RPA (Pol.polyC c) (I.mask (I.mask X) c).

Definition TM_var (X X0 : I.type) :=
  RPA (Pol.set_nth Pol.polyX 0 X0) (I.mask X).

Definition TM_exp (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
Note that this let-in is essential in call-by-value context.
  let P := (T_exp prec X0 n) in
  RPA P (Ztech (T_exp prec) P (I.exp prec) X0 X n).

Definition TM_sin (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
  let P := (T_sin prec X0 n) in
  RPA P (Ztech (T_sin prec) P (I.sin prec) X0 X n).

Definition TM_cos (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
  let P := (T_cos prec X0 n) in
  RPA P (Ztech (T_cos prec) P (I.cos prec) X0 X n).

Definition TM_atan (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
  let P := (T_atan prec X0 n) in
  RPA P (Ztech (T_atan prec) P (I.atan prec) X0 X n).

Definition TM_add (Mf Mg : rpa) : rpa :=
  RPA (Pol.add prec (approx Mf) (approx Mg))
    (I.add prec (error Mf) (error Mg)).

Definition TM_opp (M : rpa) : rpa :=
  RPA (Pol.opp (approx M)) (I.neg (error M)).

Definition TM_sub (Mf Mg : rpa) : rpa :=
  RPA (Pol.sub prec (approx Mf) (approx Mg))
      (I.sub prec (error Mf) (error Mg)).

Definition i_validTM (x0 : R) (X : interval)
  (M : rpa) (xf : R ExtendedR) :=
     x : R, contains X (Xreal x) xf x = Xnan I.convert (error M) = IInan,
    X = IInan I.convert (error M) = IInan,
    contains (I.convert (error M)) (Xreal 0),
    contains X (Xreal x0) &
    exists2 Q, approx M >:: Q
    & x, contains X (Xreal x)
      error M >: proj_val (xf x) - Q.[x - x0]].

Lemma TM_fun_eq f g (x0 : R) (X : interval) TMf :
  ( x, contains X (Xreal x) f x = g x)
  i_validTM x0 X TMf f i_validTM x0 X TMf g.

Section TM_integral.

Local Open Scope R_scope.

Lemma Rpol_continuous p (x : R) : continuous (PolR.horner tt p) x.

Lemma Rpol_integrable p (x1 x2 : R) : ex_RInt (PolR.horner tt p) x1 x2.

Lemma ex_derive_big I (s : seq I) :
   (f : I R R)
   (x : R),
   ( k : I, ex_derive (f k) x)
 ex_derive (fun x0 : Rdefinitions.R\big[Rplus/0]_(i <- s) f i x0) x.

Lemma derive_big I (s : seq I) :
   (f : I R R)
   (x : R),
   ( k : I, ex_derive (f k) x)
   Derive (fun y : Rdefinitions.R
             \big[Rplus/0]_(i <- s) (f i y)) x =
   \big[(fun _ : unitRplus) tt/0]_(i <- s) ((Derive (f i)) x).

Lemma horner_primitive (c : R) (p : PolR.T) (t : R):
  PolR.horner tt (PolR.primitive tt c p) t =
  c + \big[Rplus/0]_(0 i < (size p))
   (PolR.nth (PolR.primitive tt c p) i.+1 × powerRZ t (Z.of_nat i.+1)).

Lemma Rpol_derive p (c : R) (x : R) :
  Derive (PolR.horner tt (PolR.primitive tt c p)) x = PolR.horner tt p x.

Lemma Rpol_integral_0 (x1 x2 : R) (p : PolR.T) :
  RInt (PolR.horner tt p) x1 x2 =
    PolR.horner tt (PolR.primitive tt 0 p) x2 - PolR.horner tt (PolR.primitive tt 0 p) x1.

Local Notation Isub := (I.sub prec).
Local Notation Imul := (I.mul prec).
Local Notation Iadd := (I.add prec).

Variables (X0 X : I.type).
Variable xF : R ExtendedR. Let f := fun xproj_val (xF x).
Let iX0 := I.convert X0.
Let iX := I.convert X.

Hypothesis f_int : x x0 : R,
  contains iX (Xreal x) contains iX0 (Xreal x0)
  ex_RInt f x0 x.
Hypothesis x_Def : x : R, contains iX (Xreal x) xF x Xnan.
Variable Mf : rpa.

Definition TM_integral_poly :=
  Pol.primitive prec ( (approx Mf).

Definition TM_integral_error :=
  Imul (Isub X X0) (error Mf).

Local Open Scope R_scope.

Lemma pol_int_sub pol x1 x2 x3 :
  ex_RInt (fun y : Rpol.[y - x3]) x1 x2.

the following section is now concerned with computing just one integral from a to b, for the "interval" tactic
Section NumericIntegration.

Local Open Scope R_scope.

Variables (x0 a b : R) (ia ib : I.type).

Hypothesis Hx0 : contains iX0 (Xreal x0).
Hypothesis Ha : contains iX (Xreal a).
Hypothesis Hb : contains iX (Xreal b).
Hypothesis Hia : contains (I.convert ia) (Xreal a).
Hypothesis Hib : contains (I.convert ib) (Xreal b).
Hypothesis f_int_numeric : ex_RInt f a b.

Definition polIntegral := Isub (Pol.horner prec TM_integral_poly (Isub ib X0)) (Pol.horner prec TM_integral_poly (Isub ia X0)).
Definition integralError := Imul (Isub ib ia) (error Mf).
Definition integralEnclosure := Iadd polIntegral integralError.

Lemma integralEnclosure_correct :
  i_validTM x0 iX Mf xF
  contains (I.convert integralEnclosure) (Xreal (RInt f a b)).

End NumericIntegration.

Lemma contains_interval_float_integral (p : PolR.T) :
  approx Mf >:: p
  TM_integral_poly >:: (PolR.primitive tt 0%R p).

Lemma TM_integral_error_0 (x0 : R) :
  contains iX0 (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 iX Mf xF
  contains (I.convert TM_integral_error) (Xreal 0).

Definition TM_integral :=
  RPA TM_integral_poly TM_integral_error.

Lemma TM_integral_correct (x0 : Rdefinitions.R) :
  contains iX0 (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 iX Mf xF
  i_validTM x0 iX TM_integral (fun xXreal (RInt f x0 x)).

End TM_integral.

Section Const_prelim.

Definition is_const (f : R ExtendedR) (X c : interval) : Prop :=
  exists2 y : ExtendedR, contains c y
  & x : R, contains X (Xreal x) f x = y.

Lemma is_const_ext (f g : R ExtendedR) (X c : interval) :
  ( x : R, contains X (Xreal x) f x = g x)
  is_const f X c is_const g X c.

Corollary is_const_ext_weak (f g : R ExtendedR) (X c : interval) :
  ( x : R, f x = g x)
  is_const f X c is_const g X c.

End Const_prelim.

Section GenericProof.
Generic proof for TLrem and Ztech.

Variable xf : R ExtendedR.
Variable P : R nat PolR.T.

Let f0 := fun xproj_val (xf x).
Let Dn n := Derive_n f0 n.

Let Rdelta (n : nat) (x0 x : R) :=
  (f0 x - (P x0 n).[x - x0])%R.

We now define the derivative of Rdelta n x0
Let Rdelta' (n : nat) (x0 x : R) :=
  (Dn 1 x - (PolR.deriv tt (P x0 n)).[x - x0])%R.

Section aux.

Variable dom : R Prop.
Hypothesis Hdom : connected dom.

Lemma Rmonot_contains (g : R R) :
  Rmonot dom g
   (x y z : R),
  dom x dom y intvl x y z
  intvl (g x) (g y) (g z) intvl (g y) (g x) (g z).

Lemma upper_Rpos_over
  (c x0 : R) (nm1 : nat) (n := nm1.+1) :
  dom x0
  Rpos_over dom (Dn n.+1)
   x : R, (x0 x)%R dom x intvl x x0 c intvl x0 x c
  (0 (Dn n.+1 c) / INR (fact n) × (x - x0) ^ n)%R.

Lemma upper_Rneg_over
  (c x0 : R) (nm1 : nat) (n := nm1.+1) :
  dom x0
  Rneg_over dom (Dn n.+1)
   x : R, (x0 x)%R dom x intvl x x0 c intvl x0 x c
  (Dn n.+1 c / INR (fact n) × (x - x0) ^ n 0)%R.

Lemma pow_Rabs_sign (r : R) (n : nat) :
  (r ^ n = powerRZ
    (if Rle_bool R0 r then 1 else -1) (Z_of_nat n) × (Rabs r) ^ n)%R.

Lemma powerRZ_1_even (k : Z) : (0 powerRZ (-1) (2 × k))%R.

Lemma ZEven_pow_le (r : R) (n : nat) :
  Z.Even (Z_of_nat n)
  (0 r ^ n)%R.

Lemma Ropp_le_0 (x : R) :
  (0 x - x 0)%R.

Lemma ZOdd_pow_le (r : R) (n : nat) :
  Z.Odd (Z_of_nat n)
  (r 0 r ^ n 0)%R.

Lemma lower_even_Rpos_over
  (c x0 : R) (nm1 : nat) (n := nm1.+1) :
  Z.Even (Z_of_nat n)
  dom x0
  Rpos_over dom (Dn n.+1)
   x : R, (x x0)%R dom x intvl x x0 c intvl x0 x c
  (0 Dn n.+1 c / INR (fact n) × (x - x0) ^ n)%R.

Lemma lower_even_Rneg_over
  (c x0 : R) (nm1 : nat) (n := nm1.+1) :
  Z.Even (Z_of_nat n)
  dom x0
  Rneg_over dom (Dn n.+1)
   x : R, (x x0)%R dom x intvl x x0 c intvl x0 x c
  (Dn n.+1 c / INR (fact n) × (x - x0) ^ n 0)%R.

Lemma lower_odd_Rpos_over
  (c x0 : R) (nm1 : nat) (n := nm1.+1) :
  Z.Odd (Z_of_nat n)
  dom x0
  Rpos_over dom (Dn n.+1)
   x : R, (x x0)%R dom x intvl x x0 c intvl x0 x c
  (Dn n.+1 c / INR (fact n) × (x - x0) ^ n 0)%R.

Lemma lower_odd_Rneg_over (c x0 : R) (nm1 : nat) (n := nm1.+1) :
  Z.Odd (Z_of_nat n)
  dom x0
  Rneg_over dom (Dn n.+1)
   x : R, dom x (x x0)%R intvl x x0 c intvl x0 x c
  (0 (Dn n.+1 c) / INR (fact n) × (x - x0) ^ n)%R.

Hypothesis Hder_n : n x, dom x ex_derive_n f0 n x.

Lemma Rderive_delta (Pr : R Prop) (n : nat) (x0 : R) :
  dom x0
  Pr x0
  Rderive_over (fun tdom t Pr t) (Rdelta n x0) (Rdelta' n x0).

Hypothesis Poly_size : (x0 : R) n, PolR.size (P x0 n) = n.+1.
Hypothesis Poly_nth : (x : R) n k, dom x k n
  PolR.nth (P x n) k = Rdiv (Dn k x) (INR (fact k)).

Lemma bigXadd'_P (m n : nat) (x0 s : R) :
  dom x0
  ex_derive_n f0 n x0
  m n
  \big[Rplus/R0]_(0 i < m) (PolR.nth (P x0 n) i.+1 × INR i.+1 × s ^ i)%R =
  \big[Rplus/R0]_(0 i < m) ((Dn i.+1 x0) / INR (fact i) × s ^ i)%R.

Proposition 2.2.1 in Mioara Joldes' thesis, adapted from Lemma 5.12 in Roland Zumkeller's thesis
Theorem Zumkeller_monot_rem (x0 : R) (n : nat) :
  dom x0
  Rcst_sign dom (Dn n.+1)
  Rmonot (fun tdom t (t x0)%R) (Rdelta n x0)
  Rmonot (fun tdom t (x0 t)%R) (Rdelta n x0).

End aux.

Variable F : I.type I.type.
Variable IP : I.type nat Pol.T.

Hypothesis F_contains : I.extension (Xbind xf) F.

Variables X : I.type.

Class validPoly : Prop := ValidPoly {
  Poly_size : (x0 : R) n, PolR.size (P x0 n) = n.+1;
  Poly_nth :
     (x : R) n k,
    X >: x
    k n
    PolR.nth (P x n) k = Rdiv (Dn k x) (INR (fact k)) }.

Class validIPoly : Prop := ValidIPoly {
  IPoly_size :
     (X0 : I.type) x0 n, eq_size (IP X0 n) (P x0 n);
  IPoly_nth : (X0 : I.type) x0 n, X0 >: x0 IP X0 n >:: P x0 n;
  IPoly_nai :
     X, r : R, contains (I.convert X) (Xreal r) xf r = Xnan
     n k, k n I.convert (Pol.nth (IP X n) k) = IInan

Context { validPoly_ : validPoly }.
Context { validIPoly_ : validIPoly }.

Hypothesis Hder_n : n x, X >: x ex_derive_n f0 n x.

Lemma Poly_nth0 x n : X >: x PolR.nth (P x n) 0 = f0 x.

Theorem i_validTM_TLrem (x0 : R) (X0 : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (RPA (IP X0 n) (TLrem IP X0 X n)) xf.

Lemma Ztech_derive_sign (n : nat) :
  isNNegOrNPos (Pol.nth (IP X n.+1) n.+1) = true
  Rcst_sign (fun tcontains (I.convert X) (Xreal t)) (Dn n.+1).

Lemma F_Rcontains : X x, X >: x F X >: f0 x.

Theorem i_validTM_Ztech (x0 : R) (X0 : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X)
  (RPA (IP X0 n) (Ztech IP (IP X0 n) F X0 X n)) xf.

End GenericProof.

Lemma size_TM_cst (X c : I.type) : Pol.size (approx (TM_cst X c)) = 1.

Theorem TM_cst_correct (x0 : R) (ci X : I.type) (c : ExtendedR) :
  contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x0)
  contains (I.convert ci) c
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_cst X ci) (fun _c).

Theorem TM_cst_correct_strong (x0 : R) (ci X : I.type) (f : R ExtendedR) :
  contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x0)
  is_const f (I.convert X) (I.convert ci)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_cst X ci) f.

Return a dummy Taylor model of order n that contains every point of Y
Definition TM_any (Y : I.type) (X : I.type) (n : nat) :=
  let mid := J.midpoint Y in
  let pol := Pol.polyC mid in
  {| approx := if n == 0 then pol
               else Pol.set_nth pol n;
     error := I.mask (I.sub prec Y mid) X

Definition sizes := (Pol.size_polyNil, Pol.size_polyCons,
                     PolR.size_polyNil, PolR.size_polyCons,
                     Pol.size_set_nth, PolR.size_set_nth,

Lemma size_TM_any (c X : I.type) n : Pol.size (approx (TM_any c X n)) = n.+1.

Theorem TM_any_correct
  (x0 : R) (Y X : I.type) (n : nat) (f : R ExtendedR) :
  contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x0)
  ( x : R, contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x)
    contains (I.convert Y) (f x))
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_any Y X n) f.

Lemma size_TM_var (X X0 : I.type) : Pol.size (approx (TM_var X X0)) = 2.

Lemma TM_var_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_var X X0) Xreal.

Theorem TM_var_correct_strong (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) (f : R ExtendedR) :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  ( x : R, contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x) f x = Xreal x)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_var X X0) f.

Lemma size_TM_exp (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_exp X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma TM_exp_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_exp X0 X n) (fun xXreal (exp x)).

Lemma nat_ind2 (P : nat Prop) :
  P 0 P 1
  ( k, P k P k.+1 P k.+2)
   k, P k.

Lemma size_TM_sin (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_sin X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma TM_sin_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_sin X0 X n) (fun xXreal (sin x)).

Lemma size_TM_cos (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_cos X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma TM_cos_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_cos X0 X n) (fun xXreal (cos x)).

Lemma is_derive_n_atan n (x : R) :
  let q n := iteri n
    (fun i cPolR.div_mixed_r tt (PolR.sub tt (PolR.add tt c^`() (PolR.lift 2 c^`()))
      (PolR.mul_mixed tt (INR (i.+1).*2) (PolR.lift 1 c))) (INR i.+2)) in
  is_derive_n atan n x
  (if n is n.+1 then PolR.horner tt (q n) x / (1 + x²) ^ (n.+1) × INR (fact n.+1)
   else atan x)%R.

Lemma size_TM_atan (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_atan X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma TM_atan_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_atan X0 X n) (fun xXreal (atan x)).

Definition TM_tan (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
  let P := (T_tan prec X0 n) in
  let ic := I.cos prec X in
  if apart0 ic
  then RPA P (Ztech (T_tan prec) P (I.tan prec) X0 X n)
  else RPA P I.nai.

Lemma is_derive_n_tan n x :
  cos x 0%R
  let q n := iteri n
    (fun i cPolR.div_mixed_r tt (PolR.add tt c^`() (PolR.lift 2 c^`())) (INR i.+1))
    (PolR.lift 1 in
  is_derive_n tan n x ((q n).[tan x] × INR (fact n)).

Lemma size_TM_tan (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_tan X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma TM_tan_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_tan X0 X n) Xtan'.

Definition TM_sqrt (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
  let P := (T_sqrt prec X0 n) in
  if gt0 X
  then RPA P (Ztech (T_sqrt prec) P (I.sqrt prec) X0 X n)
  else RPA P I.nai.

Lemma size_TM_sqrt (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_sqrt X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma TM_sqrt_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_sqrt X0 X n) Xsqrt'.

Definition I_invsqrt prec x := I.inv prec (I.sqrt prec x).

Definition TM_invsqrt (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
  let P := (T_invsqrt prec X0 n) in
  if gt0 X
  then RPA P (Ztech (T_invsqrt prec) P (I_invsqrt prec) X0 X n)
  else RPA P I.nai.

Lemma size_TM_invsqrt (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_invsqrt X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Ltac Inc :=
  rewrite INR_IZR_INZ;
  apply: I.fromZ_correct.

Lemma TM_invsqrt_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_invsqrt X0 X n) (fun xXinv (Xsqrt (Xreal x))).

Definition TM_power_int (p : Z) (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :=
  let P := (T_power_int prec p X0 n) in
  if p is Z.neg _ then
    if apart0 X then
      RPA P (Ztech (T_power_int prec p) P
                   (fun xI.power_int prec x p) X0 X n)
    else RPA P I.nai
  else RPA P (Ztech (T_power_int prec p) P
                    (fun xI.power_int prec x p) X0 X n).

Lemma size_TM_power_int (p : Z) (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_power_int p X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma toR_power_int p x : (0 p)%Z x R0
  powerRZ x p = proj_val (Xpower_int' x p).

Lemma toR_power_int_loc p x : (0 p)%Z x R0
  locally x (fun tpowerRZ t p = proj_val (Xpower_int' t p)).

Lemma TM_power_int_correct_aux (p : Z) (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  (0 p)%Z apart0 X
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X)
    (let P := (T_power_int prec p X0 n) in
      RPA P (Ztech (T_power_int prec p) P (fun xI.power_int prec x p) X0 X n))
    (fun xXpower_int' x p).

Lemma TM_power_int_correct (p : Z) (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_power_int p X0 X n) (fun xXpower_int' x p).

Definition TM_inv (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :=
  let P := (T_inv prec X0 n) in
  if apart0 X then
    RPA P (Ztech (T_inv prec) P (I.inv prec) X0 X n)
  else RPA P I.nai.

Lemma size_TM_inv (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_inv X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma TM_inv_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_inv X0 X n) Xinv'.

Definition TM_ln (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) : rpa :=
  let P := (T_ln prec X0 n) in
  if gt0 X then
    RPA P (Ztech (T_ln prec) P (I.ln prec) X0 X n)
  else RPA P I.nai.

Lemma size_TM_ln (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_ln X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma powerRZ_opp x n :
  x 0%R powerRZ x (- n) = / (powerRZ x n).

Lemma TM_ln_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) n :
  subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_ln X0 X n) Xln'.

The rest of the file is devoted to arithmetic operations on Taylor models

Local Notation "a + b" := (Xadd a b).
Local Notation "a - b" := (Xsub a b).

Lemma TM_add_correct (x0 : R) (X : interval) (TMf TMg : rpa) f g :
  i_validTM x0 X TMf f
  i_validTM x0 X TMg g
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_add TMf TMg) (fun xrXadd (f xr) (g xr)).

Lemma TM_opp_correct (x0 : R) (X : interval) (TMf : rpa) f :
  i_validTM x0 X TMf f
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_opp TMf) (fun xrXneg (f xr)).

Lemma TM_sub_correct (x0 : R) (X : interval) (TMf TMg : rpa) f g :
  i_validTM x0 X TMf f
  i_validTM x0 X TMg g
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_sub TMf TMg) (fun xrXsub (f xr) (g xr)).

Definition TM_mul_mixed (a : I.type) (M : rpa) : rpa :=
  RPA ( (I.mul prec a) (approx M))
      (I.mul prec a (error M)).

Definition TM_div_mixed_r (M : rpa) (b : I.type) : rpa :=
  RPA ( (I.div prec ^~ b) (approx M))
      (I.div prec (error M) b).

Lemma size_TM_mul_mixed (a : I.type) M :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_mul_mixed a M)) = Pol.size (approx M).

Lemma size_TM_div_mixed_r M (b : I.type) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_div_mixed_r M b)) = Pol.size (approx M).

Lemma TM_mul_mixed_correct (a : I.type) M (x0 : R) (X : interval) f (y : R) :
  a >: y
  i_validTM x0 X M f
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_mul_mixed a M) (fun xXmul (Xreal y) (f x)).

Lemma TM_mul_mixed_nai M (x0 : R) (X : interval) a f g :
  I.convert a = Inan
  i_validTM x0 X M f
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_mul_mixed a M) g.

Lemma TM_mul_mixed_correct_strong (a : I.type) M (x0 : R) (X : interval) f g :
  is_const f X (I.convert a)
  i_validTM x0 X M g
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_mul_mixed a M) (fun xXmul (f x) (g x)).

Lemma TM_div_mixed_r_aux0 M (b : I.type) (x0 : R) (X : interval) f :
  b >: 0%R
  i_validTM x0 X M f
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_div_mixed_r M b) (fun xXdiv (f x) (Xreal 0)).

Lemma TM_div_mixed_r_correct M (b : I.type) (x0 : R) (X : interval) f (y : R) :
  b >: y
  i_validTM x0 X M f
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_div_mixed_r M b) (fun xXdiv (f x) (Xreal y)).

Lemma TM_div_mixed_r_nai M (x0 : R) (X : interval) a f g :
  I.convert a = Inan
  i_validTM x0 X M f
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_div_mixed_r M a) g.

Lemma TM_div_mixed_r_correct_strong M (b : I.type) (x0 : R) (X : interval) f g :
  i_validTM x0 X M f
  is_const g X (I.convert b)
  i_validTM x0 X (TM_div_mixed_r M b) (fun xXdiv (f x) (g x)).

Definition mul_error prec n (f g : rpa) (X0 X : I.type) :=
 let pf := approx f in
 let pg := approx g in
 let sx := (I.sub prec X X0) in
 let B := I.mul prec (Bnd.ComputeBound prec (Pol.mul_tail prec n pf pg) sx)
                (I.power_int prec sx (Z_of_nat n.+1)) in
 let Bf := Bnd.ComputeBound prec pf sx in
 let Bg := Bnd.ComputeBound prec pg sx in
   I.add prec B (I.add prec (I.mul prec (error f) Bg)
     (I.add prec (I.mul prec (error g) Bf)
       (I.mul prec (error f) (error g)))).

Definition TM_mul (Mf Mg : rpa) (X0 X : I.type) n : rpa :=
 RPA (Pol.mul_trunc prec n (approx Mf) (approx Mg))
     (mul_error prec n Mf Mg X0 X).

Lemma TM_mul_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) (TMf TMg : rpa) f g n :
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) TMf f
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) TMg g
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_mul TMf TMg X0 X n) (fun xrXmul (f xr) (g xr)).

Lemma size_TM_add Mf Mg :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_add Mf Mg)) =
  maxn (Pol.size (approx Mf)) (Pol.size (approx Mg)).

Lemma size_TM_mul Mf Mg n (X0 X : I.type) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_mul Mf Mg X0 X n)) = n.+1.

Lemma size_TM_sub Mf Mg :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_sub Mf Mg)) =
  maxn (Pol.size (approx Mf)) (Pol.size (approx Mg)).

Lemma size_TM_opp Mf :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_opp Mf)) = Pol.size (approx Mf).

Definition TM_horner n p (Mf : rpa) (X0 X : I.type) : rpa :=
  @Pol.fold rpa
  (fun a b ⇒ (TM_add (TM_cst X a) (TM_mul b Mf X0 X n)))
  (TM_cst X p.

Lemma size_TM_horner n p Mf (X0 X : I.type) :
  Pol.size (approx (TM_horner n p Mf X0 X)) = (if 0 < Pol.size p then n else 0).+1.

A padding function to change the size of a polynomial over R while keeping the same coefficients.
Let pad pi pr : PolR.T :=
  take (Pol.size pi) (PolR.set_nth pr (Pol.size pi) 0%R).

Lemma size_pad pi pr : eq_size pi (pad pi pr).

Lemma pad_correct pi pr : pi >:: pr pi >:: pad pi pr.

Lemma horner_pad pi pr x : pi >:: pr pr.[x] = (pad pi pr).[x].

Lemma TM_horner_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) Mf f pi pr n :
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) Mf f
  pi >:: pr
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_horner n pi Mf X0 X) (fun x : RXreal pr.[proj_val (f x)]).

Definition TM_type := I.type I.type nat rpa.

Definition TMset0 (Mf : rpa) t :=
  RPA (Pol.set_nth (approx Mf) 0 t) (error Mf).

Definition TM_comp (TMg : TM_type) (Mf : rpa) (X0 X : I.type) n :=
  let Bf := Bnd.ComputeBound prec (approx Mf) (I.sub prec X X0) in
  let A0 := Pol.nth (approx Mf) 0 in
  let a0 := J.midpoint A0 in
  let Mg := TMg a0 (I.add prec Bf (error Mf)) n in
  let M1 := TMset0 Mf (I.sub prec A0 a0) in
  let M0 := TM_horner n (approx Mg) M1 X0 X in
  RPA (approx M0) (I.add prec (error M0) (error Mg)).

Lemma TMset0_correct (x0 : R) (X : I.type) Mf f :
  let: A0 := Pol.nth (approx Mf) 0 in
   a0 alpha0,
  a0 >: alpha0
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) Mf f
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TMset0 Mf (I.sub prec A0 a0)) (fun xf x - Xreal alpha0).

Lemma TM_comp_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) (TMg : TM_type) (Mf : rpa) g f :
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) Mf f
  ( y0 Y0 Y k, subset' (I.convert Y0) (I.convert Y)
    contains (I.convert Y0) (Xreal y0)
    i_validTM y0 (I.convert Y) (TMg Y0 Y k) g)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_comp TMg Mf X0 X n) (fun xrXbind g (f xr)).

Definition TM_inv_comp Mf (X0 X : I.type) (n : nat) := TM_comp TM_inv Mf X0 X n.

Lemma TM_inv_comp_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) (TMf : rpa) f :
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) TMf f
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_inv_comp TMf X0 X n) (fun xrXinv (f xr)).

Definition TM_div Mf Mg (X0 X : I.type) n :=
   TM_mul Mf (TM_inv_comp Mg X0 X n) X0 X n.

Lemma TM_div_correct (x0 : R) (X0 X : I.type) (TMf TMg : rpa) f g n :
  contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) TMf f
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) TMg g
  i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (TM_div TMf TMg X0 X n) (fun xrXdiv (f xr) (g xr)).

Lemma size_TM_comp (X0 X : I.type) (Tyg : TM_type) (TMf : rpa) (n : nat) :
  ( Y0 Y k, 0 < Pol.size (approx (Tyg Y0 Y k)))
  Pol.size (approx (TM_comp Tyg TMf X0 X n)) = n.+1.

End PrecArgument.

End TaylorModel.