Library Interval.Missing.MathComp
This file is part of the CoqApprox formalization of rigorous
polynomial approximation in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2010-2012, ENS de Lyon.
Copyright (C) 2010-2016, Inria.
Copyright (C) 2014-2016, IRIT.
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C
license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
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From Coq Require Import Rdefinitions Raxioms RIneq Rbasic_fun.
From mathcomp.ssreflect Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq bigop.
Require Export MathComp1or2.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Missing results about natural numbers
Section NatCompl.
Lemma leq_subnK: ∀ m n : nat, n ≤ (n - m) + m.
Lemma leq_addLR m n p : n ≤ p → (m + n ≤ p) = (m ≤ p - n).
Lemma leq_addLRI m n p : (m + n ≤ p) → (m ≤ p - n).
Lemma ltn_leqN m n : m < n ≤ m = false.
Lemma max1n n : maxn 1 n = n.-1.+1.
Lemma ltn_leq_pred m n : m < n → m ≤ n.-1.
Lemma addn_pred_leqI a b k i :
(a + b).-1 ≤ k → i ≤ k → a ≤ i ∨ b ≤ k - i.
End NatCompl.
Missing result(s) about bigops
Section bigops.
Lemma big_nat_leq_idx :
∀ (R : Type) (idx : R) (op : idx) (m n : nat) (F : nat → R),
n ≤ m → (∀ i : nat, n ≤ i < m → F i = idx) →
\big[op/idx]_(0 ≤ i < n) F i = \big[op/idx]_(0 ≤ i < m) F i.
End bigops.
Missing results about lists (aka sequences)
Section Head_Last.
Variables (T : Type) (d : T).
Definition hb s := head d (behead s).
Lemma nth_behead s n : nth d (behead s) n = nth d s n.+1.
Lemma last_rev : ∀ s, last d (rev s) = head d s.
End Head_Last.
Lemma nth_map_dflt (C : Type) (x0 : C) (f : C → C) (n : nat) (s : seq C) :
nth x0 (map f s) n = if size s ≤ n then x0 else f (nth x0 s n).
Section Map2.
Variable C : Type.
Variable x0 : C.
Variable op : C → C → C.
Variable op' : C → C. Fixpoint map2 (s1 : seq C) (s2 : seq C) : seq C :=
match s1, s2 with
| _, [::] ⇒ s1
| [::], b :: s4 ⇒ op' b :: map2 [::] s4
| a :: s3, b :: s4 ⇒ op a b :: map2 s3 s4
Lemma size_map2 s1 s2 : size (map2 s1 s2) = maxn (size s1) (size s2).
Lemma nth_map2_dflt (n : nat) (s1 s2 : seq C) :
nth x0 (map2 s1 s2) n =
match size s1 ≤ n, size s2 ≤ n with
| true, true ⇒ x0
| true, false ⇒ op' (nth x0 s2 n)
| false, true ⇒ nth x0 s1 n
| false, false ⇒ op (nth x0 s1 n) (nth x0 s2 n)
End Map2.
Lemma nth_mkseq_dflt (C : Type) (x0 : C) (f : nat → C) (n i : nat) :
nth x0 (mkseq f n) i = if n ≤ i then x0 else f i.
Lemma nth_take_dflt (n0 : nat) (T : Type) (x0 : T) (i : nat) (s : seq T) :
nth x0 (take n0 s) i = if n0 ≤ i then x0 else nth x0 s i.
Generic results to be instantiated for polynomials' opp, add, sub, mul...
Section map_proof.
Variables (V T : Type) (Rel : V → T → Prop).
Variables (dv : V) (dt : T).
Local Notation RelP sv st := (∀ k : nat, Rel (nth dv sv k) (nth dt st k)) (only parsing).
Variables (vop : V → V) (top : T → T).
Hypothesis H0 : Rel dv dt.
Hypothesis H0t : ∀ v : V, Rel v dt → Rel (vop v) dt.
Hypothesis H0v : ∀ t : T, Rel dv t → Rel dv (top t).
Hypothesis Hop : ∀ v t, Rel v t → Rel (vop v) (top t).
Lemma map_correct :
∀ sv st, RelP sv st → RelP (map vop sv) (map top st).
End map_proof.
Section map2_proof.
Variables (V T : Type) (Rel : V → T → Prop).
Variables (dv : V) (dt : T).
Local Notation RelP sv st := (∀ k : nat, Rel (nth dv sv k) (nth dt st k)) (only parsing).
Variables (vop : V → V → V) (vop' : V → V).
Variables (top : T → T → T) (top' : T → T).
Hypothesis H0 : Rel dv dt.
Hypothesis H0t : ∀ v : V, Rel v dt → Rel (vop' v) dt.
Hypothesis H0v : ∀ t : T, Rel dv t → Rel dv (top' t).
Hypothesis Hop' : ∀ v t, Rel v t → Rel (vop' v) (top' t).
Hypothesis H0eq : ∀ v, Rel v dt → v = dv.
Hypothesis H0t1 : ∀ (v1 v2 : V) (t1 : T), Rel v1 t1 →
Rel v2 dt →
Rel (vop v1 v2) t1.
Hypothesis H0t2 : ∀ (v1 v2 : V) (t2 : T), Rel v1 dt →
Rel v2 t2 →
Rel (vop v1 v2) (top' t2).
Hypothesis H0v1 : ∀ (v1 : V) (t1 t2 : T), Rel v1 t1 →
Rel dv t2 →
Rel v1 (top t1 t2).
Hypothesis H0v2 : ∀ (v2 : V) (t1 t2 : T), Rel dv t1 →
Rel v2 t2 →
Rel (vop' v2) (top t1 t2).
Hypothesis Hop : ∀ v1 v2 t1 t2, Rel v1 t1 → Rel v2 t2 → Rel (vop v1 v2) (top t1 t2).
Lemma map2_correct :
∀ sv1 sv2 st1 st2,
RelP sv1 st1 →
RelP sv2 st2 →
RelP (map2 vop vop' sv1 sv2) (map2 top top' st1 st2).
End map2_proof.
Section fold_proof.
Variables (V T : Type).
Variable Rel : V → T → Prop.
Variables (dv : V) (dt : T).
Local Notation RelP sv st := (∀ k : nat, Rel (nth dv sv k) (nth dt st k)) (only parsing).
Hypothesis H0 : Rel dv dt.
Lemma foldr_correct fv ft sv st :
RelP sv st →
(∀ xv yv, Rel xv dt → Rel yv dt → Rel (fv xv yv) dt) →
(∀ xt yt, Rel dv xt → Rel dv yt → Rel dv (ft xt yt)) →
(∀ xv xt yv yt, Rel xv xt → Rel yv yt → Rel (fv xv yv) (ft xt yt)) →
Rel (foldr fv dv sv) (foldr ft dt st).
Lemma seq_foldr_correct fv ft sv st (zv := [::]) (zt := [::]) :
RelP sv st →
(∀ xv yv, Rel xv dt → RelP yv zt → RelP (fv xv yv) zt) →
(∀ xt yt, Rel dv xt → RelP zv yt → RelP zv (ft xt yt)) →
(∀ xv xt yv yt, Rel xv xt → RelP yv yt → RelP (fv xv yv) (ft xt yt)) →
RelP (foldr fv zv sv) (foldr ft zt st).
End fold_proof.
Section Foldri.
Variables (T R : Type) (f : T → nat → R → R) (z0 : R).
Fixpoint foldri (s : seq T) (i : nat) : R :=
match s with
| [::] ⇒ z0
| x :: s' ⇒ f x i (foldri s' i.+1)
End Foldri.
Section foldri_proof.
Variables (V T : Type).
Variable Rel : V → T → Prop.
Variables (dv : V) (dt : T).
Local Notation RelP sv st := (∀ k : nat, Rel (nth dv sv k) (nth dt st k)) (only parsing).
Hypothesis H0 : Rel dv dt.
Lemma seq_foldri_correct fv ft sv st (zv := [::]) (zt := [::]) i :
RelP sv st →
(∀ xv yv i, Rel xv dt → RelP yv zt → RelP (fv xv i yv) zt) →
(∀ xt yt i, Rel dv xt → RelP zv yt → RelP zv (ft xt i yt)) →
(∀ xv xt yv yt i, Rel xv xt → RelP yv yt → RelP (fv xv i yv) (ft xt i yt)) →
RelP (foldri fv zv sv i) (foldri ft zt st i).
End foldri_proof.
Section mkseq_proof.
Variables (V T : Type).
Variable Rel : V → T → Prop.
Variables (dv : V) (dt : T).
Local Notation RelP sv st := (∀ k : nat, Rel (nth dv sv k) (nth dt st k)) (only parsing).
Hypothesis H0 : Rel dv dt.
Lemma mkseq_correct fv ft (mv mt : nat) :
(∀ k : nat, Rel (fv k) (ft k)) →
(∀ k : nat, mv ≤ k < mt → fv k = dv) →
(∀ k : nat, mt ≤ k < mv → fv k = dv) →
RelP (mkseq fv mv) (mkseq ft mt).
End mkseq_proof.
Section misc_proofs.
Variables (V T : Type).
Variable Rel : V → T → Prop.
Variables (dv : V) (dt : T).
Local Notation RelP sv st := (∀ k : nat, Rel (nth dv sv k) (nth dt st k)) (only parsing).
Lemma set_nth_correct sv st bv bt n :
RelP sv st →
Rel bv bt →
RelP (set_nth dv sv n bv) (set_nth dt st n bt).
Lemma drop_correct sv st n :
RelP sv st →
RelP (drop n sv) (drop n st).
Hypothesis H0 : Rel dv dt.
Lemma ncons_correct sv st n :
RelP sv st →
RelP (ncons n dv sv) (ncons n dt st).
End misc_proofs.