Library Interval.Float.Generic_ops

This file is part of the Coq.Interval library for proving bounds of real-valued expressions in Coq:
Copyright (C) 2007-2016, Inria
This library is governed by the CeCILL-C license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/or redistribute the library under the terms of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL:
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From Coq Require Import ZArith Reals Psatz.
From Flocq Require Import Zaux Raux.

Require Import Xreal.
Require Import Basic.
Require Import Generic.
Require Import Generic_proof.
Require Import Sig.

Module Type Radix.
  Parameter val : radix.
End Radix.

Module Radix2 <: Radix.
  Definition val := radix2.
End Radix2.

Module Radix10 <: Radix.
  Definition val := Build_radix 10 (refl_equal _).
End Radix10.

Module GenericFloat (Rad : Radix) <: FloatOps.

  Definition radix := Rad.val.
  Definition sensible_format := match radix_val radix with Zpos (xO _) ⇒ true | _false end.
  Definition type := float radix.
  Definition toF (x : type) := x.
  Definition toX (x : type) := FtoX x.
  Definition toR x := proj_val (toX x).
  Definition convert (x : type) := FtoX x.
  Definition fromF (x : type) := x.
  Definition precision := positive.
  Definition sfactor := Z.
  Definition prec := fun x : positivex.
  Definition ZtoS := fun x : Zx.
  Definition StoZ := fun x : Zx.
  Definition PtoP := fun x : positivex.
  Definition incr_prec := Pplus.
  Definition zero := @Fzero radix.
  Definition nan := @Basic.Fnan radix.
  Definition mag := @Fmag radix.
  Definition cmp := @Fcmp radix.
  Definition min := @Fmin radix.
  Definition max := @Fmax radix.
  Definition neg := @Fneg radix.
  Definition abs := @Fabs radix.
  Definition scale := @Fscale radix.
  Definition div2 := @Fdiv2 radix.
  Definition add_UP := @Fadd radix rnd_UP.
  Definition add_DN := @Fadd radix rnd_DN.
  Definition sub_UP := @Fsub radix rnd_UP.
  Definition sub_DN := @Fsub radix rnd_DN.
  Definition mul_UP := @Fmul radix rnd_UP.
  Definition mul_DN := @Fmul radix rnd_DN.
  Definition div_UP := @Fdiv radix rnd_UP.
  Definition div_DN := @Fdiv radix rnd_DN.
  Definition sqrt_UP := @Fsqrt radix rnd_UP.
  Definition sqrt_DN := @Fsqrt radix rnd_DN.
  Definition nearbyint_UP := @Fnearbyint_exact radix.
  Definition nearbyint_DN := @Fnearbyint_exact radix.
  Definition pow2_UP (_ : positive) := @Fpow2 radix.
  Definition zero_correct := refl_equal (Xreal R0).
  Definition nan_correct := refl_equal Fnan.

  Definition classify (f : float radix) :=
    match f with Basic.FnanFnan | _Freal end.

  Definition real (f : float radix) :=
    match f with Basic.Fnanfalse | _true end.

  Definition is_nan (f : float radix) :=
    match f with Basic.Fnantrue | _false end.

  Lemma ZtoS_correct : prec z,
  (z StoZ (ZtoS z))%Z toX (pow2_UP prec (ZtoS z)) = Xnan.

  Lemma classify_correct :
     f, real f = match classify f with Frealtrue | _false end.

  Lemma real_correct :
     f, real f = match toX f with Xnanfalse | _true end.

  Lemma is_nan_correct :
     f, is_nan f = match classify f with Fnantrue | _false end.

  Definition valid_ub (_ : type) := true.
  Definition valid_lb (_ : type) := true.

  Lemma valid_lb_correct :
     f, valid_lb f = match classify f with Fpinftyfalse | _true end.

  Lemma valid_ub_correct :
     f, valid_ub f = match classify f with Fminftyfalse | _true end.

  Lemma min_correct :
     x y,
    match classify x, classify y with
    | Fnan, _ | _, Fnanclassify (min x y) = Fnan
    | Fminfty, _ | _, Fminftyclassify (min x y) = Fminfty
    | Fpinfty, _min x y = y
    | _, Fpinftymin x y = x
    | Freal, FrealtoX (min x y) = Xmin (toX x) (toX y)

  Lemma max_correct :
     x y,
    match classify x, classify y with
    | Fnan, _ | _, Fnanclassify (max x y) = Fnan
    | Fpinfty, _ | _, Fpinftyclassify (max x y) = Fpinfty
    | Fminfty, _max x y = y
    | _, Fminftymax x y = x
    | Freal, FrealtoX (max x y) = Xmax (toX x) (toX y)

  Lemma neg_correct :
    match classify x with
    | FrealtoX (neg x) = Xneg (toX x)
    | Fnanclassify (neg x) = Fnan
    | Fminftyclassify (neg x) = Fpinfty
    | Fpinftyclassify (neg x) = Fminfty

  Lemma abs_correct :
     x, toX (abs x) = Xabs (toX x) (valid_ub (abs x) = true).

  Lemma rnd_binop_UP_correct op Rop :
    ( mode p x y,
       toX (op mode p x y)
       = Xround radix mode (prec p) (Xlift2 Rop (toX x) (toX y)))
     p x y,
      le_upper (Xlift2 Rop (toX x) (toX y)) (toX (op rnd_UP p x y)).

  Lemma rnd_binop_DN_correct op Rop :
    ( mode p x y,
       toX (op mode p x y)
       = Xround radix mode (prec p) (Xlift2 Rop (toX x) (toX y)))
     p x y,
      le_lower (toX (op rnd_DN p x y)) (Xlift2 Rop (toX x) (toX y)).

  Definition fromZ n : float radix := match n with Zpos pFloat false p Z0 | Zneg pFloat true p Z0 | Z0Fzero end.

  Lemma fromZ_correct' : n, toX (fromZ n) = Xreal (IZR n).

  Lemma fromZ_correct :
    (Z.abs n 256)%Z
    toX (fromZ n) = Xreal (IZR n).

  Definition fromZ_DN (p : precision) := fromZ.

  Lemma fromZ_DN_correct :
     p n,
    valid_lb (fromZ_DN p n) = true le_lower (toX (fromZ_DN p n)) (Xreal (IZR n)).

  Definition fromZ_UP (p : precision) := fromZ.

  Lemma fromZ_UP_correct :
     p n,
    valid_ub (fromZ_UP p n) = true le_upper (Xreal (IZR n)) (toX (fromZ_UP p n)).

  Lemma add_UP_correct :
     p x y, valid_ub x = true valid_ub y = true
     (valid_ub (add_UP p x y) = true
        le_upper (Xadd (toX x) (toX y)) (toX (add_UP p x y))).

  Lemma add_DN_correct :
     p x y, valid_lb x = true valid_lb y = true
     (valid_lb (add_DN p x y) = true
        le_lower (toX (add_DN p x y)) (Xadd (toX x) (toX y))).

  Lemma sub_UP_correct :
     p x y, valid_ub x = true valid_lb y = true
     (valid_ub (sub_UP p x y) = true
         le_upper (Xsub (toX x) (toX y)) (toX (sub_UP p x y))).

  Lemma sub_DN_correct :
     p x y, valid_lb x = true valid_ub y = true
     (valid_lb (sub_DN p x y) = true
        le_lower (toX (sub_DN p x y)) (Xsub (toX x) (toX y))).

  Definition is_non_neg x :=
    valid_ub x = true
     match toX x with XnanTrue | Xreal r ⇒ (0 r)%R end.

  Definition is_non_neg' x :=
    match toX x with Xnanvalid_ub x = true | Xreal r ⇒ (0 r)%R end.

  Definition is_pos x :=
    valid_ub x = true
     match toX x with XnanTrue | Xreal r ⇒ (0 < r)%R end.

  Definition is_non_pos x :=
    valid_lb x = true
     match toX x with XnanTrue | Xreal r ⇒ (r 0)%R end.

  Definition is_non_pos' x :=
    match toX x with Xnanvalid_lb x = true | Xreal r ⇒ (r 0)%R end.

  Definition is_neg x :=
    valid_lb x = true
     match toX x with XnanTrue | Xreal r ⇒ (r < 0)%R end.

  Definition is_non_neg_real x :=
    match toX x with XnanFalse | Xreal r ⇒ (0 r)%R end.

  Definition is_pos_real x :=
    match toX x with XnanFalse | Xreal r ⇒ (0 < r)%R end.

  Definition is_non_pos_real x :=
    match toX x with XnanFalse | Xreal r ⇒ (r 0)%R end.

  Definition is_neg_real x :=
    match toX x with XnanFalse | Xreal r ⇒ (r < 0)%R end.

  Lemma mul_UP_correct :
     p x y,
    ((is_non_neg' x is_non_neg' y)
     (is_non_pos' x is_non_pos' y)
     (is_non_pos_real x is_non_neg_real y)
     (is_non_neg_real x is_non_pos_real y))
    valid_ub (mul_UP p x y) = true
    le_upper (Xmul (toX x) (toX y)) (toX (mul_UP p x y)).

  Lemma mul_DN_correct :
     p x y,
    ((is_non_neg_real x is_non_neg_real y)
     (is_non_pos_real x is_non_pos_real y)
     (is_non_neg' x is_non_pos' y)
     (is_non_pos' x is_non_neg' y))
    (valid_lb (mul_DN p x y) = true
    le_lower (toX (mul_DN p x y)) (Xmul (toX x) (toX y))).

  Lemma pow2_UP_correct :
     p s, (valid_ub (pow2_UP p s) = true
      le_upper (Xscale radix2 (Xreal 1) (StoZ s)) (toX (pow2_UP p s))).

  Definition is_real_ub x :=
    match toX x with Xnanvalid_ub x = true | _True end.

  Definition is_real_lb x :=
    match toX x with Xnanvalid_lb x = true | _True end.

  Lemma div_UP_correct :
     p x y,
    ((is_real_ub x is_pos_real y)
     (is_real_lb x is_neg_real y))
    valid_ub (div_UP p x y) = true
    le_upper (Xdiv (toX x) (toX y)) (toX (div_UP p x y)).

  Lemma div_DN_correct :
     p x y,
    ((is_real_ub x is_neg_real y)
     (is_real_lb x is_pos_real y))
    valid_lb (div_DN p x y) = true
    le_lower (toX (div_DN p x y)) (Xdiv (toX x) (toX y)).

  Lemma sqrt_UP_correct :
     p x,
    valid_ub (sqrt_UP p x) = true
     le_upper (Xsqrt (toX x)) (toX (sqrt_UP p x)).

  Lemma sqrt_DN_correct :
     p x,
    valid_lb x = true
     (valid_lb (sqrt_DN p x) = true
         le_lower (toX (sqrt_DN p x)) (Xsqrt (toX x))).

  Lemma nearbyint_UP_correct :
     mode x,
    valid_ub (nearbyint_UP mode x) = true
     le_upper (Xnearbyint mode (toX x)) (toX (nearbyint_UP mode x)).

  Lemma nearbyint_DN_correct :
     mode x,
    valid_lb (nearbyint_DN mode x) = true
     le_lower (toX (nearbyint_DN mode x)) (Xnearbyint mode (toX x)).

  Lemma cmp_correct :
     x y,
    cmp x y =
    match classify x, classify y with
    | Fnan, _ | _, FnanXund
    | Fminfty, FminftyXeq
    | Fminfty, _Xlt
    | _, FminftyXgt
    | Fpinfty, FpinftyXeq
    | _, FpinftyXlt
    | Fpinfty, _Xgt
    | Freal, FrealXcmp (toX x) (toX y)

  Lemma mag_correct :
     f, (Rabs (toR f) < bpow radix (mag f))%R.

  Lemma div2_correct :
     x, sensible_format = true
    (1 / 256 Rabs (toR x))%R
    toX (div2 x) = Xdiv (toX x) (Xreal 2).

  Definition midpoint (x y : type) := Fscale2 (Fadd_exact x y) (ZtoS (-1)).

  Lemma midpoint_correct :
     x y,
    sensible_format = true
    real x = true real y = true (toR x toR y)%R
     real (midpoint x y) = true (toR x toR (midpoint x y) toR y)%R.

End GenericFloat.