Library Interval.Poly.Taylor_model

This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2013-2016, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
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From Coq Require Import Reals ZArith Psatz.
From mathcomp.ssreflect Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq bigop.

Require Import Interval.
Require Import Xreal.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Interval_compl.
Require Import Datatypes.
Require Import Taylor_model_sharp.
Require Import Bound.
Require Import Bound_quad.
Require Import Univariate_sig.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Auxiliary lemmas on natural numbers

Local Open Scope nat_scope.

Lemma maxnS (m n : nat) : 0 < maxn m n.+1.

Lemma maxSn (m n : nat) : 0 < maxn m.+1 n.

Parameterized Module for Taylor Models

Module TM (I : IntervalOps) <: UnivariateApprox I.

Load the CoqApprox modules

Module Pol := SeqPolyInt I.
Module Bnd := PolyBoundHornerQuad I Pol.
Module Import TMI := TaylorModel I Pol Bnd.

Main type definitions

Inductive t_ := Const of I.type | Var | Tm of rpa.

Definition T := t_.

Definition U := (I.precision × nat)%type.

Definition i1 := I.fromZ_small 1.
Definition i2 := I.fromZ_small 2.
Definition im1 := I.fromZ_small (-1).

Auxiliary material

Definition tmsize (tm : rpa) := Pol.size (approx tm).

Definition tsize (t : T) : nat :=
  match t with
    | Const _ ⇒ 1
    | Var ⇒ 2
    | Tm tmtmsize tm

Definition get_tm (u : U) X (t : T) : rpa :=
  match t with
    | Const cTM_cst X c
    | VarTM_var X (J.midpoint X)
    | Tm tmtm

Lemma size_get_tm u X t :
  tmsize (get_tm u X t) = tsize t.

Define the main validity predicate

Definition approximates (X : I.type) (tf : T) (f : R ExtendedR) : Prop :=
  not_empty (I.convert X)
  match tf with
  | Const cI.convert c = Inan is_const f (I.convert X) (I.convert c)
  | Var
     x : R, contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x) f x = Xreal x
  | Tm tm
    let x0 := proj_val (I.F.convert (I.midpoint X)) in
    i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) tm f

Theorem approximates_ext f g xi t :
  ( x, f x = g x)
  approximates xi t f approximates xi t g.

Lemma contains_midpoint :
   X : I.type,
  not_empty (I.convert X)
  contains (I.convert X) (Xreal (proj_val (I.F.convert (I.midpoint X)))).

Lemma get_tm_correct u Y tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (Tm (get_tm u Y tf)) f.

Main definitions and correctness claims

Definition const : I.type T := Const.

Theorem const_correct (c : I.type) (r : R) :
  contains (I.convert c) (Xreal r)
   (X : I.type),
  approximates X (const c) (fun _Xreal r).

Definition dummy : T := Const I.nai.

Theorem dummy_correct xi f :
  TM.approximates xi dummy f.

Definition var : T := Var.

Theorem var_correct (X : I.type) :
  approximates X var Xreal.

Definition eval (u : U) (t : T) (Y X : I.type) : I.type :=
  if I.subset X Y then
  match t with
  | Const cI.mask c X
  | VarX
  | Tm tm
    let X0 := J.midpoint Y in
    let tm := get_tm u Y t in
    I.add u.1
      (Bnd.ComputeBound u.1 (approx tm) (I.sub u.1 X X0))
      (error tm)
  else I.nai.

Theorem eval_correct u (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f I.extension (Xbind f) (eval u tf Y).

Definition add_slow (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  let M1 := get_tm u X t1 in
  let M2 := get_tm u X t2 in
  Tm (TM_add u.1 M1 M2).

Definition add (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  match t1, t2 with
    | Const c1, Const c2Const (I.add u.1 c1 c2)
    | _, _add_slow u X t1 t2

Lemma add_slow_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (add_slow u Y tf tg) (fun xXadd (f x) (g x)).

Theorem add_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (add u Y tf tg) (fun xXadd (f x) (g x)).

Definition opp_slow (u : U) (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  Tm (TM_opp (get_tm u X t)).

Definition opp (u : U) (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  match t with
    | Const cConst (I.neg c)
    | _opp_slow u X t

Lemma opp_slow_correct u (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (opp_slow u Y tf) (fun xXneg (f x)).

Theorem opp_correct u (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (opp u Y tf) (fun xXneg (f x)).

Definition sub_slow (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  let M1 := get_tm u X t1 in
  let M2 := get_tm u X t2 in
  Tm (TM_sub u.1 M1 M2).

Definition sub (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  match t1, t2 with
    | Const c1, Const c2Const (I.sub u.1 c1 c2)
    | _, _sub_slow u X t1 t2

Lemma sub_slow_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (sub_slow u Y tf tg) (fun xXsub (f x) (g x)).

Theorem sub_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (sub u Y tf tg) (fun xXsub (f x) (g x)).

Definition mul_slow (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  let M1 := get_tm u X t1 in
  let M2 := get_tm u X t2 in
  let X0 := J.midpoint X in
  Tm (TM_mul u.1 M1 M2 X0 X u.2).

Definition mul (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  match t1, t2 with
    | Const c1, Const c2Const (I.mul u.1 c1 c2)
    | Const c1, _Tm (TM_mul_mixed u.1 c1 (get_tm u X t2) )
    | _, Const c2Tm (TM_mul_mixed u.1 c2 (get_tm u X t1) )
    | _, _mul_slow u X t1 t2

Lemma mul_slow_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (mul_slow u Y tf tg) (fun xXmul (f x) (g x)).

Theorem mul_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (mul u Y tf tg) (fun xXmul (f x) (g x)).

Definition div_slow (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  let M1 := get_tm u X t1 in
  let M2 := get_tm u X t2 in
  let X0 := J.midpoint X in
  Tm (TM_div u.1 M1 M2 X0 X u.2).

Definition div (u : U) (X : I.type) (t1 : T) (t2 : T) : T :=
  match t1, t2 with
    | Const c1, Const c2Const (I.div u.1 c1 c2)
    | _, Const c2Tm (TM_div_mixed_r u.1 (get_tm u X t1) c2)
    | _, _div_slow u X t1 t2

Lemma div_slow_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (div_slow u Y tf tg) (fun xXdiv (f x) (g x)).

Theorem div_correct u (Y : I.type) tf tg f g :
  approximates Y tf f approximates Y tg g
  approximates Y (div u Y tf tg) (fun xXdiv (f x) (g x)).

Definition abs (u : U) (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  let e := eval u t X X in
  match I.sign_large e with
  | Xeq | Xgtt
  | Xltopp u X t
  | XundTm (TM_any u.1 (I.abs e) X u.2)

Lemma Isign_large_Xabs (u : U) (tf : T) (Y X : I.type) f :
  approximates Y tf f
  match I.sign_large (eval u tf Y X) with
    | Xeq
       x, contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x)
      f x = Xabs (f x)
    | Xgt
       x, contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x)
      f x = Xabs (f x)
    | Xlt
       x, contains (I.convert X) (Xreal x)
      Xneg (f x) = Xabs (f x)
    | XundTrue

Local Ltac byp a b :=
  movex Hx; rewrite -a //; exact: b.
Local Ltac byp' a b := let Hne := fresh in
  moveHne x Hx; rewrite -a //; exact: (b Hne).
Local Ltac foo :=
  by moveHne; apply: TM_any_correct;
  [ exact: contains_midpoint
  | intros x Hx; apply: I.abs_correct; exact: eval_correct Hx].

Theorem abs_correct u (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (abs u Y tf) (fun xXabs (f x)).

Definition Iconst (i : I.type) :=
  I.bounded i && I.subset i (I.bnd (I.lower i) (I.lower i)).

Lemma Iconst_true_correct i x :
  Iconst i = true contains (I.convert i) x x = Xlower (I.convert i).

Definition nearbyint (m : rounding_mode)
     (u : U) (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  let e := eval u t X X in
  let e1 := I.nearbyint m e in
  if Iconst e1 then Const (I.bnd (I.lower e1) (I.lower e1))
  let (p, i) :=
     match m with
     | rnd_UP
         let vm1 := I.lower im1 in
         let v1 := I.upper i1 in
         let i := I.bnd vm1 v1 in
         (I.div u.1 i1 i2, I.div u.1 i i2)
     | rnd_DN
         let vm1 := I.lower im1 in
         let v1 := I.upper i1 in
         let i := I.bnd vm1 v1 in
         (I.div u.1 im1 i2, I.div u.1 i i2)
     | rnd_ZR
          match I.sign_large e with
         | Xlt
             let vm1 := I.lower im1 in
             let v1 := I.upper i1 in
             let i := I.bnd vm1 v1 in
             (I.div u.1 i1 i2, I.div u.1 i i2)
         | Xund
            let vm1 := I.lower im1 in
            let v1 := I.upper i1 in
            (, I.bnd vm1 v1)
         | _
             let vm1 := I.lower im1 in
             let v1 := I.upper i1 in
             let i := I.bnd vm1 v1 in
             (I.div u.1 im1 i2, I.div u.1 i i2)
     | rnd_NE
         let vm1 := I.lower im1 in
         let v1 := I.upper i1 in
         let i := I.bnd vm1 v1 in
         (, I.div u.1 i i2)
     end in
  add u X t (Tm {|approx := Pol.polyC p;
                  error := I.mask i e1 |}).

Lemma contains_fromZ_lower_upper z1 z2 i :
  (-256 z1 0)%Z (0 z2 256)%Z
     (I.mask (I.bnd (I.lower (I.fromZ_small z1)) (I.upper (I.fromZ_small z2))) i))
  (Xreal 0).

Lemma contains_fromZ_lower_upper_div prec z1 z2 z3 i :
  (-256 z1 0)%Z (0 z2 256)%Z (0 < z3 256)%Z
       (I.div prec
          (I.bnd (I.lower (I.fromZ_small z1)) (I.upper (I.fromZ_small z2)))
           (I.fromZ_small z3)) i))
    (Xreal 0).

Theorem nearbyint_correct m u (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (nearbyint m u Y tf) (fun xXnearbyint m (f x)).

Definition error_flt (u : U) (m : rounding_mode) (emin : Z) (prec : positive)
     (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  let e := eval u t X X in
  let err := I.error_flt u.1 m emin prec e in
  Tm (TM_any u.1 err X 0).

Theorem error_flt_correct u m e p (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (error_flt u m e p Y tf) (fun xXerror_flt m e p (f x)).

Definition round_flt (u : U) (m : rounding_mode) (emin : Z) (prec : positive)
     (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  add u X t (error_flt u m emin prec X t).

Theorem round_flt_correct u m e p (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (round_flt u m e p Y tf) (fun xXround_flt m e p (f x)).

Definition error_fix (u : U) (m : rounding_mode) (emin : Z) (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  let e := eval u t X X in
  let err := I.error_fix u.1 m emin e in
  Tm (TM_any u.1 err X 0).

Theorem error_fix_correct u m e (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (error_fix u m e Y tf) (fun xXerror_fix m e (f x)).

Definition round_fix (u : U) (m : rounding_mode) (emin : Z) (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  add u X t (error_fix u m emin X t).

Theorem round_fix_correct u m e (Y : I.type) tf f :
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (round_fix u m e Y tf) (fun xXround_fix m e (f x)).

Generic implementation of basic functions

Definition fun_gen
  (fi : I.precision I.type I.type)
  (ftm : I.precision TM_type)
  (u : U) (X : I.type) (t : T) : T :=
  match t with
    | Const cConst (fi u.1 c)
    | Varlet X0 := J.midpoint X in Tm (ftm u.1 X0 X u.2)
    | Tm tmlet X0 := J.midpoint X in
      Tm (TM_comp u.1 (ftm u.1) tm X0 X u.2)

Lemma fun_gen_correct
  (fi : I.precision I.type I.type)
  (ftm : I.precision TM_type)
  (fx : R ExtendedR)
  (ft := fun_gen fi ftm) :
  ( prec : I.precision, I.extension (Xbind fx) (fi prec))
  ( prec X0 X n, tmsize (ftm prec X0 X n) = n.+1)
  ( prec x0 X0 X n,
    subset' (I.convert X0) (I.convert X)
    contains (I.convert X0) (Xreal x0)
    i_validTM x0 (I.convert X) (ftm prec X0 X n) fx)
   (u : U) (X : I.type) (tf : T) (f : R ExtendedR),
  approximates X tf f
  approximates X (ft u X tf) (fun xXbind fx (f x)).

Definition inv := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.inv TM_inv.

Theorem inv_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (inv u Y tf) (fun xXinv (f x)).

Definition sqrt := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.sqrt TM_sqrt.

Theorem sqrt_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (sqrt u Y tf) (fun xXsqrt (f x)).

Definition exp := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.exp TM_exp.

Theorem exp_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (exp u Y tf) (fun xXexp (f x)).

Definition ln := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.ln TM_ln.

Theorem ln_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (ln u Y tf) (fun xXln (f x)).

Definition cos := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.cos TM_cos.

Theorem cos_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (cos u Y tf) (fun xXcos (f x)).

Definition sin := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.sin TM_sin.

Theorem sin_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (sin u Y tf) (fun xXsin (f x)).

Definition tan := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.tan TM_tan.

Theorem tan_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (tan u Y tf) (fun xXtan (f x)).

Definition atan := Eval hnf in fun_gen I.atan TM_atan.

Theorem atan_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (atan u Y tf) (fun xXatan (f x)).

Definition power_int p := Eval cbv delta[fun_gen] beta in
  match p with

  | 1%Zfun u xi tt
  | _fun_gen
           (fun prec xI.power_int prec x p)
           (fun precTM_power_int prec p)

Theorem power_int_correct :
   (p : Z) u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (power_int p u Y tf) (fun xXbind (fun yXpower_int (Xreal y) p) (f x)).

Definition sqr := power_int 2.

Theorem sqr_correct :
   u (Y : I.type) tf f,
  approximates Y tf f
  approximates Y (sqr u Y tf) (fun xXsqr (f x)).

End TM.